*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
Mathayus put a hand on Fawn's shoulder. "We will get him, Private - with what you have said so far, we have enough evidence to court-martial Reece. It seems he's risen in his career only by standing on the backs of you and others; you are not the first he victimized, it seems." He motioned his head for Fawn to follow, then tapped on Kyle's shoulder. "We need to talk," he whispered in his ear. Mathayus would then lead them into his room in the manor, and into his meditation chamber. "Mister Fawn... explain to my brother what you told me, please."
(Don't feel compelled to describe the entire story - just describe Fawn telling a long tale. No need to quote his entire tale.)
*** Tau Dewa ***
"What do you want?" Kyle hissed in that draconic voice, putting a hand out to keep Gypsie behind him.
"You know what I have come for," said the intruder, a lion in what seemed to be golden robes. "Surrender, and I will leave your friend alone. I will call off my hunters looking for her."
Kyle growled angrily. "I fell for your word once; it will not happen twice! You have no honor, no valor! You are a murderer and a liar!" In a suddenly raised voice, Kyle screamed, "You will not take her from me! You will not harm her!"
"Easy, dragon - remember, anger leads to the dark side," the lion taunted.
Kyle snarled. "Did you forget? I am no Jedi!" He gestured, drawing energy, and suddenly launched both hands forward ans sent a massive blast of power at the Lion, sending him flying. Kyle immediately drew his lightsabers and activated them, the imperial crimson blades blazing to life in an instant. The lion leapt up and activated his own lightsaber, with a violet blade. The Lion closed on Kyle, but he stood his ground, and the second he came in range, Kyle let loose on him; any move made in Gypsie's direction was immediately blocked and countered. Behind Gypsie, a squad of soldiers appeared, and pointed weapons at her. Kyle saw this, and his eyes went wide. He immediately disengaged and put himself between Gypsie and the soldiers. They began firing their blasters, but Kyle moved his lightsabers in swift, graceful arcs, intercepting the energy bolts with his lightsabers. "Blades! Blades!" the NCO of the group shouted. The soldiers stopped firing their weapons, and drew all manner of modern swords. They all rushed for Kyle and Gypsie, and he screamed in an anger-induced combat rage; he engaged the attackers, throwing punches and kicks, swirling fire, lashing lightning, and seemingly blade-dancing around Gypsie, keeping the soldiers from getting anywhere near her.
"It can't be..." said the Lion. "He... he guides him..." he looked to Gypsie with a look of surprise. "He guides you both!" He looked to what was left of his squad. "HOLD! HOLD!" he shouted. Abruptly, the fighting stopped, leaving Kyle panting heavily, Lightsabers ready to strike again. "Who the ancient one chooses is not my concern - but death always comes to those who hunts that which he protects. We will hunt you no longer - I cannot say the same for others, however. They do not understand the legends of the ancient one, as I do." He gestured, and his troops left. He looked to Gypsie. "You are fortunate to have him - but take care, for there will be blood and death before the end."
The voice from the tavern spoke to Gypsie, though time didn't slow and those present couldn't hear it: "Strange thing is, he is not mistaken. Many things you and Kyle will face together. And I will guide you - if you only but listen. Kyle refuses to even hear me - truthfully, I do not blame him." the voice paused, then continued, "The hunter is also right on the account that others will come for you - hunters that seek his blood. It is something in his past, something they feel he should not have survived. They must not find him or you; you and Kyle must disappear. Kyle will have an escape plan - ask him of it. Get clear, then head for Belsavis - this I command of him. He has a destiny, and must walk the path. Belsavis will start him on it." The voice then fell silent and disappeared, and the Lion walked away, leaving Kyle panting, glaring angrily, lightsabers still active and confused, the blades of his weapon slowly lowering. He looked to Gypsie with a frown, his eyes still angry, but his face asking the question his voice couldn't: "Why did they stop?"
*** Victoria ***
Zuko arrived moments later, rather quietly. "Let's get going," he whispered. "Our predator friend is out there, but he's not after us; if he was, we'd know. We're all armed. If he wanted us, he'd have taken shots at us by now. He's after something else."