*** OAS-class Command Carrier, Outpost Sargasso ***
The boarding parties all paused just shy of the bridge, waiting for confirmation from each team at each entrance to the bridge that they were ready. When they were set, they would run bypasses on the doors and swarm the bridge defenders. One of the Sangheili Rangers picked up a fallen Sangheili's Storm Rifle (
https://content.halocdn.com/media/Default/games/halo-5-guardians/tools-of-destruction/weapons/covenant-storm-rifle-a440460289a54237832d39becaaf0046.png) and handed it to Fayam. "Here," The Sangheili told him, "If you're going in there, you're gonna need this. The Jiralhanae Honor Guards don't go down easy."
*** UACS
Thermopylae-A, Outpost Sargasso ***
While the NCC and Sangheili forces boarded the Prophets' ship, Markus went about eliminating the Covenant Fleet. "Lord-Admiral, enemy fleet has taken 86% losses," Tactical proclaimed.
"Comms, any hint at a retreat?" Markus asked.
"Negative, Lord-Admiral - we have them cut off, according to their chatter... and they're more concerned with getting through the Sangheili blockade to rescue their Prophets," Comms reported.
"They certainly are persistent, I'll give 'em that," Saraabi commented.
"Alert!" Tactical exclaimed, "Jiralhanae Commandant's ship has been identified! Salvation-class Assault Carrier, bearing two-two-four-mark-six degrees, port side!"
Markus got a malicious grin. "Right where I want him," he growled. "All port-side batteries, light him up!" The port-side weapons batteries of the
Thermopylae-A lit up and opened fire on the Jiralhanae Commander's ship. The Kapoleron weapons battered through the shields and shredded the hull, taking out most of the Plasma turrets before they could get a single shot off.
*** Thalmor Outpost beneath Kynesgrove, Skyrim ***
The team waited, but nothing happened. Two distant voices warbled in surprise, but were silenced as suddenly as they spoke. It was then that a team of SSF soldiers lined up near the entrance to the meeting room. "They're down here somewhere," said one with a Nordic accent.
"Intruder, identify!" Lokahviing commanded.
"Sergeant Gunjar Stone-Fist, sir," the Nord who'd spoken responded, apparently recognizing Lokahviing's voice. "General Galmar sent us to trail you and assist if you found the Thalmor Outpost."
"We had no idea it was this close to Windhelm," Another Nord commented. Lokahviing rose from cover, and Vokun, Xalek, and Ashara with him.
"You boys must be Stormcloak Special Forces, judging by your uniforms," Vokun surmised.
*** Corneria ***
"Yeah, that's their culture," Thomas sighed. "They hunt people like me for sport. Fortunately, they're a rare sight in this area."
Ki'Dau'Chi shook his head.
"They. Hunt. For. True. Way... You. Their. Target. You. Danger. Them."Thomas frowned. "The True Way wants me dead? Why? It doesn't make any sense."
*** Tramswarp Hub in Unexplored Regions ***
"Great," Lian grumbled. "Looks like we're on our own for now. We'll have to play this carefully if we want to get home in once piece." She paused, studying the Tal Shiar ships, then the Cardassians, then the Kazon, and it was when she was moving to study the Breen ships that she spotted something. "There - a break in their defenses. If we move now, we can get to a spot where we can infiltrate the control station without tipping them off! Come on!" The
Devoras then headed for the aforementioned break, with the
Obisek's Legacy close behind.
*** Dragon'taan ***
Draco and his aides stepped in after Hor'kuu, taking in the sight of the place. Draco even removed his visor, revealing his dark-brown eyes. "Incredible," he commented.