---Dragon'taan Orbital Tether, in-transit to surface of Dragon'taan---
"Religious eh? I guess this place isn't as advanced as I thought" Shoon gasped lightly as he looked at the city "What a view! I cant wait to have a look around!"
((What kind of architecture is there? I want to understand what Shoon is seeing)).
*** Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
(Think this on a smaller scale in a concentrated area:
http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/0/06/Coruscant_apartment_view.png/revision/latest?cb=20130118200812 )
"Indeed," Draco sighed in agreement. "It's home for many of us, the Dragon-Shifters especially. They all gathered here before the Marauder War. This was the heart of their efforts then. It still is."
(In case you didn't pick it up yet, it's getting into night time on Dragon'taan, hence the image. And before I forget, Shoon, could you please stop shrinking your text size? Makes it difficult to ascertain what you say.)
Raz thought for a moment, but when he was brought upstairs his vision was blurry and his mind was foggy, so he replied to Anna with a shrug, and then soon after he gave a large yawn.
*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
"Let's get you somewhere comfy," Anna chuckled. She gently would pick up Raz, carry him to the couch, and gently set him on a cushion between some pillows next to Kyle. Kyle gently stroked Raz along his spine, his touch having a soothing feeling as he used the Force to try to soothe the little dragling.
"You've had quite the day," Kyle said.
*** Baron Administrator's office, Cloud city, Bespin***
Ketorr finished ordering the freighters, and looked to Lando. "The freighters are en route - I would advise your defenses, if any, not fire on their escorts."
"I'll tell my military allies to stand down, but it would help if I knew which ships they were," Lando answered.
"You'll know them when you see them, but just in case, I have ordered them to transmit IFF tags," Ketorr said. He looked to Kia and motioned his head for her to come with him, his eyes having a grim look to them.
*** New Cerinia Orbit ***
A single ship dropped out of warp speed (
http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/startrek/images/6/6c/Federation_Battleship_F-BB.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20100903174443), raising neither shields nor weapons. Heavily-refitted, refurbished, and re-worked, but still an old 23rd century design. Saraabi didn't fancy the Federation designs, but some - like this one - were handy. The Battleship
Unseen Assailant was Saraabi's latest pet project. Command had tasked her with turning this into a worthy combat starship. It wasn't easy, but Saraabi managed to turn this outdated design into a template for future variations. Command was so impressed, they gave her leave to keep it. The ship was a powerhouse and a tank; with her and her crew's upgrades, the
Unseen Assailant could take absurd punishment and still keep going, and was bristling with prototype weapons. But for now, Saraabi was on leave, and here to attend her little sister's birthday. With that in mind, Saraabi walked into the transporter room, beaming down to her family estate on New Cerinia.
*** Krystal's Mansion, New Cerinia ***
"So, Celina, was there anyone else you wanted to invite along?" Markus asked. "Or did you just want Gideon along?"