*** UNSC
Allegiance, In Transit to Dragon'taan ***
As the
Allegiance and her fleet followed the Assured Victory to Dragon'taan, the screen spat a line saying Blaine's code had been accepted. "A word of advice when we meet up with General Bellator: Be honest and direct. He respects that," Zuko told Blaine. "And don't try anything with his girlfriend, Kira, for that matter; she's... devoted to him. Only reason she still calls him 'master' is for the nostalgia."
*** Presidential Office, New Romulus ***
"I'll leave it to you, then," D'Tan said as he put something down on a datapad, then slid it to Anna. "Here - contact information. Once it's all done, let me know. I might have other jobs for you after this, so if you can, keep yourselves available."
*** Unspecified Location ***
"Indeed?" responded a female voice. "Oh! Indeed, the attack... that was not done by me. I would have been more... successful. No, that was the work of my, shall I say, lesser clone - Admiral Arai. I was once Admiral Arai, but a... spatial anomaly I encountered in my travels... duplicated me. I was somehow infused with the power of the Force, and I took on the name Torrentus... Darth Torrentus." Torrentus scoffed. "Arai still clings to the old ways - it is why she took command of the Tal Shiar after the death of that madman idiot, Colonel Hakeev. Believe me, I would very much like to end Arai... if only to give the Tal Shiar reason to abandon the old ways and join me. But, regrettably, I know not where she is, and I have other pressing matters in the form of this... Sith Covenant that has surfaced."
*** Sangheilios Orbit ***
"Trade ship Traveling Janus, you are not on our schedule of arriving trade ships," spoke a Sangheili voice. "Transmit your clearance code, or come to a complete stop and prepare to be boarded."
*** Sangheilios Surface, Refugee Camp ***
Not long after the Sangheili Major had left, a group of Sangheili vehicles could be seen approaching the camp, and stopped just shy of it, and the Sangheili themselves began unloading supplies, farm tools, power generators - everything the refugees would need to make a fresh start here. The Major himself even made an appearance, looking for the "leader" he'd spoken to earlier.
*** Armored Cruiser
Ardent, In-Transit to Reach ***
Ado shook his head. "You've been through enough," he told Ray. "Let us get you safely to Reach. In the meantime, feel free to stroll around the ship, but please respect the work my crew is doing."
*** Coruscanti Steakhouse, Coruscant ***
"Indeed," Kyle said as he finished his food, paid for the meals, and got up. He started for the exit, and Hector was close behind.
It would take the lot of them at least half an hour to walk to the Jedi Temple, and once there, Kyle stopped just inside the massive doorway and looked around. "It... it is different. It has been some time," he said solemnly.
*** DMC Military R&D Lab, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
Vokun frowned. "Sith Covenant...?" he repeated. He thought for a moment, then spoke to Shoon: "Get me details on how the Sith Covenant attacked them, and who is leading the Tal Shiar's efforts."
*** Bellator Residence, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
Scourge motioned his head for Ghost to join him. "Come on, then - I could use your skills. We need to get to Lana; can you find her backdoor? Last contact put her on Coruscant, so I'd advise starting there."
*** Earth Orbit ***
In the quiet of Earth Orbit, a fleet of unidentified warships dropped out of Hyperspace:
http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/13/12466/AllianceShot4837.jpg x2
https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/f/f0/ISD.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070925183046 x4
http://orig06.deviantart.net/8d0b/f/2014/336/f/f/union_class_dropship_by_handofmanos-d88d9l5.jpg x2
http://pre06.deviantart.net/5e55/th/pre/f/2016/008/5/1/ardent_class_fast_frigate_ortho__new__by_unusualsuspex-d9n1yqh.jpg x6
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/53/a6/73/53a6738bb4f89c3f3c4d5710932433c0.jpg x6
http://pre01.deviantart.net/9def/th/pre/f/2015/162/b/2/harrower_class_dreadnought_ortho__new__by_unusualsuspex-d8vzzn7.jpg x4
https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/halo/images/e/e2/HaloReach_CCS-class_Battlecruiser-transparent.png/revision/latest?cb=20111108152853 x6
http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/12/11043/ORSFront.jpg x3
http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/12/11043/cas-front.png x1
The warships went shields-up and weapons-hot the second they emerged from FTL Speed. The UNSC Fleet currently in orbit, while large enough to hold out against this fleet, elected to send out a distress call to neighboring territories.
"This is UNSC Leviathan, commanding UNSC Forces currently stationed in Earth Orbit - we are under attack! Repeat, we are under attack! A large unidentified fleet has appeared and is preparing to--"The transmission was cut off by another:
"Pitiful denizens of the UNSC... you have been deemed unworthy of preservation by the highest authority. For the glory of the Dark Side, you shall be purged from this galaxy!"