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Author Topic: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)  (Read 380891 times)

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3075 on: May 04, 2017, 06:17:12 PM »
*** DMC Military R&D Lab, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

"I understand," the Vulcan responded. "What am I required to do?"

*** Holodeck District, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

"We could do a site-to-site transport," Kyle answered. "Or I could always, you know... fly us there."

*** Crusader temple, Dragon'taan ***

"There's a lot that happened in your absence," Mathayus said. "As for how many years you skipped... son, you skipped more than a couple centuries." He accessed the computer, and laid out a history of everything that happened between Tony and Tanya's alleged departure and now. "You may want to read that."

*** Shiela station, Dragon'taan orbit ***

Travis said nothing as he looked around, though his mind was elsewhere. "Thomas Webb..." he muttered softly. He shook his head, either in dismay or disbelief.

*** 'Vadam Keep, Sangheilios ***

"Hm... How did Nazar fit in?" Thel asked.

"He didn't," came Luro's voice from the doorway. Luro stepped inside the room, hoping Ambre was following. "Not at that point. Nazar would have joined this new Sith faction, had they gotten to him before we did. Blaine and I can both attest to what Nazar had in his possession." Luro nodded to Blaine, both as a gesture of respect and to tell him to tell Thel about the Star Forge.

*** Fox's Stash, Reach ***

"Copy that, Fox's Stash - we will alert Lord Hood; in the meantime, bring that equipment down to the designated RV point," Came the response.

*** Base Alpha, New Berlin ***

Cerberus frowned, but decided the knock on the door was a human thing, and answered the door. "Can I help you?" Nearby, a camera turned to look at Fayam and Cerberus.

*** Tomahawk ***

"Tomahawk, this is General Draco Bellator of the Dragon'taan Marauder Corps - we hear you. We are already en route - I'll explain when I arrive. ETA, two minutes," came the response to the Toma-Guards' hail.

The battle continued to rage; the enemy warships were surprisingly resilient, but by far, not invulnerable. The battle became a slugfest, and the orbital defenses were working overtime to take out the enemy ships one after the other.

*** Flagship Chimera, Coruscant Dock 14-A ***

"It's quite alright," Kyle said with a sigh. "Frankly, I'm glad to have you around." He shook his head. "Most others would turn their backs to me after realizing just how troubled I am. But not you, apparently. You are the gentlest, kindest woman I've ever known. The only thing I fear of you... is what you might do when you see what I am." He looked Gypsie in the eyes, his own shifting to a dark purple shade. "Even Marie found it difficult to reconcile. But I imagine you know what happened to her. Regardless, when you see it, I... I don't know if you'll be able to handle it." He closed his eyes and bowed his head. "As I had foreseen it... 'when a dragon's rage becomes a shield protecting another, the wounds of his past will manifest, and it will fall to those around him to mend what so many others never could'..."
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"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3076 on: May 04, 2017, 06:36:02 PM »
** 'Vadam Keep, Sangheilios **

"A Star Forge. He was planning on constructing an entire army," Blaine said to Thel. "Would've been able to rival most military forces, if he had succeeded."
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Offline Alessia Starfurr

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3077 on: May 04, 2017, 07:45:46 PM »
_Vadam Keep, Sangheilios_
Amber followed right along with Luro. the shape shifting Vixen begining to explain what she knew "Kaidon, two days ago a Klingon bird-of-prey dropped out of warp in orbit, the ship was boarded and two very strange things were found one, a Sith pureblood wearing a biosuit that made him look like a Klingon and two, a Klingon Sith, lightsaber included, the DMC sent  out a recon group to see what happened to a exploration team sent to Tau Ceti Beta, where they found an abandoned Sith Academy before we lost contact, I'm still waiting on the details from that mission." Amber explained

-Crusader Temple, Dragon'taan-
"This is gonna take awhile." Tanya noted, her brother nodding in responce as the two began to read on the history they had 'skipped'

Meanwhile in the entrance to the Archive Nari stepped in ,backpack full of a couple holocrons and the data she took fom the Tau Ceti Beta archives. "Excuse me, Master Fasnuu?" she called out quietly.

_Amp's home_

Despite all the sounds and Felicity moving about Amps slept soundly, she had a hard day at work.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 08:16:40 PM by Alex »
Uhh..Lord I didn't train to be a pilot. Tell me I don't have any more flying to do today.........................  Amen. ~ 'Dutch' Halo3 ODST.

We all go through peroids of darkness. In such times we can turn to the Lord, but it's good to have friends ~  Joshua Graham , Fallout New Vegas, Honest Hearts.

When people are lost they turn to the man who  acts like he knows the way out,  when the truth is he knows less than them. ~ John McMillan Original War

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself" -Unknown.

"I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes" ~William Shatter, Airplane II 

Credits: Alesssia pictures by JackThorn/Tomas13

Offline Razuel

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3078 on: May 04, 2017, 10:21:32 PM »
*** Holodeck District, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

"Fly? But... wait... dragon... shifters... right.   I suppose so...", Fawn then looked up, "Is there a special lane for flying creatures?"

*** Flagship Chimera, Holodeck, Coruscant dock 14-A ***

Gypsie looked at Kyle and sleepily smiled,  rolling next to him  and pulling him down to hug him, "*Yawns* It's alright... but you're still sick... you should still be in bed... but before you go, make sure to get some stew before you do though... I made it from *Yawns*...  from a few different things... and one if my special Dent Seeds...", soon enough she passed out, her tails wrapping around Kyle's legs gently.

_Amps Home Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

Felicity, in anthro form, slept soundly on the couch, her body still emitting a small and dull glow as she continued to keep that power loop with the fusion cell.
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Offline Romulan_Furry

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3079 on: May 04, 2017, 11:50:18 PM »
*** Holodeck District, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

"Dragon-shifters fly at a different altitude than the aircraft, to avoid midair collisions," Kyle said. "Had to iron that out in the early days when Dragon'taan was first settled. Regardless, is that what you'd prefer? The view from the sky is so awesome, if you can get through the adrenaline rush of getting up that high."

*** Crusader Temple, Dragon'taan ***

Mathayus turned and spotted Nari. He frowned, then commented, "You're back. I wasn't expecting your return til midday tomorrow, at the very least."

*** Dragon's Tale Inn, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

Having checked in, the anthro-charizard woman - Ann - hefted her pack over her shoulder and headed for her designated room. It had been a nice day, the people were cordial, but she wanted to save some activity for the daytime.

*** Drakona Residence, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

With Tyber successfully put to bed, Kabier stood admiring her son. Viktor walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "He's gonna grow up looking like his daddy," she whispered to him.

Viktor chuckled. "And unlike his daddy, Tyber is gonna grow up happy," he whispered back. "Who knows? Maybe he'll meet his future wife when he goes to school."

"Oh, sure - our little lady-killer son," Kabier laughed softly.

*** Reznov Residence, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

Having spent the day with the sudden realization he had a biological son, Ketorr had played and cradled his child, letting Kia in on the act as well as John's elder sisters, Lian and Aylina. And with day now night, Ketorr gently put the child to bed. The little pup was sound asleep, and Ketorr couldn't help but get watery-eyed as he watched over his son.

*** Flagship Chimera, Holodeck, Coruscant dock 14-A ***

Kyle chuckled softly, embracing the lady in his arms. "No matter what happens, always remember - though I may posture and threaten, though I may lift my blade to strike... I could never bring it down on you. I may gather my breath to engulf you in flames, but never would I breathe such a torrent on you. Remember always your courage, and you'll find you can calm me even when I am lost in blood and death." He gently kissed Gypsie's forehead, laying her down in the grass and throwing his cloak over her before heading for the kitchen.

*** 'Vadam Keep, Sangheilios ***

"This is... disturbing," Thel said.

"The Force shifts and stirs," Luro told his uncle. "Even you can feel such - something big is coming... soon."

Thel looked to Blaine. "Do your people know anything of all this?"
  • Avatar by: Guy named KazeKat
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

Offline Alessia Starfurr

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3080 on: May 05, 2017, 12:34:47 AM »
_Reznov Residence._
"Think we should go out to eat tomorrow?" Kia asked, the female worgen laying in her bed with her husband.

-Amp's home-
Still unaware of Felicity's new form and still sleeping Amps let out a loud snore, the sound of thunder emitting from her echoing down the stairs and through most of the house.

_Indari manor_
Amie  even now was still sleeping dreaming about her twins, teaching them and playing with them, but her happenes soon turned to sadness a shadowy figure took her children away, fading into shadowy silhouette's, that changed into monsterous forms, evil laughter emitted from the shadowy figure, Amie screaming in fear, abruptly ending the nightmare. The Red vixen shot up and looked around her room, breathing heavily, out of fear.
-Crusader Temple_
 We got back sooner than expected, somebody kinda did some of my job for me. I've got some presents for you." Nari said handing ove a couple holocrons one sith and the data stick "This has the full archives from the Sith academy." she explained. "Now I think that qualifies for bonus pay, Could i just get my name in the archives for retrieving the data?" Nari replied joking about the 'pay'

-NCD Boealis, Dragon'taan orbit.-

As the Destroyer left the space dock and gained  enough distance from it, a large portal opened in front of the ship, the New Cerinian craft dissapering into it as it entered Subspace.

"Travis are you okay?" Tigress asked concerned for him, she set a hand on his shoulder. "perhaps you need something to take your mind off it?"

_Vadam Keep_
"That's all we know, Kaidon, If you wish for me to share this Info with Oni I believe I can if they  don't already have that info." Amber offered.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2017, 01:10:27 AM by Alex »
Uhh..Lord I didn't train to be a pilot. Tell me I don't have any more flying to do today.........................  Amen. ~ 'Dutch' Halo3 ODST.

We all go through peroids of darkness. In such times we can turn to the Lord, but it's good to have friends ~  Joshua Graham , Fallout New Vegas, Honest Hearts.

When people are lost they turn to the man who  acts like he knows the way out,  when the truth is he knows less than them. ~ John McMillan Original War

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself" -Unknown.

"I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes" ~William Shatter, Airplane II 

Credits: Alesssia pictures by JackThorn/Tomas13

Offline Blaiiine

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3081 on: May 05, 2017, 06:02:36 AM »
** 'Vadam Keep, Sangheilios **

"Only ONI and head brass know but I did send a request to strengthen outer lying colonies," Blaine said before tapping the back of his head. "Now all the recordings on my neural interface, that would get them hopping for war. I'll send it out and let FLEETCOM sort it out," He said, awaiting Thel's response. The UNSC had enough time to build itself back to its' pre-war strength after the years that followed the peace accords and would be capable of fighting alongside allies. It just needed a reason and the recent black operation would fit that purpose.
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Offline Ara Av-Toa

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3082 on: May 05, 2017, 08:05:03 AM »
*New Berlin*
The camera's presence did not go unnoticed by Fayam. But since his allies would be controlling it he didn't bother to care. He came in, hands on his back, his gun hiding behind him. "You must be the Cerberus I heard so much about," he started.

The Toma-Guards sighed: "Thanks, that's really appreciated. The second fleet is bound to come in ten- the smaller the first is by then the better." In the meantime, Omega had some sort of altar built up with the gathered materials. He started chanting in an unknown tongue, calling for the power of the universe.
Anna had not stopped fighting either, nor did Gaia's forces. Their guns were nearly overheating.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2017, 08:10:02 AM by Mary Love »

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3083 on: May 05, 2017, 03:50:08 PM »
*** Holodeck District, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

Fawn thought about it for a moment before nodding, "Alright... lets fly!"

*** Flagship Chimera, Holodeck, Coruscant dock 14-A ***

Gypsie smiled, purring from the embrace, loosely listening to him.
Around now, the stew would be done, giving off a wonderful smell.

-Amp's home-

Felcity abruptly woke up from the sound of thunder, seeing the sparks, she dropped the fusion cell and wandered up the stairs, looking drunk as she walked, trying to find the cause of the noise.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2017, 03:55:25 PM by Razuel »
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Offline Romulan_Furry

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3084 on: May 06, 2017, 12:27:02 AM »
*** Flagship Chimera, Holodeck, Coruscant dock 14-A ***

Kyle was seated at the counter, slowly eating a fresh bowl of the stew Gypsie had cooked up earlier.

*** Holodeck District, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

"Right on! But first, let's check with Izzy and see about a Sushi bar - that, and before I shift, I have to engage the 'Hog's auto-return system," Kyle told Fawn. He accessed the vehicle's comm system and spoke, "General Indari to Izzy - you about, old friend?" He waited patiently for a response.

*** Reznov Residence, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

Ketorr chuckled softly and kissed Kia. "Maybe. It'll be good for John, won't it?"

*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

Drake woke up next to Amie, and held her in his arms. "Easy, baby, easy... it's okay... you're safe - you're home." He reached out to her mind with the Force in an effort to calm her down.

*** Crusader Temple, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

"Very funny, Nari," Mathayus growled. He went to a computer to access the Data Stick. "Let's see what you have on here..."

*** NCD Borealis, In-Transit to Tigaria ***

"Depends largely on what you have," Travis sighed. He shook his head. "They took away who I was, who I could have been... will my own family... even recognize me? How am I going to tell them I've been a slave of the Tal Shiar? ... or are they even alive? So many unknowns..."

*** 'Vadam Keep, Sangheilios ***

"Indeed," Thel sighed. "And the Sangheili will be honored to fight alongside the UNSC once more." It was then that the door opened, and a young Sangheili warrior entered the room, whispering something to Thel in the Sangheili tongue. Thel frowned, concerned. "Long-range sensors don't recognize it? How?"

*** Base Alpha, New Berlin ***

"What gave you the first clue?" Cerberus affirmed. "Shouldn't you be doing something? ... Or are you one of the new recruits? You look... familiar, somehow, but I can't quite place where I've seen you before."

*** Tomahawk Orbit ***

The battle continued to rage, even as the HTS warships dwindled. They refused to give up, even after taking fifty-seven percent losses. The massive warship was heavily damaged, and the main cannon no longer operational. The Borg fleet remained intact; UNSC had taken fifteen percent losses, ISC, Mirak and Lyran fleets having a grand total of twelve percent losses, and eight of the ten Anti-Borg turrets were still in the fight, pounding away at the enemy warships.

But the battle got worse, as a fleet of new ships arrived, going shields up and weapons hot the second they arrived: x2 x3 x3 x6 x6 x12

Fortunately, none of them seemed to have any form of long-range weapons, as they all engaged engines and charged for Tomahawk.
  • Avatar by: Guy named KazeKat
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

Offline Alessia Starfurr

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3085 on: May 06, 2017, 01:16:13 AM »
__Reznov residenc, Draco residence, Draco city, Dragon'taan.__

"That's the idea." Kia replied

--_ Indari Manor ,Dragon'taan_--

"are the babies?"she asked feeling her enlarged stomach, and relaxing."

_NCD Borealis, Subspace_

"Best not to worry about the unknown and focus on the known." Tigress replied, heading near the window to look at 'subspace'

-Vadam keep Sangheilios.--

" Luro do you sense anything?" Amber asked.

-- Amp's home, Dragon'taan--
 THe sound of thunder had actually come from amps she had caused a small storm in her room however the rumble of a nearing storm could be heard.

_Dragon'taan weather station Alpha Omega_

"This is Serena, brining you the latest in weather, Draco city will be under a severe Storm Warning until  2 am tonight, Flight  by Dragons and Dragon-Shifters, is unadvised after the storm sets in Flying craft should also be cautious and fly low to avoid lightning strikes.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2017, 01:22:44 AM by Alex »
Uhh..Lord I didn't train to be a pilot. Tell me I don't have any more flying to do today.........................  Amen. ~ 'Dutch' Halo3 ODST.

We all go through peroids of darkness. In such times we can turn to the Lord, but it's good to have friends ~  Joshua Graham , Fallout New Vegas, Honest Hearts.

When people are lost they turn to the man who  acts like he knows the way out,  when the truth is he knows less than them. ~ John McMillan Original War

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself" -Unknown.

"I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes" ~William Shatter, Airplane II 

Credits: Alesssia pictures by JackThorn/Tomas13

Offline Ara Av-Toa

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3086 on: May 06, 2017, 08:24:43 AM »

*New Berlin*
Fayam replied: "Yes, I'm a new recruit!" In his mind however, the caption: Oh shoot! I didn't count on THAT! But no matter, if only I strike first... ran. Then he said: "Now, I have no clue why I would be familiar to you, but I have some vital intel you likely want to know."

Gaia's forces weren't unharmed either- they didn't lose any ships, but at least 8% was in bad condition and had to retreat for repairs. Faith didn't seem to be damaged at all, though. Now the attention of Gaia's forces shifted to the new fleet, and like mosquitoes they started to attack. Anna grumbled: "What? The force I was fighting and the force I was warned for are two different? Grrr... This is NOT good." Her copilot nodded in silence.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3087 on: May 06, 2017, 09:56:31 AM »
---DMC Military R&D Lab, Draco City, Dragon'taan---
"First we must finish constructing the implementation device, then the nuerotranssmitor and then we install it in you".
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3088 on: May 06, 2017, 03:22:05 PM »
_Amps Home_

Felicity eeped again as she heard the thunder, but then she saw the flashes of light coming from behind one of the doors and she quickly ran to the door, standing at the door, not knowing how to open it, so instead she dropped into a pile of multi-colored goo that lowly oozed under the door into Amps room, and as Felicity's head was the first bit to reconstruct out of the goo, she looked happily at the lightning inside, luckily not seeing any water.     

Felicity would take a small amount of time to reconstruct her body fully again.

*** Holodeck district,  Draco City, Dragon'taan  ***

Fawn looked at Kyle with concern, "No answer?", he then heard rumbling far off, mumbling to himself, "I hate rain... always gets my suit all wet... I get a nice shine after... but ever since the protective coating of the suit wore off, I've been having to dry it manually... How about this, can we go to this Tigress person and get me a new suit while we wait?"

*** Flagship Chimera, Coruscant dock 14-A ***

Gypsie woke up after a while sighing as she didn't want to leave the room, but she couldn't stay in there forever, so she headed to the kitchen, which by now the stew had gotten a bit colder, and went to sit on a stool by the counter, "Hector? Can I have a bowl of stew?... and put a few hot peppers in my bowl...", she smiled, thinking of something  funny.

***Indari Manor, Anna's room*** (Hit me of I'm wrong about where he is)

Raz abruptly woke up from feeling the small rumble of the thunder in the distance, his body in a better condition, now with all of his old scales flaked off to show a shiny ebony.

He then sat up, looking around for someone, thinking he was alone before calling out, forgetting where he was, "Mommy! Mommy!"
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^ Is really happy, and spreads positivity around the forums and even the world. This person is a really cool and friendly person, and really deserves everything life has to offer. This person is how everyone should be like. When I grow up, I want to be just like Razuel

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3089 on: May 06, 2017, 07:00:04 PM »
*** Anna & Kyle's Room, Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

Anna was startled awake, but quickly went to cradle Raz. "It's okay, little one... I've got you, you're safe... it's okay..."

*** Drake & Amie's room, Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

"As I can sense it, the babies are fine," Drake assured Amie. A pause ensued before Drake asked, "You dreamed of darkness taking the kids, didn't you?"

*** Holodeck district, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

"Kinda outta luck with Tigress - she left for her home world with Travis. Something about Tal Shiar files he intercepted," came a female voice. "But, I do know of an awesome sushi bar in the Restaurant district..." a rumble from the approaching storm briefly cut her off. "... though I wouldn't advise flying there, Kyle. You remember what happened the last time you did that."

"Tcha, don't remind me - Anna never let me live that one down..." Kyle scoffed. He looked to Fawn. "Well, hop in - this thing has materializing doors that'll shield us from the rain. Izzy, where we going?"

"Route has been sent to your navigational computer," Izzy said. "Drive safe, General Indari."

*** Reznov residence, Draco City, Draco city, Dragon'taan ***

Ketorr chuckled softly, then voiced his agreement: "Definitely, honey. But first, we need our sleep..." He laid down facing Kia, holding hr close as he drifted off to sleep.

*** Flagship Chimera, Coruscant dock 14-A ***

As Hector got Gypsie a bowl of soup, he asked, "Did master ever voice a desire to head down to the surface of Coruscant while he was in the holodeck with you?"

(And no, Vasily is not in the room at present.)

*** NCD Borealis, Subspace ***

Travis remained silent as he walked over to the window with Tigress. "They'll come for me, you know," he said to her in a hushed tone.

*** DMC Military R&D Lab, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

"I understand. How may I help?" the Vulcan asked.

*** Base Alpha, New Berlin ***

Cerberus poked his head out, looking both ways, then ushering Fayam into the room. "Close and lock the door," he requested as he turned around, where it became evident he was armed with a disruptor pistol.

*** Tomahawk ***

The Gian ships would prick away at the newcomers' shields, but would have relatively little effect as the enemy...

But there came a new surprise as a task force of Klingon vessels de-cloaked - right on top of them. They immediately engaged, catching the Advent vessels by surprise. a half-dozen of their frigates and one of their capital ships went down with the initial attack. A single shout went out on an open channel: "For the Empire! 'Qapla!"
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"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.


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