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Author Topic: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)  (Read 380964 times)

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3210 on: June 01, 2017, 06:14:25 AM »
---DMC Military R&D Lab, Draco City, Dragon'taan---
Shoon examined the screens for a while "I see. Let's get to a place we can rest him. Explain to me the opportunity while we walk there".

---The Blasphemy, deep space---
Dawn (wearing this armor set) was practically dosing off, he wasn't since he was mechanical, but he was close to that. Waiting for the ship to do a full area scan when the ghost suddenly said "we have an incoming priority message" Dawn slowly sat up after lying down on the floor "From?" he answered while standing up "Draco" the ghost said hovering above the helm. Dawn-12 stood up and walked towards the chair "Send this message back: "What is it?"".
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3211 on: June 01, 2017, 09:14:03 AM »
** UNSC Allegiance, Sangheilios Orbit **

Blaine entered the turbolift, fumbling with his lighter. Finally getting his cigarette lit, he waited by the console for Zuko so he could press the floor number.
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3212 on: June 01, 2017, 05:16:59 PM »

*New Berlin*
Fayam didn't need the Samaritans to stop him. He resolutely braked and changed direction towards the marine.

*New Romulus*
Anna replied: "That means I'm cleared to land, right?"

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3213 on: June 01, 2017, 08:03:33 PM »
*** Salvager Vessel Toorna's Profits, Orbiting LBX-7683 ***

The Bird-of-Prey dropped out of warp over the asteroid outpost LBX-7683, where the crew was met by a much larger vessel marked with the logo of the Liandri Mining Corporation:

The cryo-pod was beamed to the larger vessel, which in turn, transported over the payment, and turned and went into slipspace as the crew of the Toorna's Profits celebrated their "payday".

*** Near Jedi Temple Grounds, Coruscant ***

Kyle stepped off the shuttle and into the city proper of Coruscant, hoping Gypsie was close behind. Hector turned his head to look at Gypsie. "Suggestion: We'd better go with him and make sure he doesn't 'flip out' if and when he sees Vader."

*** New Berlin ***

The Marine met Fayam and told him, "Admiral Hood is waiting for you, sir. He's at the Embassy - follow me, you walked right past it." He would then turn and lead Fayam, if he followed, to the UNSC Embassy.

*** New Romulus ***

"That's correct - we have a landing pad reserved for you at D'Tan's request," responded the person Anna was speaking to.

*** The Blasphemy, deep space ***

Another message was fired off from Draco: "Echo Foxtrot may be compromised - rendezvous at Dragon'taan ASAP. If possible, find Lima Beta. Last report put her on Coruscant, a slight detour en route to Dragon'taan. Hurry. Darkness grows."

*** DMC Military R&D Lab, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

Vokun began walking as he began, "The man you've been operating on is likely Tal Shiar - with the items you installed on him, we could glean just how deep the Tal Shiar infiltration is... not just in the DMC, but among other factions."

*** Tigress Armory Dragon'taan ***

Kyle chuckled lightly. "Well, Tigress has been working on this stuff for a while. Updating them with new technologies and weapons. Speaking of which..." He looked to Keri. "Did she ever track down the cause of that glitch in my Marauder II mech before she left?"

*** Clone acadamy, Dragon'taan ***

Anne eyed the ATTE momentarily, then responded, "I see. I was under the impression my Logistics Officer was supposed to meet you for this - have you not seen him?"

*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

"I've heard of Spyra, just never met her," Drake replied. "What would she be doing here, anyway?"

Anna let Raz curl up and go to sleep, falling asleep herself.

*** UNSC Allegiance, Sangheilios Orbit ***

Zuko was already on, and so were a team of medics insistent on making sure they didn't miss anything on Blaine's wound. Zuko hit a button, and the turbolift closed and started its ascent. It wouldn't seem like long before the doors opened again and the group would walk out onto the bridge, where Andrew was already in a three-way conversation.

"... more than enough help here, Commander, but I thank you for the offer," said Thel on the left screen. "If anything, my nephew may need your assistance with whatever he does."

"I concur," Hood agreed. "It would go a long way toward building an alliance with his United Star League and the UNSC. I--" Hood paused as a marine whispered something in his ear. "--Apologies, gentlemen, but I need to go; my aides just found our bounty hunter friend who supposedly took out Cerberus. Commander Harrison, you orders are to assist Luro in any way you can." Hood saluted Andrew, who saluted back, before Hood's screen went dark.

"You have visitors," Thel told Andrew. Andrew turned his head and saw Zuko and Blaine.

"Good to see you're on your feet... what's your status, soldier?" Andrew asked Blaine.

*** USLV Assured Victory, Sangheilios Orbit ***

"Bellator...?" Luro repeated. "Bellator... Bellator..." he paused, then it clicked. "Draco Bellator... I always wondered what happened to him." After hearing Ambre's comment, Luro raised an eyebrow at her. "You know him?"

*** Deep Jungle Bar & Grille, Tigaria ***

Travis got up and approached the young fox/tiger. At first, he wasn't sure what to say. He started with, "Mind if I sit here?"

The hybrid looked up at Travis. "I don't mind - just don't expect a cheery conversation," she answered. Travis sat down across from her.
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"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

Offline Alessia Starfurr

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3214 on: June 01, 2017, 09:17:48 PM »
_Salvager Vessel Toorna's Profits, Orbiting LBX-7683 _

A subspace portal opend up behind the scavenger vessel, out coming the NCD Fox Fire weapons locked onto the ship and hailing it.

_Tigress Armory Dragon'taan_

"Yeah something about the PPC not being plugged into the omnimount properly" Keri explained

_Indari Manor, Dragon'taan_

"She's probably here to check on Raz." Amie noted.

_Amp's Home, Dragon'taan_

"Why would you want to go back there?" Amps asked

_Deep Jungle Bar& Grille , Tigaria_

"Service isn't usually this slow," Tigress grumbled just as a server, another Large white tiger came to the table handing out menus. "My name is..."She paused seeing Tigress. "Yeah Yeah get on with it, I'm the princess i know...." the large tiger grumbled. "Umm..FIona, what would you like to drink Princess?'She asked.

"Fruit punch and i'll have the shrimp sticks for a starter." Tigress replied.

_Assured Victory_

"No but i'm sure i came across his name in an intellgence report." Ambre replied.
Uhh..Lord I didn't train to be a pilot. Tell me I don't have any more flying to do today.........................  Amen. ~ 'Dutch' Halo3 ODST.

We all go through peroids of darkness. In such times we can turn to the Lord, but it's good to have friends ~  Joshua Graham , Fallout New Vegas, Honest Hearts.

When people are lost they turn to the man who  acts like he knows the way out,  when the truth is he knows less than them. ~ John McMillan Original War

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself" -Unknown.

"I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes" ~William Shatter, Airplane II 

Credits: Alesssia pictures by JackThorn/Tomas13

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3215 on: June 01, 2017, 11:37:17 PM »
*** Salvager Vessel Toorna's Profits, Orbiting LBX-7683 ***

Just after the pod was beamed over to the other vessel and appeared on a transport pad, a red triangle would be apparent, warning that the pod required a port to sit in and it needed a fresh source of stasis agent.

Surely Toorna's Profits would get some colourful words for not 'properly' preparing the shipment.

*** Near Jedi Temple Grounds, Coruscant ***

Gypsie nodded and walked close to Kyle, keeping Hector closely behind them, "We'll go visit the temple later... food first... okay, Kyle?"

*** Tigress Armory Dragon'taan ***

Fawn listened, looking towards Kyle, "What's that about?

*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

Raz kept his body close to Anna's as he slept, embracing her body heat with gentle breathing.
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3216 on: June 02, 2017, 03:23:42 AM »
Ray, after acquiring a simple, ill-fitted suit, the raccoon tried to find the airlock. He knew that the dying ship would have a suit fitted for him. Sighing, Ray realized that the ship couldn't cancel a warp jump. He'd have to change the jump coordinates manually, potential sheering through Sangheilios' atmosphere. Ray sighed again, and rubbed the back of his head.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3217 on: June 02, 2017, 05:34:49 AM »
** UNSC Allegiance, Sangheilios Orbit **

"Good enough. Hopefully Luro can use some of that Jedi magic and fix me up more," Blaine replied, lifting his arm for one of the medics. "What's going on now?" He asked, taking a drag from his cigarette. A medic protested him smoking, but Blaine ignored him.
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Offline Shoon

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3218 on: June 02, 2017, 12:14:31 PM »
---The Blasphemy, deep space---
"Echo Foxtrot? That can't be right.." The ghost said "Doesn't matter that takes priority" Shoon sat in his chair "Abandon all scans and prepare for jump to Dragon'taan".

---DMC Military R&D Lab, Draco City, Dragon'taan---
Shoon walked by his side "Well, thats bound to be intresting".
« Last Edit: June 02, 2017, 12:16:17 PM by Shoon »
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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3219 on: June 04, 2017, 02:15:07 AM »
*** DMC Military R&D Lab, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

"Interesting, yes - disturbing, even more so," Vokun agreed as the techs moved the "Vulcan" to another room for the set-up. "I worry that - if my suspicions are true - the Tal Shiar infiltration runs deeper than we realize."

*** Tigress Armory Dragon'taan ***

"Oh, the last time I was in my Battlemech, I hit some odd glitches. Those would have been disastrous if I were in combat," Kyle answered Fawn. He looked to Keri. "But the glitches have been fixed, yes?"

*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

Drake woke again for some undetermined reason, sat up, yawned, stretched, dressed in a simple "around-the-house" robe and walked out to the kitchen.

*** Salvager Vessel Toorna's Profits, Orbiting LBX-7683 ***

The Toorna's Profits answered the Fox Fire's hail first, seeing as it was already present with weapons locked. "Yes, unidentified vessel?" asked the captain. "Is something wrong?"

*** UNSC Allegiance, Sangheilios Orbit ***

"Seems we're gonna aid Luro in whatever he directs his efforts to," Andrew responded. "So in a few minutes - after the medics are done with you - you, Zuko and I will head on over to the Assured Victory and see what's what."

*** USLV Assured Victory, Sangheilios Orbit ***

"Seems our best lead will be to talk to General Bellator," Luro said. "Prep for departure... we'll delay a few moments before we leave; I sense others may join our mission."

*** Near Jedi Temple Grounds, Coruscant ***

"Statement: I agree with Master Gypsie's suggestion, master; the stew was good for you, but you need to relax a little. And I recall you several times saying how much you miss the Coruscant cuisine," Hector backed Gypsie's statement up. Kyle sighed, then nodded.

"Very well," he said. "Been a while since I had a Nerf Burger... or a Bantha steak... hm..."

Hector looked to Gypsie. "Observation: It seems we got him going."

*** Deep Jungle Bar & Grille, Tigaria ***

Travis spoke first: "You look rather down. Is everything alright?"

The lady scoffed, then spoke in Romulan: "You cannot possibly understand what it is like to have everything taken from you by those you thought you could trust... people you served under, never realizing--"

"I understand that more than you realize, my lady. I know what that's like. But I lost more than that; I lost my very identity. I only very recently learned who I really am. And given the language we speak in... I can say I know who took so much from you, because they've done the same to me,"
Travis cut her off in the same language. The hybrid looked up from her drink, shocked and amazed. A long, uncomfortable pause followed this as they stared at each other.

Finaly, the lady spoke in plain English, "Skye..."

"... Thomas," Travis responded. He shifted seats, sitting down next to Skye.
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"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3220 on: June 04, 2017, 02:42:58 AM »
_Tigress  Armory, Dragon'taan_

"I said, yes." Keri sighed. "Still don't know why you prefer such an outdated design base though." She muttered walking over to a small but still large robotic like Dragon walking up the stairs of a scafold like structure to the torso of the robot.

_Amp's home_

"Why would you want to go back to that junk pile?" Amps Asked Felicity.

_Indari Manor, Dragon'taan_

Drake had woken up Amie when he left, the young vixen getting out of bed wearing only her undergarments, tried to sneak out of the room before Drake got back, intending to speak with Spyra.

_Deep Jungle Bar & Grille , Tigaria_

By now Tigress was reading the menu and sipping her drink, since travis hadn't come back she assumed things had gone well and decided that if he really needed her ,he come talk to her.

_Fox Fire, Orbiting LBX-7683_

"we've tracked you from a battle recently will you submit to a manifest check?" Fyra asked calmy trying not to jump the gun anymore than she already did.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2017, 02:47:56 AM by Alex »
Uhh..Lord I didn't train to be a pilot. Tell me I don't have any more flying to do today.........................  Amen. ~ 'Dutch' Halo3 ODST.

We all go through peroids of darkness. In such times we can turn to the Lord, but it's good to have friends ~  Joshua Graham , Fallout New Vegas, Honest Hearts.

When people are lost they turn to the man who  acts like he knows the way out,  when the truth is he knows less than them. ~ John McMillan Original War

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself" -Unknown.

"I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes" ~William Shatter, Airplane II 

Credits: Alesssia pictures by JackThorn/Tomas13

Offline Razuel

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3221 on: June 04, 2017, 02:50:38 AM »
*** Tigress Armory Dragon'taan ***

Fawn listened in, "I'd hope so too.", but as Fawn's eyes followed Keri, his mouth went agape, "Damn..."

*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
                     +++*Raz's dreamscape*+++
+++*Similar to a situation that happened before when Raz had that heavy fever, Raz's soulstone, pressing up against Anna, engulfing her in a red glowing and shifting veil.   The effects of this would be that Anna would awake within Raz's mind, with him having a dream involving Anna, a scene where Anna was playing with Raz, along with a running dark figure next with them, it being Kyle, but since Raz didn't have too clear of an image of him, he was darkened and blurred with his visible colours.  Clearly this scene was of Raz accepting Anna and Kyle as his new parents, but this may not be as clear to Anna as it is to Raz.
The environment had changed from before, the surroundings showing cyan-turquoise skies with a multi-colour sun.  This was the planet Raz once came from, the one that was destroyed, a planet that was in the news just before last year's christmas, but the images were different from the broadcasts shown of the recorded photos, except for the skies and the sun, this place had fields of multi-colour crystals jutting from the planet, and a large kind monolithic thing that seemed to be a primitive device for early space teleportation and transportation.  *+++

Back to reality

Either Amie or Drake would've been able able to see the light coming from under Anna's bedroom door as they left their room, it seeming to pulse.    As long as Anna stayed calm, the veil wouldn't break and she wouldn't leave the dreamscape abruptly.

*** Near Jedi Temple Grounds, Coruscant ***

Gypsie smiled to Hector, nodding in agreement, gently wrapping her arm around Kyle's, "C'mon, lets go see the place and get some Bath steak!" she meant Banth steak, but heard bath instead.     She lightly tugged on his arm and looked at Hector, "Can you lead us there, Hector?"

_Amp's home_

Felicity continued to look down, "I feel empty... I mean... I have no memories aside from meeting you... I have no idea how my voice was botched....", she then looked up and screamed out, emiting a large burst of electricity, making another junction explode a few more blocks away before shrinking back to her infant/chibi form, curling up, showing no physical signs of being hurt, "It's like a 1 or 0 is missing... and my mind, my processing keeps skipping it and it keeps making me angry... that's why I first attacked you... the rubbed that lined the floor of that building held my electricity, that's why nothing bad happened...", she was glowing softly, no more than a half-life LED light, very dim-lit, looking very confused and conflicted
« Last Edit: June 04, 2017, 03:01:55 AM by Razuel »
  • Avatar by: ZehPurz

^ Is really happy, and spreads positivity around the forums and even the world. This person is a really cool and friendly person, and really deserves everything life has to offer. This person is how everyone should be like. When I grow up, I want to be just like Razuel

Offline Romulan_Furry

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3222 on: June 04, 2017, 03:41:56 AM »
*** Tigress Armory Dragon'taan ***

"What, that?" Kyle chuckled, indicating the mech. "That's just one of the many amazing things from the brilliant mind that is Quartermaster Tigress Arcnon."

*** Near Amps' home, Dragon'taan ***

A Romulan wearing the garb of the Romulan Republic saw the juntion spark and explode, and so, took out his tricorder and scanned. Sure enough, he picked up a power surge in the direction of Amps' home. He snuck over and peered around, looking for a possible cause for that energy surge.

*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

Anna would stir slightly, but otherwise remain unchanged. In her dream, she would happily be playing with Raz, feeling as though he were her own young son. Though she couldn't see Kyle, she could hear him as they both spoke as loving parents to Raz.

*** Salvager Vessel Toorna's Profits, Orbiting LBX-7683 ***

"Uh... sure... may I ask what for? What is this about?" The captin asked.

*** Near Jedi Temple Grounds, Coruscant ***

"Bantha Steak," Kyle corrected Gypsie with a chuckle. He headed for the restaurant nearby, labeled "Coruscanti Steakhouse". Hector followed close by, his blaster rifle in hand but not primed to fire. "Gypsie... ever had a burger before? Or a steak?"

*** Deep Jungle Bar & Grille, Tigaria ***

Skye and Thomas spent what seemed hours - though it had only been half of one - talking, several times, Thomas had comforted Skye. After that time, they both moved to Tigress' table. "Tigress," Thomas spoke, "This is Skye. Skye, this is Quartermaster Tigress Arcnon."

Skye waved. "Any relation to the Arcnon Royal Family?" she asked.
  • Avatar by: Guy named KazeKat
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

Offline Alessia Starfurr

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3223 on: June 04, 2017, 03:58:42 AM »
_TIgress' Armory, Dragon'taan_

"This here is a delphyne protomech one of the largest made at 9tons, smaller than a battlemech but bigger than battle armor this is my personal model i call it the Dune Dragon Keri explained as she crawled into the cockpit mounted in the center torso of the Protomech.

_Amps home_

Amps rubbed her ears that were hurt by Felicites scream. "You mind not doing that your gonna cut off the house, no whole block to eletricity, not to mention we kinda want to keep a low profile until we can talk with Tigress or someone." The jolteon noted.

_Deep Jungle Bar & Grille, Tigaria_

'Don't get around the palace or the capitol city much do you?"Tigress asked "Didn't you hear the  group of girls that walked through here a few minutes ago?" The large she-tiger asked "I'm the next in line for the throne, though I think I'll hand that down to my brother, or something, politics was never my strong point." Tigress finished still half-focused on the menu. "Nice to meet you Skye what are you? Half Tigarian? You look a bit tall to be pure

_Fox fire_
"That information is classified, just know that we think your a possible enemy, but i'd like to rule that out,
« Last Edit: June 04, 2017, 04:01:39 AM by Alex »
Uhh..Lord I didn't train to be a pilot. Tell me I don't have any more flying to do today.........................  Amen. ~ 'Dutch' Halo3 ODST.

We all go through peroids of darkness. In such times we can turn to the Lord, but it's good to have friends ~  Joshua Graham , Fallout New Vegas, Honest Hearts.

When people are lost they turn to the man who  acts like he knows the way out,  when the truth is he knows less than them. ~ John McMillan Original War

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself" -Unknown.

"I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes" ~William Shatter, Airplane II 

Credits: Alesssia pictures by JackThorn/Tomas13

Offline Razuel

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  • Species: Western Feral Dragon
  • Coloring: Black body,wings(underside is red), Red underbelly, silver-ish Spikes along spine
  • Height: 6' 12''
  • Weight: 217
  • Build: Muscular
Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3224 on: June 04, 2017, 04:11:47 AM »
*** Tigress Armory Dragon'taan ***

Fawn didn't have any smart remarks or jokes, he was simply astounded by the craftsmanship, so thus he was speechless

*** Near Amps' home, Dragon'taan ***

From Amps' bedroom window, a soft hue of red light could be seen as a result of her small size now, also, the entire 5 blocks surrounding Amps' home was in complete blackout

            ++ Amps home_

                 Felicity rested her head down and looked down again, "Sorry... As I explained, it does happen when there's an inconsistency in my data...  I can't help it..."

*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

Raz continued to play with Anna and Kyle, Anna and Kyle turning into their feral forms, but since Raz has not seen either of them in their feral forms, they appear as shadow figures to him, and Anna would notice this too.    Soon enough, the dream slowly winding down to the three of them resting beneath a red barked tree with diamond-shaped leaves of green.

*** Near Jedi Temple Grounds, Coruscant ***

Gypsie responded, "I've eaten a giant chicken before, if that counts."

  • Avatar by: ZehPurz

^ Is really happy, and spreads positivity around the forums and even the world. This person is a really cool and friendly person, and really deserves everything life has to offer. This person is how everyone should be like. When I grow up, I want to be just like Razuel


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