*** Tomahawk ***
"Indeed?" Tossan asked. "Hm. I'm surprised the Marauder Corps never stepped in to intercede when the Borg attacked. This is the fourth time we've had to put a stop to a Borg attack when they didn't. Either they don't know about these attacks, or they aren't willing to stop them. Either way, it's a good thing we stepped in when we did - any later, your civilization would be yet another fallen to the assimilating hordes of the Borg.
*** Corneria ***
The tiger rose from his seat and rounded on the hunters, his eyes glowing red with malevolent intent. Two more Hirogen appeared behind the grey armored wolf. "Begone, hunters!" the tiger growled with a voice that seemed not his own.
"We do not run from prey," the Alpha said. "Arm yourself. There is no sport in killing an unarmed prey."
The tiger gestured with his right hand, and a lightsaber appeared in it. "You die, then," he hissed. In a deathly snarl (
https://youtu.be/q0r4jNhG9Z4?t=59s), he leapt into the air, spinning and landing before the hunters. He then began dispatching them one after the other. Barely thirty seconds had gone by when the tiger had killed all of them. He gestured, and the bodies disintegrated. After that, the Tiger put away his lightsaber and glared at the armored wolf briefly before returning to his drink wordlessly.
*** Dragon'taan ***
"Of course," the clerk responded. "Do you have your account information?"
*** Dragon'taan Orbit ***
"I see... it's likely that the Tal Shiar did not expect to be infiltrated, or their security systems would have been much tighter," Markus said. He paused, reading over a recent report. "And recent reports indicate our friends in the UNSC and the USR have taken the Transwarp Hub you discovered. Color me impressed - you beat the Tal Shiar at their own game. Few have ever done so. Regardless, I will leave it to you to alert the galaxy at large to this Romulan deception - just be sure you implicate the Romulan Star Empire and their Tal Shiar agents, not the Romulan Republic. There's a Coalition Subspace communication satellite nearby - as the one who discovered this plot, you have the right to inform the galaxy of this deception. But hurry; we don't want the Tal Shiar catching on that we're on to them."
Mother of Innovation, Nirn Orbit ***
"Now I'm confused," Lokahviing said. "What portal? As far as I know, we were transported up to Commander Shoon's ship, no portal involved."