(I can't say I know much about what you're referencing. Long story. But I know that in most sci-fi universes, an Ion Trail is how ships traveling at Light Speed or faster are tracked. There never is any specifics beyond that. Sorry.)
(EDIT: You might want to read this, quoted from a Wookiepedia page; it may explain Ion Trails a bit to you:
An ion trail was a detectable byproduct created by starship sublight drives or ion drives. It could be tracked by sensors to determine the direction a ship had traveled. Ships that were equipped with a cloaking device were able to mask this trail, either by dissipating it or storing engine emissions to be released at a later point.
Ion trails are used in most space sci-fi genres to various effects. Star Wars ships can only locate a direction of travel, while Star Trek ships can sometimes identify a class of vessel or which race produced the vessel simply by the ion trail it produces.
*** New Berlin ***
"Might want to buckle down, back there - gonna hit a bit of a crosswind," The pilot warned. "We'll touch down in five."
*** Coruscant Orbit ***
"Understood. Transmitting warp vector - we'll jump to New Romulus together, on your mark," Commander Khev stated.
*** Draco City Government Enclave, Dragon'taan ***
"That really depends on you, doesn't it?" Makkar said as he stored the information. "Personally, I would highly advise you alert your homeland of our envoy - they'll be coming under escort. Again, I stress it's just a formality."
*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
Kyle walked around the corner and nearly bumped into Amie. "Whoa! Amie... you scared the bejesus outta me," Kyle said. "Something... wrong...? Who's your friend?" He asked, indicating the wolf.
Anna went alongside Fawn and began starting the mashed potatoes. "I'm gonna laugh if I suddenly find out I'm soon to be a grandma," she said to Fawn. "Drake and Amie have been contemplating it for a while."
*** Dragon'taan Orbit ***
Unseen Assailant continued to hail the Klingon Vessel. Saraabi fiddled with her hands, waiting for an answer. If what she suspected was true... the Klingon ship would be a blessing, and also a sign of impending troubles.
*** Flagship
Chimera, Approaching Belsavis ***
"I didn't say the planet was uninhabited... just the tropical rift we're headed for," Kyle said. "And that means there aren't any people there - that doesn't account for local wildlife. Flora and fauna. But... that structure, the one I saw in my vision..." Kyle sighed. "... I can't say what we'll find inside before we come to the chamber I saw - the one with the mark."
*** UNSC
Allegiance, Uncharted System ***
"The Prophets betrayed the Sangheili, and the Sangheili broke away from the Covenant," Zuko said. "Thel can tell you the whole story - he orchestrated the Sangheili's independence," Zuko said.
"And speaking of dear uncle, are there any time constraints on when we must be on Sangheilios?" Luro asked.
Andrew shook his head. "None I am aware of, why?"
*** Tomahawk ***
"As we explained," Captain Dax said, "We're not sure how to classify ions like this. It's... well, we've never come across them before."