far far away the yeda system---
"All hands on deck!" shoon yelled as he was climbing the mech, he was smiling like a madman as he knew this was his day of glory, he will lead the new discovery!
He enterd the mech and started up the systems "lionheart your in and ready?" a somewhat mechanical deep smooth british voice answerd "all systems are combat ready, shall i start the command module HUD and establish the radio channel?" lionheart asked "yes that will be preferd, I will be finishing system check" shoon answerd his voice cracking slightly.
"Come in nova squad come in, this is squad leader midnight oll units operatinal?" shoon said into the radio as he was loading his gun.
"Nova 1 loud and clear" "Nova 2 is ready" "Nova 3 cant stand the wait" "same here Nova 3" shoon made a quick replay as all 12 came in. "Remember, spread and srround the exit point and establish dome, I will be negotiating and eliminating the danger. squad move out!" shoon said in the radio and led the mech down the corridor into the warp room as they stood in a line infront of the gate. "probe going in 3 2 1 now!" said a scientist in both radio and speakers loudly as a small drone quadcopter went through "were getting an image, lots of movment, seems intelegent, nova squad go in! move move move!" shoon quickly answerd "you heard him boys!" as the mech run through the gate.
(i will need a very detailed and clear description of what everyone there looks like, place npc and players)
12 mechs 7 meters high looking
this with armor plating instead of bags on the chest enter the hall and surround the star gate, possibly crashing people during that time, the surround the gate and connect their hands in a circle creating a mostly see through domed shield of energy tinted light gray, after the shield is established a mech painted dark blue walks in, all the mechs have someform of guns of the back, some short and wide like a shotgun, some long like a form of a marksmen rifle. the dark blue mech has a a rifle in his hands that looks like
this stands near the gate in the dommed shield and announces in amps from somehwhere on his mech "we come in peace, we are reaserchers from a unknowen to you part of the galaxy, please stand back so we know you mean no harm" he said. he turned off the amps "lionheart do you have all heat signs?" "yes master" "oh i told you to stop calling me that" answerd shoon "send them to all squad members and begin cordinent transfer" immidetly lionheart answers "yes mast- uhm, i mean Im on it my friend".