*** Jedi Temple, Coruscant ***
Kyle stopped before the door of one specific room. He hesitated before opening it. Inside were the standard amenities of a room, but to Kyle, it was as though nothing had changed since he left.
"That room is available if you want it," Luke said from behind the group, standing there with his father behind him. Kyle didn't directly answer, just stepped inside. He wordlessly walked to a wall, slowly gesturing. A slot in the wall opened, and he put his hand on the revealed pad.
"Access Code Black Viking," he spoke. There was a beep, and a section of the wall before him popped open, like a hidden wall safe. He reached inside, and retrieved a single Lightsaber:
http://orig07.deviantart.net/4df9/f/2015/352/f/4/darthmalgus_blade_v236_by_ksn_art-d9kk00r.jpgHe activated it, and a blue blade flared to life. Luke stood with a surprised frown. "I had no idea that was there," he said.
"That's why I kept it hidden here; you'd never know it was here unless you knew to look for it," Kyle responded.
"That weapon has some... sentimental value to you," Vader surmised.
"Not exactly," Kyle answered. "This weapon... was a trophy. It once belonged to a Sith Lord - Darth Malgus. I acquired it after defeating a dark Force-user who'd been possessed by him."
*** Geidi IV ***
Derrik held Angel close. The director motioned his head, and Derrik wordlessly took Angel back inside as the director began addressing the crowd.
*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
"I don't know, Fawn," Kyle responded. "I'm on Shore Leave, and I need you to keep an eye on the little one, at least until we know he's safe from any further infections or such." He looked back at Nari. "But... perhaps Mathayus can represent the DMC. Or General K'torr. They're available."
*** Dragon'taan Orbit ***
Shuttles carrying the representatives from the
Allegiance and the
Assured Victory were launched from their respective ships, granted clearance to land planetside. Both shuttles would land in the spaceport, where Andrew would meet up with Luro, both of whom hoping their companions didn't get lost in this city.
"Where to, master Luro?" Andrew joked.
"We must find General Draco Bellator - and quickly," Luro responded. "Before he leaves."
"Lead the way," Andrew said. Luro complied, and began heading out into the city.
*** Dragon'taan ***
The Restaurant that Fayam was headed for was indeed, open, and the receptionist greeted him with a smile. "Welcome to Grand Dragons! How may I help you?"
*** Bellator Residence ***
Draco came down the stairs with Kira. "Everyone, pack up - we're gonna go meet with our allies out there as soon as we can. Ghost, did you and Scourge get a lock on Lana's location?"
*** Armored Cruiser
Ardent ***
"Don't be - Lasky now serves as the Commander of the finest ship in UNSC hands - the
UNSC Infinity," the Sangheili NCO responded.
*** Refugee Encampment, Sangheilios ***
"That ship just docked with the Orbital Station. And they tried to lie to us," Huki replied. "Any idea what they're here to collect?"
*** Sangheilios Orbital Station ***
"That still doesn't answer why you're here and why you tried to lie to us," the Major responded. "What are you really after,
Captain?" the Major all but hissed the last part.