*** Unburnt plains, Dragon realm, cave ***
Raz started to feel a bit hot, beginning to have a minor relapse into the illness he had a few days ago. Fawn had warned that there was a chance that he would, but it could be treated just like a normal fever. It isn't contagious, and that Raz would be fine with a good rest.
As his body temperature rose, Raz gave winded whines, his actions and movements very light and gentle. As he got more and more uncomfortable, he rubbed his head against Anna while whining softly.
*** Geidi IV, UT Battle Arena ***
Malachai twitched his hand and flung her up, gripping her leg until there was a cracking noise. Malachai used his other hand and grabbed her neck, "You. INSOLENT LITTLE BRAT! I will teach you mahnners!", a wicked smile formed across his torn face as his grip got tighter on her neck.
Rochell heard these noises clearly with her other augment that sat in her ears. She had been crying sorry repeatedly, but in a rush of adrenaline as she neared going into shock, she got up, grabbed her severed mechanical arm, ran over to Malachai as blood dripped behind her, and slapped him across the face with her severed arm. This was enough to make Malachai loosen and let go of Keesha, quickly grabbing her the same way he had to Keesha, "Stupid girl... really? you're near death and you decide to try and save this broken whelp!?", Rochell began to smile as she began to slip, "no... not save... but distract...", Rochell dropped her artificial arm to Keesha, a powerful disruption pistol hidden in the arm, it inscribed with 'I'm sorry brother.'.
The pistol was meant to hold Malachai and lock his joints.