*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***
"Fawn, this is Nari - she's with our Special Operations Division," Kyle told Fawn. "You okay? Kinda hit your head kinda hard." He looked back at Nari. "And what exactly do the clans want?"
*** Jedi Temple, Coruscant ***
"Blonde hair...?" Kyle repeated, looking up at Luke. "Oh, him. That's Vader's son, Luke." He turned and resumed course for the dorms, heading down the hall, his pace slowing gradually.
*** Geidi IV ***
The director and Derrik would lead Angel up to a balcony, where they both stood aside to give a clear look at Angel. While most of them cheered, one did not - a female, with human looks and dragon eyes, face paint much like her mother's. She studied Angel from the distance, her presence seeming to be reassuring and determined.
*** Dragon'taan ***
As luck would have it, there was such a place nearby, indicated on a nearby map directory - and it was within walking distance.
*** Sith Tal Shiar Staging Area ***
"That is the message - she and Markus must meet with me, and soon. Something needs to be brought to their attention. If it helps, this is where they should meet with me," Torrentus said, her ship transmitting a set of coordinates that pointed to an area near the Peragus III Asteroid Field.
*** UNSC Allegiance, Dragon'taan Orbit ***
"As much as we can about the Eternal Fleet," Andrew responded. "Zuko, you have the Conn. Blaine, you, Danielson and I will meet Luro and his party down planetside and go with them to... well, wherever it is they're going."
*** USLV Assured Victory, Dragon'taan Orbit ***
Luro walked toward the shuttle bay, hoping Ambre was in tow.
*** Sangheilios Orbital Station ***
"Did you? Then why sweat over it?" the Sangheili Major asked. "You might be able to fool the UNSC with a lie like that, but we are much more vigilant. Tell me who you really are, and what you're really here for, and maybe we'll let you be on your way."
*** Refugee Encampment, Sangheilios ***
"Indeed. At any rate--" Huki was cut off by his radio, squawking in the Sangheili tongue. He frowned, then responded, and then brought up an image on his wrist computer. His frown deepened, and he looked to the guard. Showing the image - the "trade ship" docked at the orbital station - he asked, "Does this ship look at all familiar to you?"
*** Armored Cruiser Ardent ***
"It's public knowledge - if less-known - that when he was going through training, Commander Lasky developed an allergy to Cytoprethaline, a drug that is injected to keep ice crystals from forming in cells during cryosleep. Every time he woke from it, he had severe blisters and difficulty breathing. He narrowly avoided a medical discharge from that," the NCO replied. "We Sangheili respect and admire his... resilience."