*** Dragon'taan ***
Neither Kyle nor Anna questioned Fawn, moving with speed and purpose getting everything requested. They were ready and waiting by the time Mathayus and Maria landed before them. "Work quickly, doc," Maria said, holding her stomach and wiping off her forehead. "That little dragling has been through enough as it is." She then muttered about being starving for peanut butter.
*** Katrina City, Tau Dewa ***
The tiger let Gypsie guide him, unslinging his rifle. "I can't stand... but I can still shoot," he said, feeling much less pained, but still very tired. "I'll keep you covered." the rifle made a soft click as he flicked off the safety and used his legs to keep Gypsie's bow stable as best he could. "Keep your ears as covered as best you can if I have to use this. And..." he whispered softly in Gypsie's ear, "... if I don't make it, go to the easternmost landing bay, find the Marauder... get inside, tell it... dispatch code zero. Tell who answers... I'm sorry. Tell him Kyle sends his deepest apologies... both for how I treated him, and for leaving him when he needs me the most."
*** Dragon'taan ***
Fawn quickly hopped off the ship's roof, running to Raz's side, holding the glowing bulb in his hand. Fawn took the juicer and slammed the pod into the juicer, grinding it to a pulp and into a cup of glowing liquid, he then took the super helium and pried open Raz's maw, to which Raz weakly fought back, "Calm down, little one, this will help you...", Raz wanted help; he wanted the pain to stop, so he opened his maw for easy access, and Fawn spilt the droplet down his throat, freezing Raz's throat and reducing the inflammation greatly to as near possible to normal, he then grabbed the cup of water and pints.
Fawn brought the pint forward, looking to Maria, "Miss, grab the large dropper from my roll-out equipment mat and I will use my smaller droplet on the quarter cup of pod essence, and after each drop of essence, chase it quickly with a spurt of water. The water helps the essence act quicker.", he then looked back at Mathayus, "And you, use your powers to keep the dragling calm, and also keep his maw open."
Fawn looked around at the others, "The child will make it, but I need complete cooperation, so when I say so, hold him down because after droplet 10, the dragling will start to have violent convulsions, however the water will greatly reduce that, and at that point, his scales will be touchable and normal, but still hot, I recommend some form of heat protection.", there was a smile, but stern determination on Fawn's face, like he missed this thrill of having somebody's life in his hands.
*** Katrina City, Tau Dewa ***
Gypsie shook her head, lightly slapping Kyle, "No! We go now! Turn gun off! We silent. Me quick.", she returned him to in her arms, and she walked back, getting a running start before leaping off the balcony and roof jumping abnormal and impossible gaps, seemingly pulsing patterns on her fur each time she did this, but only on each step, and even then, her steps were quiet, and it appeared that she was flying from how fast and quiet she was going.
As they ran, Gypsie smiled as an explosion went off in a very far off area, "Car noisy... rod explosive... they think you for gun... decoy good?", it seemed so as the helicopters and armored vehicles descended on the now far away explosion.