Zuko frowned in concern. "That... doesn't sound like him. Cousin was always proud, even to a fault. He was always ready to be directly involved. And what you speak... sounds highly unusual. Cousin was never so... ardent. Either cousin has suffered some form of mental trauma, or..."
"... Or someone is posing as him, trying to drive a wedge between the Sangheili and their allies," Frosty said. "Which raises two questions... first, do you have a copy of one of these rants, or know where we can locate one; and second, this Sangheili in extravagant armor... he or she got a name?"
*** Dragon'taan ***
Mathayus hesitated, then put the drop ship in hover mode, then spoke: "Maria, take the controls... Doctor, I know you have no cause to trust me... but while we have no such rope on board, I can still use the Force to float you down and get you back up. I only ask you trust me this once, Private Fawn. We will work as one."
*** Katrina City, Tau Dewa ***
The tiger was close to crying, but pulled away just enough to look Gypsie in her eyes, and for a brief moment, his eyes shifted to a beautiful shade of sapphire-blue, during which he reached up to touch her face with his mechanical hand, but hesitated just shy, instead using his natural hand to touch her, slowly heaving a trembling sigh. But such a sentimental moment, before he could allow her in, take her shoulder to cry on, was short-lived, it seemed. He visibly shuddered, his eyes slamming shut, inhaling through clenched teeth, and when his eyes opened again, they flushed red again. But when he looked again in Gypsie's eyes, they flushed purple, with brief glints of blue. He looked behind her, then back at her. Determined, he picked up his rifle, pulled out the magazine, and hit the green button on the side of the base. "Come on, come on..." he muttered. The magazine chirped, and he loaded it into the weapon and cocked it, starting to shakily get to his feet. "You have to go. They come for me, and if they see you, they'll kill you. Run. I'll delay them as long as I--" Pain interrupted him, and his left leg gave out under him, causing him to nearly fall completely to the floor. "I... will de... delay them... as long as I can... don't risk yourself for me... run... Run!"
In this moment, time seemed to slow to a stop, even the tiger seemed frozen, and a disembodied voice would speak to Gypsie: "He refuses to listen. He refuses to acknowledge the destiny that lie before him. He seeks to sacrifice himself... for you. A noble choice, but one you brought him to make. You stand poised to do what no one ever has in so many years. Will you let him sacrifice himself for you, a woman he has never met? Or will you risk yourself to save him, a choice no one has ever made for him? Choose, but quickly - the enemy approaches." The voice fell silent, and time resumed, the tiger again getting to his feet and shouldering his weapon. "Don't be a fool... run!" he whispered.