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Author Topic: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)  (Read 380523 times)

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3390 on: August 07, 2017, 12:46:37 PM »
*Sangheilios Orbit*
As Ardos approached the airlock door, he made one last command. "Gunther? Send a long-rang communique to Great Leader. Let him know we're about to retrieve his runaways." The communication's officer nodded, and sent the following transmission.
'At Sangheilios; target materials located.'

*Gorbis Mungdrigo, Mungdrigo surface*

Amidst the horrifying cries of tiberium-infested beasts and the beautiful green glow of the Tiberium crystals, the massive mega-city of Gorbis Mungdrigo sat within it's massive outer walls. Several miles across, the city was self sufficient and almost completely safe from the tiberium environment outside. Huge factory sectors deployed specially designed harvesters to collect the tiberium for refinement. Opposite these factories were the commercial sectors. Selling everything from toilet-paper to in-house robot maids, these sectors were some of the busiest areas of the city. Farthest from the factories were the residential sectors. A little more than slums, the citizens of Gorbis Mungdrigo lived very spartan lives. Safe to say, they were not happy people. In the center of the city lay the military sector. Little more than iron-fisted police, the military rolls out bi-pedal mechs, tanks, anti-gravity ships, and foot-soldiers to keep peace inside the city. Finally, in a huge, opulent tower in the dead-center of the city was Great Leader's mansion. Covered in gilded black panels, the massive tower boasted it's own anti-air, orbital, and nuclear defenses. It even housed Great Leader's retainers and personal staff. And, of course, the Great Leader himself sat upon a mechanical-looking throne and stared out over the city. His city.
*Great Leader's observatory*
Killian Arthur Gorbis, as he was once known, sat in his opulent tower reveling in his wealth as Great Leader, master of all Mungdrigo. His royal-purple fur stood out against the rest of his people, as he had regular running water and other necessities. Great Leader stared idly out his windows, when a chime caught his attention. With a lazy wave of his chubby paw, one of his servants approached swiftly with a message. He smiled, his gilded, crooked teeth gleaming beneath the dim lights. "Good," he growled, his once heroic voice that stirred the embers of revolution, now transformed into a disgusting figment from his greed.
"I want them sooner! I want my runaways now!" His fat paw slammed against the arm of his chair, his entire arm wobbling.

*Armored Cruiser, Ardent*
Ray, suffering from the side-effects of cryo-stasis, had taken to vomiting into a nearby, and available, receptacle. He them profusely apologized to any nearby Sangheili, hoping they did not take offence to his actions.

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3391 on: August 07, 2017, 07:20:32 PM »
-- Indari Manor, Front porch, Dragon'taan--

Nari pressed the door bell button and then proceeded to knock on the door.
Uhh..Lord I didn't train to be a pilot. Tell me I don't have any more flying to do today.........................  Amen. ~ 'Dutch' Halo3 ODST.

We all go through peroids of darkness. In such times we can turn to the Lord, but it's good to have friends ~  Joshua Graham , Fallout New Vegas, Honest Hearts.

When people are lost they turn to the man who  acts like he knows the way out,  when the truth is he knows less than them. ~ John McMillan Original War

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself" -Unknown.

"I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes" ~William Shatter, Airplane II 

Credits: Alesssia pictures by JackThorn/Tomas13

Offline Romulan_Furry

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3392 on: August 08, 2017, 01:36:54 AM »
*** Sangheilios Orbital Station, Sangheilios Orbit ***
(Gonna go on a limb, here - tell me if it's too far.)

The sudden transmission of an encrypted message being sent to parts unknown did not go unnoticed by the Sangheili ships. Several raised shields and weapons, and had their weapons locked on the "trade ship". When the airlock cycled and the door finally opened, Ardos would find himself staring down the barrels of several Sangheili Storm Rifles, held by over a dozen Sangheili Rangers. The leader of the bunch - clad in Crimson armor - had his arms crossed. "I trust your message was received?" he asked.

*** Refugee Encampment, Sangheilios ***

"No need to apologize," Huki assured him. "Please - go on."

*** Armored Cruiser Ardent ***

"It is quite alright - Cryo-Stasis has varied effects on everyone. At least you didn't end up with what Commander Lasky did," responded a Sangheili NCO.

*** Indari Manor, Front porch, Dragon'taan ***

Kyle almost immediately answered the door, and frowned. "Nari...? You know what time it is, right?"

*** DMC Military R&D Lab, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

"Understood," The agent responded.

Xalek stood waiting for Shoon's word.

(Mary, I'll let you play out Anna's next move - whether they go after the Brotherhood or the Tal Shiar.)

*** Sith Tal Shiar Staging area ***

"Perhaps - but again, not yet; not while I am rebuilding here. Which reminds me..." Torrentus paused, his ship transmitting an image of a blue fox standing next to the unmistakable form of Lord-Admiral Markus Tokarev. "... The woman, Krystal Indari-Tokarev... she needs to meet with me at some point soon. There's something she needs to know. Her and her husband."

*** Dragon'taan Bank ***

The Bank was closed, their business hours being between 0800 Hours until 1800 Hours.

*** UNSC Allegiance, Dragon'taan Orbit ***

"Oh, good - you're here," Andrew said, putting his Mjolnir helmet on. "Think you can keep it together for a meeting with a member of the DMC's High Command Staff?" he asked Blaine.

*** USLV Assured Victory, Dragon'taan Orbit ***

"Commander, you have the Conn. Ambre, can you guide me to General Bellator's residence?" Luro asked Ambre.

*** Bellator Residence, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

Scourge paused, grunted softly, sensing something in the Force.

*** Jedi Temple Entrance, Coruscant ***

Kyle was nearly knocked over, chuckling to Gypsie, "Something you want to tell me?"

*** Geidi IV ***

The director shook his head. "No. Little one is prize." he looked down at Angel, motioning his head. "Come - let's get show on road."
  • Avatar by: Guy named KazeKat
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

Offline Alessia Starfurr

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3393 on: August 08, 2017, 01:54:56 AM »
 --- Indari Manor, Front porch, Dragon'taan ---

"Clan warriors don't sleep on duty." Nari replied. "I need someone to come with me,it's an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with now, the Grand Council is going to meet on Arc-Royal  over in the battletech sector... and they've asked me as a 'warrior' to bring a representative of the DMC." Nari explained "Someone who is preferably good at hand-to-hand combat." The silver vixen added.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2017, 07:01:57 PM by Alex »
Uhh..Lord I didn't train to be a pilot. Tell me I don't have any more flying to do today.........................  Amen. ~ 'Dutch' Halo3 ODST.

We all go through peroids of darkness. In such times we can turn to the Lord, but it's good to have friends ~  Joshua Graham , Fallout New Vegas, Honest Hearts.

When people are lost they turn to the man who  acts like he knows the way out,  when the truth is he knows less than them. ~ John McMillan Original War

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself" -Unknown.

"I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes" ~William Shatter, Airplane II 

Credits: Alesssia pictures by JackThorn/Tomas13

Offline Rayleonarde

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  • Currently: Pretty happy.
Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3394 on: August 08, 2017, 02:49:40 AM »
*Sangheilios Orbital Station*
Ardos's paws raised slowly, as he spoke. "Easy! Easy. I was informing my employer that I had arrived."
A bead of sweat ran down his brow, exposing his already veil-thin lie.
*Sangheilios Refugee camp*
"We were worked as slaves, forced to harvest tiberium by paw if the harvester trucks weren't available. We had to leave, or die in those horrible, beautiful fields." The guard sighed, and shook his head. "But now is not the time for sorrow. We're free."
*Armored Cruiser Ardent*
Ray turned to the NCO curiously. "What happened to Lasky?"

Offline Blaiiine

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3395 on: August 08, 2017, 05:21:21 AM »
** UNSC Allegiance, Dragon'taan Orbit **

"Don't expect miracles from a grunt, sir. But I'll do my best," Blaine replied, one arm on his rifle and the other on his side. Danielson stood nearby, taking his helmet off. He was young, with short cropped black hair and a few scars across his chin. "So, what are we needing to learn from this whole 'visit'?" Blaine asked, watching the main monitor.
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Offline Ara Av-Toa

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3396 on: August 08, 2017, 02:49:16 PM »
*** Sangheilios Orbital Station, Sangheilios Orbit ***
(Gonna go on a limb, here - tell me if it's too far.)

The sudden transmission of an encrypted message being sent to parts unknown did not go unnoticed by the Sangheili ships. Several raised shields and weapons, and had their weapons locked on the "trade ship". When the airlock cycled and the door finally opened, Ardos would find himself staring down the barrels of several Sangheili Storm Rifles, held by over a dozen Sangheili Rangers. The leader of the bunch - clad in Crimson armor - had his arms crossed. "I trust your message was received?" he asked.

*** Refugee Encampment, Sangheilios ***

"No need to apologize," Huki assured him. "Please - go on."

*** Armored Cruiser Ardent ***

"It is quite alright - Cryo-Stasis has varied effects on everyone. At least you didn't end up with what Commander Lasky did," responded a Sangheili NCO.

*** Indari Manor, Front porch, Dragon'taan ***

Kyle almost immediately answered the door, and frowned. "Nari...? You know what time it is, right?"

*** DMC Military R&D Lab, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

"Understood," The agent responded.

Xalek stood waiting for Shoon's word.

(Mary, I'll let you play out Anna's next move - whether they go after the Brotherhood or the Tal Shiar.)

*** Sith Tal Shiar Staging area ***

"Perhaps - but again, not yet; not while I am rebuilding here. Which reminds me..." Torrentus paused, his ship transmitting an image of a blue fox standing next to the unmistakable form of Lord-Admiral Markus Tokarev. "... The woman, Krystal Indari-Tokarev... she needs to meet with me at some point soon. There's something she needs to know. Her and her husband."

*** Dragon'taan Bank ***

The Bank was closed, their business hours being between 0800 Hours until 1800 Hours.

*** UNSC Allegiance, Dragon'taan Orbit ***

"Oh, good - you're here," Andrew said, putting his Mjolnir helmet on. "Think you can keep it together for a meeting with a member of the DMC's High Command Staff?" he asked Blaine.

*** USLV Assured Victory, Dragon'taan Orbit ***

"Commander, you have the Conn. Ambre, can you guide me to General Bellator's residence?" Luro asked Ambre.

*** Bellator Residence, Draco City, Dragon'taan ***

Scourge paused, grunted softly, sensing something in the Force.

*** Jedi Temple Entrance, Coruscant ***

Kyle was nearly knocked over, chuckling to Gypsie, "Something you want to tell me?"

*** Geidi IV ***

The director shook his head. "No. Little one is prize." he looked down at Angel, motioning his head. "Come - let's get show on road."
*New Romulus*
The copilot asked Anna: "So, where to next? The Brotherhood will likely be the easiest target. The Tal Shiar are harder to take out, yet the reward is higher." Anna commanded him: "See where and when shipments for New Romulus are launched." "The Tal Shiar it is. I'll start working on it right away."

Fayam grumbled. In the excitement he forgot it was only open during the day, while it was currently night. It would take at least six hours before it opened. He looked around to see if there was any restaurant or anything similar still open.

*"Sith" Tal Shiar*
The Leviathans responded: "Please continue. We'll be happy to relay the message."

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3397 on: August 10, 2017, 02:13:25 PM »
*** Indari Manor, Front porch, Dragon'taan ***

Fawn was sitting in a foyer chair, a shoe half off his foot, as seemingly he passed out when he was taking his shoes off.
After a small amount of time of Kyle and Nari talking, Fawn sputtered and woke up, lazily standing up and walking towards Kyle before falling, "SsshhhiiittTT", and he fell with a thud since he had one foot half out of his shoe.    Fawn slowly got up, rubbing his head and looking at Kyle and Nari, "Who's this...?

*** Jedi Temple Entrance, Coruscant ***

Gypsie was on the verge of falling, but caught herself on Kyle, holding onto his torso, looking up at him, "U-uhm... Some people here know you... some guy with blonde hair just talked to me... I heard you name in his speaking... but I was a tad distracted.", she then got her footing and stood up.

*** Geidi IV ***

Angel looked at the Rep she was still hiding behind, starting to cautiously walk behind the Director, but at a distance, sadly looking back at the Rep who was so kind to her.

--- Tigress Armory, Dragon'taan ---

Once Felicity's egg was brought closer to the printer, there was a blue surge of light that seemingly interacted with the 3d printer, then after a few minutes the printer would beep, showing a ready light and a rotating 3d schematic on a previewing monitor, it detailing quickly what was in the file.
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^ Is really happy, and spreads positivity around the forums and even the world. This person is a really cool and friendly person, and really deserves everything life has to offer. This person is how everyone should be like. When I grow up, I want to be just like Razuel

Offline Romulan_Furry

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3398 on: August 11, 2017, 02:13:53 AM »
*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

"Fawn, this is Nari - she's with our Special Operations Division," Kyle told Fawn. "You okay? Kinda hit your head kinda hard." He looked back at Nari. "And what exactly do the clans want?"

*** Jedi Temple, Coruscant ***

"Blonde hair...?" Kyle repeated, looking up at Luke. "Oh, him. That's Vader's son, Luke." He turned and resumed course for the dorms, heading down the hall, his pace slowing gradually.

*** Geidi IV ***

The director and Derrik would lead Angel up to a balcony, where they both stood aside to give a clear look at Angel. While most of them cheered, one did not - a female, with human looks and dragon eyes, face paint much like her mother's. She studied Angel from the distance, her presence seeming to be reassuring and determined.

*** Dragon'taan ***

As luck would have it, there was such a place nearby, indicated on a nearby map directory - and it was within walking distance.

*** Sith Tal Shiar Staging Area ***

"That is the message - she and Markus must meet with me, and soon. Something needs to be brought to their attention. If it helps, this is where they should meet with me," Torrentus said, her ship transmitting a set of coordinates that pointed to an area near the Peragus III Asteroid Field.

*** UNSC Allegiance, Dragon'taan Orbit ***

"As much as we can about the Eternal Fleet," Andrew responded. "Zuko, you have the Conn. Blaine, you, Danielson and I will meet Luro and his party down planetside and go with them to... well, wherever it is they're going."

*** USLV Assured Victory, Dragon'taan Orbit ***

Luro walked toward the shuttle bay, hoping Ambre was in tow.

*** Sangheilios Orbital Station ***

"Did you? Then why sweat over it?" the Sangheili Major asked. "You might be able to fool the UNSC with a lie like that, but we are much more vigilant. Tell me who you really are, and what you're really here for, and maybe we'll let you be on your way."

*** Refugee Encampment, Sangheilios ***

"Indeed. At any rate--" Huki was cut off by his radio, squawking in the Sangheili tongue. He frowned, then responded, and then brought up an image on his wrist computer. His frown deepened, and he looked to the guard. Showing the image - the "trade ship" docked at the orbital station - he asked, "Does this ship look at all familiar to you?"

*** Armored Cruiser Ardent ***

"It's public knowledge - if less-known - that when he was going through training, Commander Lasky developed an allergy to Cytoprethaline, a drug that is injected to keep ice crystals from forming in cells during cryosleep. Every time he woke from it, he had severe blisters and difficulty breathing. He narrowly avoided a medical discharge from that," the NCO replied. "We Sangheili respect and admire his... resilience."
  • Avatar by: Guy named KazeKat
"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural..." --Darth Sidious

"Being a soldier isn't just following orders - it's following those orders while in the service of a higher cause. When that cause is betrayed, we aren't soldiers anymore; just pieces on a chess board, dying for the wrong reasons." --Unknown

A Klingon wears their emotion on his or her sleeve - when they're happy, you'll hear it; sad, you'll see it; angry, you'll fear it.

Offline Rayleonarde

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3399 on: August 11, 2017, 03:54:45 AM »
*Sangheilios Orbital Station*
Ardos sighed, weighed his options, and spoke. "Alright...alright. I'm not a trader. I'm working for Great Leader. I'm just trying to make ends meet. I'm sure you understand, right? Just trying to scrape by in the backends of space."
*Sangheilios refugee camp*
The guard nodded. "That's the collection ship. Ardos is her captain."
*Armored Cruiser Ardent*
Ray shuddered. "I-I'm sorry to hear that."

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3400 on: August 11, 2017, 08:55:49 AM »
---DMC Military R&D Lab, Draco City, Dragon'taan---
Slowly gray cyan text would fade into the agent's vision while Shoon watched. The agent would start to hear a voice explaining to him how everything works while features slowly enter his vision, direct audio channels, tracking, and so and so forth.

(I am waiting for the rest for party at the Bellator residence to finish preparing)
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Offline Blaiiine

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3401 on: August 11, 2017, 09:19:46 AM »
** UNSC Allegiance, Dragon'taan Orbit **

"Roger doger," Blaine replied, slinging his rifle to the side. He walked to the elevator doors and waited for the other two, lighting a cigarette.

Danielson followed him and found a spot against the wall to wait at. "I don't think I had the chance before on Sedra, but you can call me Kozik." He said to Blaine.

"Kozik. That's a odd name, dude." Blaine replied, laughing. "It's a family name, prick." Kozik snapped back, slinging his SMG, to which Blaine laughed harder.
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Offline Ara Av-Toa

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3402 on: August 13, 2017, 05:24:31 PM »

Without anywhere else to go, Fayam just walked towards the site.

*New Romulus*
Within minutes, the copilot worked out a list of planned transports. He showed it to Anna and she picked one that would go from a reasonable distance. She grabbed the helm and set course.

*"Sith" Tal Shiar*
The Leviathans replied: "As you wish. We'll set off, then. May the universe give you peace." After those words, they steered the refurbished ship away.

Offline Alessia Starfurr

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Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3403 on: August 13, 2017, 06:17:25 PM »
*** Indari Manor, Dragon'taan ***

"Fawn, this is Nari - she's with our Special Operations Division," Kyle told Fawn. "You okay? Kinda hit your head kinda hard." He looked back at Nari. "And what exactly do the clans want?"

*** Jedi Temple, Coruscant ***

"Blonde hair...?" Kyle repeated, looking up at Luke. "Oh, him. That's Vader's son, Luke." He turned and resumed course for the dorms, heading down the hall, his pace slowing gradually.

*** Geidi IV ***

The director and Derrik would lead Angel up to a balcony, where they both stood aside to give a clear look at Angel. While most of them cheered, one did not - a female, with human looks and dragon eyes, face paint much like her mother's. She studied Angel from the distance, her presence seeming to be reassuring and determined.

*** Dragon'taan ***

As luck would have it, there was such a place nearby, indicated on a nearby map directory - and it was within walking distance.

*** Sith Tal Shiar Staging Area ***

"That is the message - she and Markus must meet with me, and soon. Something needs to be brought to their attention. If it helps, this is where they should meet with me," Torrentus said, her ship transmitting a set of coordinates that pointed to an area near the Peragus III Asteroid Field.

*** UNSC Allegiance, Dragon'taan Orbit ***

"As much as we can about the Eternal Fleet," Andrew responded. "Zuko, you have the Conn. Blaine, you, Danielson and I will meet Luro and his party down planetside and go with them to... well, wherever it is they're going."

*** USLV Assured Victory, Dragon'taan Orbit ***

Luro walked toward the shuttle bay, hoping Ambre was in tow.

*** Sangheilios Orbital Station ***

"Did you? Then why sweat over it?" the Sangheili Major asked. "You might be able to fool the UNSC with a lie like that, but we are much more vigilant. Tell me who you really are, and what you're really here for, and maybe we'll let you be on your way."

*** Refugee Encampment, Sangheilios ***

"Indeed. At any rate--" Huki was cut off by his radio, squawking in the Sangheili tongue. He frowned, then responded, and then brought up an image on his wrist computer. His frown deepened, and he looked to the guard. Showing the image - the "trade ship" docked at the orbital station - he asked, "Does this ship look at all familiar to you?"

*** Armored Cruiser Ardent ***

"It's public knowledge - if less-known - that when he was going through training, Commander Lasky developed an allergy to Cytoprethaline, a drug that is injected to keep ice crystals from forming in cells during cryosleep. Every time he woke from it, he had severe blisters and difficulty breathing. He narrowly avoided a medical discharge from that," the NCO replied. "We Sangheili respect and admire his... resilience."

--/Dragon'taan. \--

- Indari Manor-
"They want to meet a representative." NAri replied. "and that likely may include one of their combat trials...." She added.

-Tigress armory--

"OH COMMON!" Amps growled pressing the start button on the printer.

  --- USLV Assured Victory, Dragon'taan Orbit--

Ambre was indeed following along in her feral wolf form, why? She just wanted to, which probably explained why she never responded to Luro.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2017, 06:29:59 PM by Alex »
Uhh..Lord I didn't train to be a pilot. Tell me I don't have any more flying to do today.........................  Amen. ~ 'Dutch' Halo3 ODST.

We all go through peroids of darkness. In such times we can turn to the Lord, but it's good to have friends ~  Joshua Graham , Fallout New Vegas, Honest Hearts.

When people are lost they turn to the man who  acts like he knows the way out,  when the truth is he knows less than them. ~ John McMillan Original War

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself" -Unknown.

"I guess irony can be pretty ironic sometimes" ~William Shatter, Airplane II 

Credits: Alesssia pictures by JackThorn/Tomas13

Offline Razuel

  • Jovial Jaguar
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  • Species: Western Feral Dragon
  • Coloring: Black body,wings(underside is red), Red underbelly, silver-ish Spikes along spine
  • Height: 6' 12''
  • Weight: 217
  • Build: Muscular
Re: Galactic Society (Open/Lounge RP, but READ FIRST POST)
« Reply #3404 on: August 15, 2017, 12:32:39 AM »
*** Jedi Temple, Coruscant ***

Gypsie walked along with Kyle peering into the rooms that they passed, seeing nearly identical people, aside from some others, but to her they all looked pretty similar.

*** Geidi IV ***

Angel got more skittish from the roar of the crowd outside, as once they were planted on the balcony, she tried to run away back inside, but was forced back to the other two by a close-standing guard.   Once returned to the Rep and the Director, Angel quickly turned to Derrik and hugged him, her body shaking in fear.

--/Dragon'taan. \--

- Indari Manor-

Fawn stumbled next to Kyle and rubbed his eyes, "Can I help with this thing?"

-Tigress armory--

After the button was pressed, the printer stabbed the egg with an arm, causing the internals to spill out in-sync with the machine's movements to pool the innards and rebuild Felicity.     First a shell was built that instantly ignited the core in Felicity, igniting her body in light that quickly faded as her body shell kept building, then once the glow of her body was dimmed to a soft glow, her fur and feathers poofed that made her look like a frizzed bunny.     It wouldn't be until another hour until Felicity would be finished being reconstructed.
  • Avatar by: ZehPurz

^ Is really happy, and spreads positivity around the forums and even the world. This person is a really cool and friendly person, and really deserves everything life has to offer. This person is how everyone should be like. When I grow up, I want to be just like Razuel


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