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Author Topic: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)  (Read 379978 times)

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2670 on: March 26, 2017, 02:01:11 AM »
Blaine nodded as he grabbed a silenced MA5 submachine gun and a silenced version of his magnum. He filled his pouches with clips, grenades and grabbed a few flares for emergency. "Let's go," He whispered before going to the hall and waiting for Zuko's lead. As he waited, he put his helmet on and activated the visor.
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2671 on: March 26, 2017, 02:16:49 AM »
*** Katrina City, Tau Dewa ***

The tiger chuckled, but still crying so subtly, tears falling. She was a kind woman... but she didn't understand the gravity of the danger she was in. And he wished he could make her understand they had to leave, get clear of the city. Still, for the moment, they were safe... the mercs weren't pursuing, it seemed. But it wouldn't last. More mercs would be all over this area, and with air support. He sank lower, gently pulling her down with him. "Stay low... if they can't see us..." he murmured. When she offered the seed, he gently refused, shaking his head. "The pain... isn't..." he winced, his shoulder again bothering him. "Let... let me... show you. Look on... my wound... with your own eyes." He undid his cloak with his natural hand shaking, then removed one of the plates of his mechanical arm, and finally moved his tunic shoulder aside, revealing an acid burn that looked quite old. The fur had been seemingly scorched off permanently, and the skin looked withered, as though the burn healed slowly, but never finished. He winced and hissed in pain, letting Gypsie look on what pained him. More importantly, it seemed to glow softly.

*** Dragon'taan ***

Mathayus took control of the drop ship again, and steered it toward Indari Manor, sending an emergency hail. It was almost immediately answered, and Raz could be heard crying in the background. "Indari here," came Kyle's voice. Anna stood, not touching the child, but crying as she tried to shush him.

"Doctor, explain to Kyle what you explained to me," Mathayus requested.

*** UNSC Allegiance ***

Zuko led Blaine to his quarters, keeping him close to whisper to him, "For now, we cannot tell any of what I am about to show you to Andrew. He does not easily understand such things. Clear?"
  • Avatar by: Guy named KazeKat
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

Offline Blaiiine

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2672 on: March 26, 2017, 02:22:23 AM »
"Like ocean water," Blaine replied, he knew it was a big deal if he couldn't tell Frosty. Blaine stretched his arms, his back was still sore from Sedra. Soldiers filed past him, officers occasionally turning their heads. Blaine had to get used to soldiers who used to respect him as a Marine, disliked him as a spook.
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2673 on: March 26, 2017, 02:57:19 AM »
Zuko took a careful look around, and led Blaine into his quarters. "Ever since the argument in the interrogation room," he began, "I've been going over everything that's happened so far because something isn't adding up. I'm with you on one thing: The Rebels are a serious threat and need to be stopped. But after hearing what the prisoner said about Luro? A traitor who acts through intermediaries? I just can't get there." He accessed his computer and went into his personal files, linking up the holographic projector in his room. "When you asked me when the last time I spoke to Luro, it got me thinking of Nazar - a Sith Lord like him? Getting involved with Rebels? It doesn't make any sense. If he was building an army, The Covenant would make more sense as an ally. But then, why would he try and sabotage a meeting with the Covenant and the Rebels? What could he possibly gain from that?" The projectors glowed as he kept speaking, "I think Nazar is building an army, and throwing us for a loop, trying to get our attention off him. The Yaut'ja were just a convenient sudden attack to further cover his purpose." The holographic unit in the ceiling deployed, and the room suddenly became a star map with a thin red line moving erratically through it. "When Luro left, he promised he'd come back, help rebuild our people." He indicated the line. "After he left, Father kept track of his ship via a slipspace beacon on board." he followed the line to it's end. "This is where we lost track of him - he went well beyond Sangheili space. First off, this is Imperial Alliance territory, the prison planet of Belsavis. It was here that he just disappeared, dropped off the grid. Second, the line he said before he left - 'I can feel the disturbance'. Father couldn't discern any meaning, but I mentioned it in passing during a visit to Indari Manor years ago, and High General Indari made an interesting speculation..." He sighed, then looked to Blaine. "... He speculated that Luro somehow developed some form of Force awareness or sensitivity. I didn't consider it before because it seemed impossible, but with Nazar's involvement... it makes such a speculation seem plausible. Now, this..." He highlighted an area in UNSC space. "... is where we are. We're nowhere near Belsavis for the Sangheili we believe to be Luro to come here - for one, after we lost track of his ship, we had rumored sightings of his ship in places that went the other direction; two, the prisoner said Luro commanded an Assault Carrier... and I know that's not right - Luro never fancied those vessels. He felt they presented too big a target. The only ship he ever did use was a modified RCS-class Armored Cruiser, the Assured Victory. He named and modded it himself. He'd sooner see that ship destroyed than use another ship." He sighed, gathering his breath. "Finally, Luro spoke of an ancient evil, older than the Forerunners. Something that he'd never seen before. Now when you compare his movement..." He indicated each planet with a rumored sighting of his cousin's ship. "Belsavis? Nar Shaddaa? Dromund Kaas? These aren't random spots - and we know he was tracking something. Looking for it. He wasn't obsessed, but from his tone, it sounded like a potential threat. In IA Space, there is only one enigmatic species that could possibly fit the bill of what Luro referenced - Rakatan. Now, back here, Nazar is clearly involved in this - whatever he is after here, he's either found it, or damn close to it. And he wants to throw us off the trail." He shook his head with a worried sigh. "Is it a slam dunk? No, but... what if whoever is leading the Covenant with Nazar is trying to cover their tracks by posing as or blaming Luro? He may be involved in this, but not as our enemy - the data doesn't match." Zuko waited for what he explained to sink in.

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"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2674 on: March 26, 2017, 03:17:49 AM »
*** Katrina City, Tau Dewa ***

The tiger chuckled, but still crying so subtly, tears falling. She was a kind woman... but she didn't understand the gravity of the danger she was in. And he wished he could make her understand they had to leave, get clear of the city. Still, for the moment, they were safe... the mercs weren't pursuing, it seemed. But it wouldn't last. More mercs would be all over this area, and with air support. He sank lower, gently pulling her down with him. "Stay low... if they can't see us..." he murmured. When she offered the seed, he gently refused, shaking his head. "The pain... isn't..." he winced, his shoulder again bothering him. "Let... let me... show you. Look on... my wound... with your own eyes." He undid his cloak with his natural hand shaking, then removed one of the plates of his mechanical arm, and finally moved his tunic shoulder aside, revealing an acid burn that looked quite old. The fur had been seemingly scorched off permanently, and the skin looked withered, as though the burn healed slowly, but never finished. He winced and hissed in pain, letting Gypsie look on what pained him. More importantly, it seemed to glow softly.

*** Dragon'taan ***

Mathayus took control of the drop ship again, and steered it toward Indari Manor, sending an emergency hail. It was almost immediately answered, and Raz could be heard crying in the background. "Indari here," came Kyle's voice. Anna stood, not touching the child, but crying as she tried to shush him.

"Doctor, explain to Kyle what you explained to me," Mathayus requested.

*** UNSC Allegiance ***

Zuko led Blaine to his quarters, keeping him close to whisper to him, "For now, we cannot tell any of what I am about to show you to Andrew. He does not easily understand such things. Clear?"

*** Katrina City, Tau Dewa ***

Gypsie looked at the wound, her eyes falling with a wince of pain, as if she could feel the pain he did, she then took out another foul smelling item, and applied it to the wound, and at that it would soothe it as she worked it in, "When young, I got trouble in green water... mother fear of death before no-mad came... gave mix of sacred brown, and miracle seed... it help... fur growed.... mother happy...", she kept rubbing it on more and looked worry as she ran out, "SAcred mud gone... no... will soothe until get home...", she then perked up as a nearby door creaked open, but it was too far away and behind toomany walls for Kyle to hear, "We go now...", she then put her arms under him, trying to guide the tiger onto her back as she shifted her bow to dangle around her hips.

*** Dragon'taan ***

Fawn spoke into the mic through his helmet's radio, explaining what he needed to happen, "Along with those, I need a disposable juicer, 2 pints of water, and something to drop the dragling's body temperature drastically, almost to hypothermia... super helium may work, but I need a liquid condensed form... a single droplet's worth should be enough.", sure, Fawn sounded crazy, but he had done this before, and these methods of reducing heavy burns and such of that was in an old book written by him under an alias known as Nwaf, which is why he could get food for himself when he went AWOL.
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Offline Blaiiine

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2675 on: March 26, 2017, 03:25:49 AM »
Blaine stepped back and took his helmet off. He looked at the map around him, silently mulling over what Zuko told him. It seemed obvious at the surface, but Zuko would know more about his cousin than he would. "So someone started a group of remnants posing as an ex-Supreme commander. Seems plausible, as for Nazar. It feels like he's using the rebels and the remnants at least as distractions. Keep us busy with another civil war and just swoop in, taking over everything in sight." Blaine stated, setting his SMG down. He used his CNI to take over the projectors, pulling up Victoria. "He's been at every meeting and it seems he didn't hide until this time. If Luro's ship was lost in IA territory, Nazar may have captured him to set his plan in motion."
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Offline Romulan_Furry

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2676 on: March 26, 2017, 03:38:23 AM »
*** Dragon'taan ***

Neither Kyle nor Anna questioned Fawn, moving with speed and purpose getting everything requested. They were ready and waiting by the time Mathayus and Maria landed before them. "Work quickly, doc," Maria said, holding her stomach and wiping off her forehead. "That little dragling has been through enough as it is." She then muttered about being starving for peanut butter.

*** Katrina City, Tau Dewa ***

The tiger let Gypsie guide him, unslinging his rifle. "I can't stand... but I can still shoot," he said, feeling much less pained, but still very tired. "I'll keep you covered." the rifle made a soft click as he flicked off the safety and used his legs to keep Gypsie's bow stable as best he could. "Keep your ears as covered as best you can if I have to use this. And..." he whispered softly in Gypsie's ear, "... if I don't make it, go to the easternmost landing bay, find the Marauder... get inside, tell it... dispatch code zero. Tell who answers... I'm sorry. Tell him Kyle sends his deepest apologies... both for how I treated him, and for leaving him when he needs me the most."

*** UNSC Allegiance ***

"Either way, we have to play this carefully. One wrong move, and we lose more than my cousin. But I have an idea... it's a long shot, but I need you to trust me on it, and keep Andrew at bay no matter what. He's a Spartan, but still a brother to me; if he knew, he would try and interfere. But there are things he refuses to understand... the Force being one of them," Zuko said.

"Attention all hands - battle alert. We are entering the Victoria system. All hands to battlestations. Ground teams, prep for combat - contact imminent." Frosty's voice said over the ship's intercom. Zuko looked to Blaine, waiting for his response - either to trust the Sangheili's unspoken plan, or to try and offer an alternative.
  • Avatar by: Guy named KazeKat
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

Offline Blaiiine

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2677 on: March 26, 2017, 03:51:56 AM »
Blaine lit a cigarette and grabbed his SMG off the table, slinging it over his shoulder. He then turned to Zuko, pausing for a moment. "Alright, let's hear it," He said, turning the projectors off. Blaine didn't understand this force but then again, he learned about a lot of new things in the last 48 hours.
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2678 on: March 26, 2017, 05:21:21 AM »
*** Dragon'taan ***

Neither Kyle nor Anna questioned Fawn, moving with speed and purpose getting everything requested. They were ready and waiting by the time Mathayus and Maria landed before them. "Work quickly, doc," Maria said, holding her stomach and wiping off her forehead. "That little dragling has been through enough as it is." She then muttered about being starving for peanut butter.

*** Katrina City, Tau Dewa ***

The tiger let Gypsie guide him, unslinging his rifle. "I can't stand... but I can still shoot," he said, feeling much less pained, but still very tired. "I'll keep you covered." the rifle made a soft click as he flicked off the safety and used his legs to keep Gypsie's bow stable as best he could. "Keep your ears as covered as best you can if I have to use this. And..." he whispered softly in Gypsie's ear, "... if I don't make it, go to the easternmost landing bay, find the Marauder... get inside, tell it... dispatch code zero. Tell who answers... I'm sorry. Tell him Kyle sends his deepest apologies... both for how I treated him, and for leaving him when he needs me the most."

*** Dragon'taan ***

Fawn quickly hopped off the ship's roof, running to Raz's side, holding the glowing bulb in his hand.   Fawn took the juicer and slammed the pod into the juicer, grinding it to a pulp and into a cup of glowing liquid, he then took the super helium and pried open Raz's maw, to which Raz weakly fought back, "Calm down, little one, this will help you...", Raz wanted help; he wanted the pain to stop, so he opened his maw for easy access, and Fawn spilt the droplet down his throat, freezing Raz's throat and reducing the inflammation greatly to as near possible to normal, he then grabbed the cup of water and pints.

Fawn brought the pint forward, looking to Maria, "Miss, grab the large dropper from my roll-out equipment mat and I will use my smaller droplet on the quarter cup of pod essence, and after each drop of essence, chase it quickly with a spurt of water.   The water helps the essence act quicker.", he then looked back at Mathayus, "And you, use your powers to keep the dragling calm, and also keep his maw open."

Fawn looked around at the others, "The child will make it, but I need complete cooperation, so when I say so, hold him down because after  droplet 10, the dragling will start to have violent convulsions, however the water will greatly reduce that, and at that point, his scales will be touchable and normal, but still hot, I recommend some form of heat protection.", there was a smile, but stern determination on Fawn's face, like he missed this thrill of having somebody's life in his hands.

*** Katrina City, Tau Dewa ***

Gypsie shook her head, lightly slapping Kyle, "No! We go now! Turn gun off! We silent. Me quick.", she returned him to in her arms, and she walked back, getting a running start before leaping off the balcony and roof jumping abnormal and impossible gaps, seemingly pulsing patterns on her fur each time she did this, but only on each step, and even then, her steps were quiet, and it appeared that she was flying from how fast and quiet she was going.

As they ran, Gypsie smiled as an explosion went off in a very far off area, "Car noisy... rod explosive... they think you for gun... decoy good?", it seemed so as the helicopters and armored vehicles descended on the now far away explosion.
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2679 on: March 26, 2017, 01:54:47 PM »

*New Berlin*
Fayam laughed along: "I know, right? I mean, pirates seem to think they're quite powerful. They appear too self-confident to even be careful. Plus, they never have any armour on their ships at all! Add a trigger-happy dude behind the helm of a warship... They're dead! But anyway, uh, Benny. Can you tell me something about the Insurrectionists? That's what you call yourself, right?"

Anna was confused. She did not know what to respond and her eyes called out to her copilot: Help me... The copilot cast a reply to Khev: "Wait a second. The ship behind us was also trying to evacuate us. How can we know we can trust you, and how do we know how we can't trust them?" The mechanic stepped up and answered: "Follow Khev. The Romulan are using special Challenge ID's. The ship behind us didn't give one, now did they? And besides, she knows Anna's name..." Anna understood, leaped behind the helm and moved Faith towards the Mogai Warbird. The gunslinger decided it was better to not put Faith out of combat mode, even though it couldn't use Warp Drive in that state. The copilot made up for it: "Sorry commander Khev, but some of your protocols are unknown to me. Fortunately our mechanic knew them. We'll follow you."

The Toma-guards responded: "If you clarify what ions you've found, we could perhaps assist you."

Offline Romulan_Furry

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2680 on: March 26, 2017, 09:40:19 PM »
*** New Berlin ***

"That's right," Benny responded with a nod. "Along with our lesser, sister faction, the United Rebel Front. We hear they're getting backing from the Covenant Remnant, and that'd be a huge asset to us. If we could convince them to throw in with us, we'd have access to some new toys and ships comparable to UNSC designs. Anyway, what did you want to know?"

*** Coruscant Orbit ***

The D'Derridex Warbird seemed to do nothing as Faith positioned herself with the Mogai and her escorts. "Romulan Warbird, you are far out of your league and heavily outnumbered; you have multiple Imperial Alliance vessels bearing down on you, and in five minutes, the Interstellar Concordium will be here, and I don't need to remind you how devastating just one of their ships can be. Leave immediately." The Romulan Warbird didn't respond, but eventually turned and left the system. Commander Khev contacted Anna: "Glad they saw reason. As soon as the ISC escort group gets here, we can get you to New Romulus. Republic Intelligence isn't taking chances with your safety on this one."

*** Tomahawk Orbit ***

"Ion trails are how ships in space are tracked - they are left when a ship goes to warp speed or hyperspace - the only FTL drive that doesn't leave such a trail are the slipspace drives of the UNSC and Covenant," Rear Admiral Scott explained to the Toma-guards.

"He speaks the truth," Captain Dax affirmed. "What we detected was, indeed, an ion trail... but our computers didn't recognize it. All we got was that it was an ion trail. We're transmitting what we have on it... but it's not much. I doubt I need to tell you to keep an eye on sensors directed outward."

*** Dragon'taan ***

Everyone did exactly what Fawn said, when he said, how he said, hoping and praying they would save Razuel's life.

*** Katrina City, Tau Dewa ***

"A decoy..." Kyle murmured. He then chuckled weakly as he clicked the safety back on. "Clever. But keep moving... move while they are--" a low rumble above them interrupted him, and drops of water began sprinkling lightly, very slowly intensifying. "... perfect," Kyle said weakly. "We can move in the rain; it'll mask our scent from their trackers. Where... where do you live?" He sounded increasingly tired, and his speech was starting to slur slightly.

*** UNSC Allegiance ***

"We go in, as planned - smash the rebels. But we need to get the Covenant Remnant's attention - something to get them here. When they arrive, I will sneak aboard their ship, and ride it to where they're operating from. Once there, I'll trigger a slipspace beacon - a special one. One that... cousin would never miss. You'll know it when you see it, and the Remnant will not detect it - they can't. A secret shared between my kin. When you pick up that beacon... come in, and come in hard. If what I... suspect... is true, someone else will make an appearance. You'll know them when you see them."
  • Avatar by: Guy named KazeKat
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

Offline Blaiiine

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2681 on: March 26, 2017, 10:10:40 PM »
"An envoy is supposed to be there. Use him to get aboard and my men will cover you," Blaine quickly replied, they had only a few minutes to get to the drop bay. "Let's get moving," He said, moving to the door. Before he opened the door, he turned to Zuko. "Andrew will find out about this, you know. But he doesn't have to know until you're already on board." Blaine said, then opening the door and jogging down the hall. "Alright my NI is showing all assets in the drop bay, we got 5 mikes to drop." He hollered back to Zuko as they moved down the hall.
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2682 on: March 26, 2017, 10:28:05 PM »
*** Dragon'taan ***

After the convulsions, Fawn noticed that the efforts to keep Raz's temperature down weren't working, he then grabbed the last pint and poured the rest of the serum into it, causing it to bubble, "Hold his mouth open and pull on his throat! I need to get this down into him quickly!",  if the others would do as he said, Fawn would pour the liquid down in a steady stream into Raz's throat, it ultimately causing a black smoke to puft up occasionally, "Don't be afraid of that... it's only how the soulstone expels heavy sicknesses... this only means it's working!".

*** Katrina City, Tau Dewa ***

Gypsie looked at Kyle as she lept over a 8-way intersection and landing on a general store, "I live forest... big tree... high!", Gypsie's face was sour, occasionally snarling as heavy raindrops hit her head and face.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 10:32:14 PM by Razuel »
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2683 on: March 26, 2017, 11:26:50 PM »
*** Dragon'taan ***

When it was done, Anna waited, tears pricking her eyes and already streaming down her cheeks. Kyle had a hand around her waist, to console her if the worst happened. Mathayus mumbled something softly, and Maria stayed knelt by Raz's side.

*** Approaching outer edge of Katrina City, Tau Dewa ***

Kyle shuddered as the rain intensified, and tried to draw his cloak around him. He tried to stay awake, but it got harder to do so. "Hurry... L... lose... losing... con... conscious... ness..."

*** UNSC Allegiance ***

Zuko followed Blaine to their destination. "Thank god Andrew got Sangheili drop pods along with the ODST pods..." he muttered.
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #2684 on: March 26, 2017, 11:56:19 PM »
They arrived at the drop bay, eight troopers stood around talking and gearing up. Blaine whistled loudly, catching everyone's attention. "Where's your squad leaders?" Blaine asked, with two troopers turning around and walking up. One was Lee, from the operation on Sedra. The other, a Vulpine with red trimmed ODST armor and a skull painted on his visor. "Hey spook. I don't believe you two have met, this is Sgt. Daniels," Lee said, gesturing to the fox who smirked. "No time for formalities, we're taking out Camp New Hope," Blaine said, catching the attention of the troops. "There's a major URF meeting with Covie remnants, we're there to pick up intel and schwack the meeting." Blaine pulled his helmet on and unshouldered his SMG. "Lee's squad will drop to the north of the camp and will clear an LZ, then set up a sniper post. Zuko, Daniel's squad and myself will drop from the south, near the entrance. We'll infiltrate, recon and once Lee has set up a eagle's nest, we'll begin the assault." Blaine finished, before the alarm went off. Drop time in one mike, a voice said over the intercom. Blaine gestured to the pods, and moved to the one next to Zuko's. He set his submachine gun inside, and looked to Zuko. "Alright, before we go. I'm sorry as well, about the whole fight. You and Andrew are two good guns to have." Blaine said as he sat down in the pod.
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