*** Coruscanti Steakhouse, Coruscant ***
Gyspie smiled as Kyle, placing her hand on his cheek, her hand smelling strong of campfire and being very soft, "I don't go down easy, and besides, you'll be there with me, right? SO with that, you shouldn't worry." she then looked at Hector, "And as blunt as Hector is, if you aren't around, Kyle, I can suit Hector up with some extra defense protocols... when I get the knowhow...", she chugged back her cup of water and continued, "And I decided to help you out of impluse... back on Tau Dewa, I have been confined in a cell multiple times for stopping drug rings, damaging logging equipment, public assault on despicable parents and shop owners... that and some odd group was stalking my territory back there, and everywhere I went... not only the people that shot at us, but some odd cloaked people... they tried to take me once, but I killed one of them, so they kept their distance."
"Anyway, you won't scare me away, Kyle... you never would be able to... and you!", she pointed at Hector, "Tone down you blunt meter, would you? I won't be able to protect you from Kyle... or the scrapheap...", she then decided to play a joke on Hector, directing to Kyle, "Say... there's a black market here, right? How much does a droid like Hector go for?"
*** Private Dock B, Geidi IV ***
Angel flinched as the chains were taken off her, it feeling free, but she looked up at this person, her eyes wide in confusion, inspecting him for anything she would see as a weapon or threat.
She flinched again as the granola bars were brought towards her, leaning towards them like a hurt animal, sniffing the bars, trying to find a food smell, she found one and she slowly took a bar out of the man's hand and eventually opened it, starting to eat the bar, her hair standing on end for a moment as it had flavor and she loved it.
Once her hair fell back down, she quickly ate the bar in her hands before doing the same to the other one, but once she was done, Angel held the wrappers in her hands, her face being covered in crumbs, looking up at the man, making noises suggesting that she wanted more.
Any words the man may say to Angel, she wouldn't be able to understand them.