*** Skyrim ***
"Fair enough," Lokahviing told Kammy. "I try to avoid conflict wherever possible. However, sometimes, to restore peace, one must wage war."
"General Suleyk to the Inquisitor - prep a site-to-site transport, beam us directly to the Palace of the Kings in Windhelm," Vokun commanded.
"Transport ready, General," responded the transporter chief.
"Energize," commanded Vokun. In seconds, he, Xalek, Ashara and Cecilia would be plucked from the area they were in and deposited directly before the Jarl's throne, surprising Ulfric and his Steward, whom he'd been conversing with.
*** OAS Command Carrier, Outpost Sargasso ***
There was a pause before Tokarev's voice responded, "That's some good work, there, sir - outstanding. We're sending transport shuttles to pick them up. Can you 'escort' them to the shuttle bay?"
On the Thermopylae-A, Voro leaned closer to Markus. "Sir, couldn't we re-purpose that Command Carrier? Refit it for service in the Coalition fleet?"
Markus stroked his chin in thought as the transport shuttles headed for the Command Carrier.
*** Transwarp Hub ***
"Got it!" Lian proclaimed. She opened a hailing frequency and spoke, "This is Commander Lian Reznov to Outpost Hood - if you can hear me on this channel, acknowledge this transmission!"
"Commander! We lost contact with you after you sailed into the Transwarp Aperture - have you discovered what the True Way are up to?" responded the Commandant.
"More than that," Lian affirmed. "I have discovered an apparent collusion between the True Way, the Kazon, the Breen, and agents of the Tal Shiar - and I have also discovered that the enemy is basing their operation from a Transwarp Hub. We don't presently know how they managed to wrest one from the clutches of the Borg."
"Understood - we're making calls to our allies. Try and gather as much intel as possible without being discovered," the Commandant requested.
"Understood, Reznov out," Lian responded before cutting the channel. She sat back in her chair. "Gather intel without being discovered... there's very little we can do from our cloaked ships..." She paused, then asked, "Captain Anna - how good are you with Stealth infiltration and intelligence gathering operations?"
*** Dragon'taan ***
"Oh, we can definitely provide those - I'll have--" Draco stopped suddenly, closing his eyes and visibly shuddering as he felt a great tremor in the Force.