*** UNSC Allegiance, Star Forge System ***
With the Star Forge destroyed, Zuko headed back to the Allegiance, turning over command of the Resplendent Fervor to a Sangheili Commander. Luro sent word he was on his way to the Allegiance, so when Zuko arrived, he and Andrew waited for Blaine and, now, Luro to arrive. Andrew was pouring glasses of a clear, blue drink.
"Think he'll be able to handle it?" Andrew asked.
"Luro has handled the strongest spirits on Sangheili, and you know how much kick they have; he'll be fine," Zuko responded.
*** Draco City Government Enclave, Dragon'taan ***
"The Dragon'taan Coalition was formed as the governmental body of Dragon'taan prior to the Marauder War - it is comprised of Dragon-Shifters and non-dragon-shifters alike who settled on Dragon'taan - again - before the Marauder War. The Alliance refers to the group of allied powers and governments who came together in unity and common interest, and more than once operated in tandem against threats against this galaxy. The Alliance is comprised of the Dragon'taan Coalition, the United Alliance Coalition, the United Imperial Alliance, the Sangheili Republic, the Lylat Federation, the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Republic, the United Nations Space Command, and a number of smaller groups like the Mirak Star League, the Lyran Alliance, and the Interstellar Concordium. We are in negotiations to add to our allies the United Federation of Planets and the Mandalorian Alliance."
*** Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
"Honey, is Kira still in her room?" Kyle asked after a brief kiss with his wife.
"She is," Anna replied. Kyle motioned his head for Fawn to follow him as he led him to Kira's room. Inside, laying awake on the bed, but still half-asleep, was a young dragoness girl, a spitting image of her mother.
*** Flagship Chimera, Approaching Belsavis Orbit ***
Kyle could sense something was wrong with his nomad companion, so he immediately went to her side, gently holding her close, whispering in some foreign language that made it seem spirits around him spoke with him. If it worked, Gypsie would find that her nightmare would come to an abrupt end, and if she didn't wake, she would be dreaming of a lush jungle, a village high atop the tree branches, rife with welcoming life.