*** Sedra Orbit, approaching UNSC Allegiance ***
The UNSC Allegiance de-cloaked to take in the drop ship as Frosty looked at the NI. "Is that what I think it is?" he asked.
"I'm seeing it, too," Zuko added. "A Neural Interface. What would an Innie be doing with one of those? Those are UNSC Issue." He eyed Blaine, a hint of suspicion in his eyes. "Something you didn't mention?"
"Probably," Frosty said, "But we still have a common enemy - now three. We do not need a feud with ONI on top of them."
*** Draco City Government Enclave, Dragon'taan ***
"Well, the Medical Corps was looking into the possibility of neurotransmissions for non-dragon-shifters, similar to the method a dragon-shifter can copy his knowledge into a willing mind. The results were very promising," Ambassador Makkar explained, sliding a portable computer terminal toward Shoon with obvious fields to fill out regarding his species. "Just fill that out, and we can get started with your faction's registration. Anyway, General Suleyk - the man in charge of developing the neurotransmission technology - decided to suspend release of the tech in the wake of the eradication of the Borg Collective and the Borg technology Marauder Corps and New Cerinia Command forces recovered from the Covenant Remnant, among other sources."
*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
Without putting his hand on Raz, Kyle used the Force to try and ascertain what exactly was happening. "He's burning up badly, but I can't tell what's causing it. Where's Maria?" he asked.
"She went to New Cerinia, said something about a rumor about a doctor who knew Draglings better than she. Mathayus went with her," Anna responded.
"Alright... put out an open-comm transmission for help in this matter - here and New Cerinia, see if we can get professional help - with luck, it may draw out the doc Maria went looking for," Kyle requested. Anna nodded and hurried off. Kyle put a hand on Raz's head, seemingly not affected by Raz's extreme tempurature. "Hang in there, son - we're getting help."
*** Near Battered Barn, New Cerinia ***
Maria - the female white tiger with black stripes - and Mathayus - the blue Cerinian Fox with Amber-yellow dragon eyes - stepped from their landed ship, a Pelican-class Drop Ship that had flown from the hangar of Mathayus' flagship, the refitted Infinity-class Star Dreadnought Indomitable Crusader.
"Honey, you sure it's alright to land the Pelican here?" Maria asked.
"It's an abandoned farmstead," Mathayus responded, making sure one of his several lightsabers clipped to his belt stayed there on a fastening that really needed a good welding. "Damn thing... need to get little brother to fix this..." he muttered. He stopped fiddling with the weapon and continued, "The original family won a galactic lottery and moved to Coruscant, and no one has bought up the land."
*** New Berlin ***
"Oh, I see. The prisons are bad enough - the economic restrictions and sanctions they put on you when you get out, regardless of your behavior in their 'correctional system'... those are even worse," Benny said, boarding the waiting drop ship. "I understand where you're coming from, there - spent ten years in a UNSC Penal Colony in the Brental Aseroid Facility, near the UAC Outpost Hood, before I was recruited by our recruiter inside the UNSC there - the warden, William Smithers. Good man." He motioned for "Tron" to follow him. "Don't be shy, pal - we're just heading to our base in this region. Don't worry about being spotted - this thing is outfitted with a cloaking cloaking device; a gift from our Tal Shiar friends."
*** Qo'nos ***
"If we can get a lead on her, we can send her an escort to get her home," Korath suggested, "Though, to be honest, you'd have a better time getting our allies in the Romulan Republic on that; a Klingon lives for combat, but our Romulan allies seek to safeguard everyone they consider allies; they might be able to get to her faster than we. Regardless, did she say anything about where she was going specifically?"
*** Coruscant ***
"Copy that, Faith, stand by for approach vector - be advised, we are experiencing higher than average traffic today, so you may have to wait approximately five to ten minutes for a docking space; would you prefer orbital docking, or a planetside landing?" explained a young canine with an Imperial accent (imperial accents among the Star Wars universe sound somewhat British).
Seemingly unbeknownst to Anna, an odd anomaly, originally stationary, would begin approaching Faith from behind; it had an odd anti-proton signature accompanied by intermittent tachyon emissions.
*** Unspecified Location ***
The fleet grew more restless, diversified, and larger, as time passed. If left unreported, this fleet could potentially flood into the Galactic Society with devastating results. It recently added a fleet of vessels originally belonging to the Interstellar Concordium, alongside a number of Mandalorian vessels, aged Imperial vessels, and had added the might of a few smaller factions with stakes in the galaxy; elements of the Cardassian True Way Rebels, a fleet of vessels broken off from the Breen Confederacy, and multiple droid-controlled vessels from something the droids labeled as the "Eternal Fleet." And as time passed, more vessels joined this fleet. Several construction tugs arrived, along with a swarm of unidentified tugs hauling a massive starbase.