*** Dromund Kaas ***
"No - just strap in. We'll be underway shortly," Wrath told Spade.
*** Mongdrigo ***
"Other Sith... Dromund Kaas... and you think telling me about these Sith will convince me to abandon the Mongdrigans? Look at who you are talking to," Malgus told the entity, "I am Darth Malgus. Warrior of the Sith Empire. I seek to create an Empire, united in passion and loyalty, rather than simplistic dedication to an absent Emperor! Sith on Dromund Kaas like me? They will be offered a place in this new Empire. The Tiberium? Between what I know and what I have learnt, it is clear to me that Tiberium is unique in this part of the galaxy. With knowledge and precautions, we can refine it to things this region has never seen. We will be the Custodians of Tiberium - where fools misuse Tiberium, we will be there to contain and eliminate the threat. The Mongdrigans will have a presence in the galaxy, free from tyrants and monsters alike. So, abandon the Mongdrigans to you? After all I have done for them? After the victories we have achieved? You mistake me for another kind of Sith."
*** Vault 23, Mojave Desert, Terra ***
"So I imagine," Richard said. He kept his AKMS leveled and ready to fire as he moved slowly among the corridor. "You'd think that whoever controls this vault right now would make some kind of indication they know we're here; that vault door wasn't exactly subtle."
*** Aeos ***
"I'm just leery about being among the clans," Malcolm sighed.