*** UNSC Allegiance ***
"For that, Ray, you're gonna need to catch a ride to Earth. This is Reach we've hit," Zuka told Ray. He then addressed Weaver. "Same to you - wherever you're going, either hit up the galactic transports, or hire an independent captain to get you where you need to go. That being said, however... once you get your transport, I would advise you unwind on Dragon'taan. From what I hear, they're soon to be hosting a festival. Cultural celebration kind of thing, that they've done each year on the anniversary of their victory over the Necromyan Collective. High General Indari's a friend of Andrew and mine."
*** Sol's Bar & Grille, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
Falco was shocked to realize this was his son, but he had other questions. "If you're my son, what happened to your mother? And what are you doing here? Hell, how did you even get here?"
"I see," Travis told Kari. "Well, I, myself, am without a mate. Never had one. I don't even remember if I ever did before I lost my memories. You could say I wound up with a blank slate to start my life over, and sure, I've done a lot, but at some point, you realize all the victories in the 'verse don't mean a thing if you don't have someone to celebrate them with." He looked at Kari longingly. "I'm beginning to suspect you and I crossed paths for a reason."
*** Dromund Kaas ***
Malgus sensed a slight ripple in the Force, and while Harkun talked with Magnus, Malgus left to track down the source of this disturbance.
*** Indari Manor, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
"If it's meditation you want," Mathayus said from upstairs, "You know you are welcome to use my meditation chambers."
"Materials? For ship or personal armor? Either way, we can hook you up," Kyle told Zack. "Over the years, the DMC has acquired a vast stockpile of tech - hull armor, ablative armor generators, reverse-engineered Borg shields, cloaking devices, personal energy shields, Mjolnir-style personal armor... you name it, chances are, we have it.
*** Tigress' Armory, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
Blythe came back to Tigress' armory, getting the distinct impression he needed to be there. "Anybody home?" he called out.
*** En Route to Ruusan ***
"I was on that world for a few weeks," Alduah responded. "And I never intended to go there in the first place. The planet's unusual gravity well pulled me out of light speed first, then orbital defenses disabled my ship's engines, and the planet's gravity pulled me in and I crash-landed there. I'd still be there if not for some the UNSC personnel on the UNSC Aleegiance that came investigating."
*** Ruusan ***
"Oh yeah?" Bahkriid said as she walked toward the entrance to the cave. "Who else is coming?"
*** Sangheilios ***
"Good. The initial fleet is nearly assembled," Thel said. "Gods willing, we should have them underway within the hour."