*** Sandstorm Cantina, Sheila city, Ma'hara ***
"I imagine because of the attire they choose to wear?" Janice asked Cindy.
*** NCD Borealis ***
Travis remained silent, staring out the window with Tigress, as though waiting for her to initiate a conversation.
*** DMC Military R&D Lab, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
The Vulcan nodded, and returned to his work.
*** Anna & Kyle's Room, Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
Anna cradled and shushed the little dragonling, being no stranger to it. She had done this with her daughter many times when she had a nightmare.
*** Drake and Amie's room, Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
Drake tenderly kissed Amie. "Don't worry, baby - I won't let anything happen to the kids." He put a hand on her belly. "I promise."
*** Holodeck district, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***
"Nope - but you could always check in with her assistant, Keri - she could get you outfitted, if that's what you're looking for," Izzy answered.
"So - what's first? Dinner or outfit?" Kyle asked.
*** Flagship Chimera, Coruscant dock 14-A ***
"Answer: No, but he left to gather his effects. Observation: He does not normally gear up unless he intends to head out," Hector responded. Gemini appeared in the doorway.
"Given his current condition, it might be a good idea that you go with him. Or try and talk him out of it," he said to Gypsie.
*** Base Alpha, New Berlin ***
"So do I," Cerberus responded. "They call him Fayam. Say he took down the San'Shyuum Hierarchs of the Reborn Covenant. Ironic that in doing so for the DMC, he did us a favor. They'd been a problem for us for a while."
*** Tomahawk Orbit ***
"The Klingon Empire heard you were in trouble, and dispatched us to assist," the Klingon Commander clarified. "And we relished the chance to test ourselves in combat against these invaders!"