One of the SSF soldiers, apparently just now realizing Kammy was a vampire, raised his rifle to fire. Lokahviing immediately interceded, jerking the weapon out of the soldier's hands. "She knows how to get into the Stargate's resting place, and she has done nothing to harm us," he snapped.
"She's a Vampire, sir!" the soldier protested.
"I am well aware - and if she were as you seem to judge, she would be feasting on us right now! She has no intention, nor has she ever had any, to harm us. Regardless, Vampire or not, we need her!" Lokahviing exclaimed, surprising the soldier. There was an uncomfortable silence between them, before Gunjar spoke up.
"I can understand your grudge against vampires, lad - but there's no reason to take it out on Kammy," he told the soldier. "She's a hero of the people of Skyrim. I've read her file myself."
Lokahviing looked to Kammy. "Will you be able to take point?" he asked her in a much softer tone.
*** Tigress' Armory, Dragon'taan ***
"I wouldn't mind," Anna said with a smile. "But I know better than to impede your progress with new tech. I was merely curious, is all." She paused, then asked, "By the way, you haven't, by chance, seen General K'torr around, have you?"