*** Dragon'taan ***
Shortly afterward, a drop ship appeared, landed nearby, and deposited several humans, one of which wore the strangest - though heavily-decorated - armor, colored in Brown and White with a visor over his eyes. Clipped to this man's belt were a pair of lightsabers. It was clear that this was General Draco Bellator as he approached the Steel Leviathan.
*** Transwarp Aperture, destination unknown ***
"Lian to Anna and Remus - once we clear the Aperture, we'll want to engage cloaking devices so as not to be spotted by whoever's on the other side," Lian said to her two other companions in this op, "Intel says it's a combination force of Kazon pirates and the Cardassians working with the True Way, but gods know who else has joined up with them. Copy?"
*** Corneria ***
The Predator went to work immediately, stabilizing the more severe wounds, administering an antibiotic compound, and finishing up by jabbing his sides with an odd device. The injured man awoke immediately with a startled, pained scream, cursing loudly. Upon seeing the Predator, he relaxed fractionally. "Should have known you were lurking in my shadows, old friend," he said.
*** Titania Orbit ***
The Imperial Alliance fleet engaged the Mandalorian fleet immediately when the Coalition and the Sangheili went after the Covenant after learning the Prophets' ship was disabled and under attack. With Drake and the Marauder Corps providing cover fire with Mass Drivers, missiles and torpedoes, Vader and the UIA Fleet advanced on the Mandalorian fleet, while Luke led the Fighter groups against Mandalorian fighters.
*** Outpost Sargasso ***
The Covenant fleet launched fighters after Fayam, a swarm of Seraph Bombers and their fighter variants. However, just seconds after they launched, the Coalition and Sangheili fleets dropped out of light speed - right on top of them. An open line went out, and Markus could be heard in an odd accent saying, "Surprise, mother******!"
The allied fleets dropped out of light speed with shields and weapons already powered, and the second they were secure, laid into the Covenant with Turbolasers, Ion Cannons, Autocannons, Gauss Cannons, and missiles and torpedoes of varying kinds. The Covenant fleet was caught completely off-guard, and nearly land of them went down shredded and scrapped before they could return fire.
One of the Sangheili ships - a CAS-class Assault Carrier called the Retribution's Thunder - sent out a private message to Fayam: "Assailant," said the deep-set voice of Admiral Rtas 'Vadum, "I don't know who you are, but if you are attacking the prophets' ship, I will consider you our ally. I am sending boarding parties to the Prophets' ship; first thing I would request of you is to ensure the Prophets cannot scramble fighter support - disable their hangar. A few torpedoes to the hangar bay should do the trick; the hangar is located toward the aft of the ship, that lump-looking structure with the opening shielded by a magnetic containment field. Next, do anything you can to aid in the capture of the prophets; I don't know what High General Indari or Grand Admiral 'Vadam told you, but know that, while we will have no qualms if the Prophets are killed, we want them alive, if possible. Do you understand?"
*** Thalmor Outpost beneath Kynesgrove, Skyrim ***
"What was that?" one of the Thalmor agents asked, apparently hearing Cecilia gasp.
"What was what?" the first agent asked back.
"I thought I heard something," the one agent responded.
"Rulundil, I think you need to lay off the drinks," the third agent commented. "I didn't hear anything."
Lokahviing looked back at the others, putting his hands over his ears and mouthing "Cover your ears, close your eyes." Looking to Kyra, he grabbed a flashbang, pulled the pin, and nodded to her - "Take cover, but be ready," being the intended message. He waited for the others to be ready before he released the clip and tossed the flashbang into the room.