*** Meditation Room, Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
Kyle holstered the weapon, then nodded. "Let's check on little Raz one more time, make sure the treatment is taking, then go find Reece." He started for the door. Mathayus said to Fawn:
"It's rare my master speaks to those outside his influence - those he has not chosen to be his agents... it is an even rarer privilege than most realize."
*** Flagship
Chimera, Tau Dewa Orbit ***
Kyle's head rose, looking to Gypsie with those purple eyes, a frown of confusion on his face. "Belsavies?" he repeated. "What--"
"Correction: I believe she meant 'Belsavis', master," HK70 corrected him. "Theory: There is currently an uninhabited tropical rift on Belsavis we could go to... even if for a short time, allow the two of you to heal and rest. Tondam Corporation has no presence in the Region of Belsavis, and has no reason to go there. If we could hide our ion trail, we could head there to lose those corporate meatbags."
Kyle looked to Gypsie with a smile on his face. Out of the blue, he kissed her cheek and complimented, "Clever woman." He rose from the bead and headed for the door, pausing just shy to look back at Gypsie. "If you want, you can stay here - the Bridge can be colder than the rest of the ship, and not just in the climate sense."
*** New Berlin ***
"Oh, you're talking about Cerberus," Benny said. "I can't say I know where he is - I'm just the recruiter and clandestine agent. But I think the Tal Shiar commander with us at base will know. Just... be careful. He can be a bit talkative, and likes to brag. Especially when he's had a cup or to of Romulan Ale. We... try to keep him away from that."
*** Coruscant Orbit ***
"That's up to you," Commander Khev said. "If it's a warship you want, we can help you get one. But you understand, we can't just give away military warships." Moments later, bulky ships colored in steel grey and blue appeared from warp.
"Romulan Republic ships, Commander Tukk of the Interstellar Concordium... we are here to provide escort for HVT."
(Mary, what kind of explanation is the Toma-guard looking for in regards to the ion trail?)
*** UNSC
Allegiance ***
Andrew sighed, then began, "Zuko doesn't know this - how can he? - But I know of the Star Forge. But that's disturbing. He's right - I don't believe in the Force. But in the last 48 hours... it seems the only explanation that fits some of the things we saw." Frosty hit a button, and an image of a station appeared:
http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/e/ea/StarForgeSucksGas-KOTOR1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20050611215331"This... is the Star Forge," Frosty continued. "I did some digging while my crew glassed the Rebel base, and I learned that the Star Forge was a semi-living space station and shipyard, capable of producing an endless supply of ships and war material, seemingly by utilizing the Force itself. It is highly unusual that the Yaut'ja were aware of it, and would elect to pass this information to us. Even more unusual is what Zuko told you. I agree with him in that someone is posing as Luro. But as for what Luro was tracking... I suspect he sensed the awakening of the Star Forge - and that's what makes this disturbing. The original Star Forge was destroyed centuries ago by Darth Revan. It was believed the threat posed by it ended there, but after you explained Zuko's suspicions, I did some digging... and found out that the Star Forge wasn't entirely destroyed. A few hundred years later, the Sith Empire found a colony of Ongree aliens in possession of the Infinite Engine - something from the Star Forge itself - on Nar Shaddaa. The Sith, in their classic psychosis, slaughtered the aliens and took the Infinite Engine, boxed it up to ship it to Dromund Kaas... only, it never arrived. The frigate transporting the Infinite Engine disappeared in an encounter with a gravitational anomaly. The Empire investigated, and eventually stated that the ship had been lost to a black hole or something similar. Neither the ship nor the infinite engine were ever seen again. Now, with Nazar on the loose and an imposter posing as Luro, who had disappeared searching for the Star Forge... our situation became far more complicated. I tried to get in touch with Mathayus Indari, but he's unavailable - so we've little choice but to wait for Zuko to signal. In the meantime... can you think of anything else I should know? Or that you would need to report to ONI?"