*** Holodeck District Bowling alley, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
Kyle bowled the ball down the lane at a high speed. The ball nailed the left pin, which grazed the right pin, and it wobbled, and for a moment, it seemed victory was Kyle's, before the pin stabilized and stood still.
"Your move, Doc - can you do what no one has ever done before in this place?" Kyle asked with an amused smile, clearly having enjoyed the stint bowling with the good doctor.
*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
"You know, I wonder - do you have anything against Tropical Punch?" Drake asked.
*** DMC Military R&D Lab, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
"Can it be used to augment school learning in children?" one of the female techs asked.
"I, too, am curious on that aspect," Vokun admitted. "That's one of the fields we've been working on: Can it be used with children in school? It would solve a variety of problems, especially in the areas of children with learning disorders or other such barriers."
*** Amps' home, Dragon'taan ***
Nearby, a dark figure approached the car Felicity was in. He was dressed in the attire of an agent of the Romulan Republic, but he was armed with a disruptor rifle. He slowly approached the car, rifle raised, trying to ascertain what exactly the anomaly he was looking at was.
*** Krystal's room, Krystal's mansion, New Cerinia ***
"I felt it," Markus said solemnly. "It would seem... a new threat has risen. What it is, I cannot say, but this... is something new."
***Flagship Chimera, descending to Coruscant dock 14-A***
"The kitchen Kyle uses ordinarily is located in his quarters," Gemini responded, "And my attention is required to make sure this ship doesn't crash. We were cleared for docking ten minutes ago - we're orbiting Coruscant. If you need assistance cooking, however, I can send Hector to assist you. He has cooked meals for the Captain before when he was ill - and he can be very persuasive in keeping him from leaving his quarters in such a case."
Kyle drifted back to sleep soon enough, seemingly shivering for no reason. The blanket was off, but the environment was fine.
*** Tau Ceti Beta, Orbit ***
As K'torr saw the Klingon ships, he was surprised to see them decimate the Imperial ships but leave the
Ysalamiri alone before they disappeared. "What the hell...?" K'torr muttered.
"Firey to fleet we've captured the bridge." She said over the comm , looking outside into the debri field of zaarin ship wreakage "What just happened?"
It took a moment for K'torr to answer. "Trying to figure that one out, myself," he responded. He sent a video feed to Firey detailing the sudden "Klingon" ambush.
*** Sith Acadamy, Tau Ceti Beta ***
The DMC units continued to monitor the perimeter for any sign of enemy movement. The Groundbreakers and the Orcones were ready to fire at a moment's notice, as well as a number of medium artillery tanks. The Orcones presented the bigger - and more visible - targets, while the other Kbots and Vehicles were hidden in a shroud of mist generated by a few hidden units.
*** Tigress' Armory Dragon'taan ***
Travis' breath shook, but he otherwise remained deathly quiet. In an unexpected move, he went for a trash bin, doubled over, nearly colliding with it, and vomited into it. When he breathed again, his breath still shook, but he never said a word. It would seem that Tigress would need to resort to a softer method to get through to him, though what method was not clear as he began to tremble, first slightly, but getting gradually more visible.
*** USLV
Assured Victory, Sangheilios Orbit ***
"Well, if you want to be the Commander's security detail down planetside, I can authorize that," Krannus suggested. "Luro is a powerful warrior, but sometimes... even he admits he needs backup."
*** Sandstorm Cantina, Sheila City, Ma'hara ***
"Oh, okay," Daniel said. "Do you recognize Latinum Bars or Credits here as currency?"
*** Klingon Space, Romulan border ***
Just as before, the attack was sudden and no survivors were left - a distress beacon would go active, but never soon enough to garner any meaningful response...
*** Federation space, Jupiter ***
The station was surprised at the sudden and brazen attack by the USS
Kirk, but were confused at why it was using Disruptors. However, while the attack did not immediately destroy the station, it had destroyed the station's comm array, preventing it from calling help. It was, effectively, a sitting duck.
*** Command Shuttle, UNSC
Allegiance, Sangheilios Orbit ***
"I agree," Zuko said. "Sangheilios is a beautiful world... sometimes marred by warfare, but never is the damage irreparable."
Andrew looked to Blaine. "What do you know of Thel 'Vadam? You ever met him?"