"Do you even know what Alduin, means in the ancient language?" Spyra started. "Alduin is more evil than even Emperor Palpatine or all those Sith combined, He seeks to destroy all and likely, recreate it in his own image.
You are just his tool, to bring him back, you are nothing but a tool to him, Lokahviing. And once you are 'bent' and 'used' he will dispose of you, like common junk. You are a threat to him now, you were close to him, you know him better than anyone else. He will destroy every one starting with you and then the Dovha'kiir, then the rest of the dragons. Is that what you want, meaningless death?" Spyra asked." If it is family you seek this planet and it's moon are full of people that seek family. You are not alone Lokahviing, don't cause everyone else to feel alone as you did, when Alduin destroys their families..." Spyra finished not sure what else to say.