**Sangheilios Orbital Station**
Alice turns to face the vixen, speaking in response to her tone as well. "Dragon'taan? They haven't had mercenary contracts in years for my folk. Usually they give me dirty looks or tell me to bugger off back to the hole I came from. Still, if they are opening them up, I don't doubt they'd fetch one heck of a pretty penny considering how much they get from just taxing the poor.... heh."
She seems to have gotten back into the swing of her snark. "I'll consider it, for sure. Although I guess the question comes then if you fellas are representatives?"
(Oh and thanks for the greeting as well, Alex!
"That does not sound like the people of Dragon'taan at all," Thel said. "I know many of them - including the High General of the DMC, Kyle Indari. Who exactly were you talking to that was so rude to you?"
*** Restaurant "Grand Dragons", Dragon'taan ***
The hostess chuckled as she grabbed a menu. "We can help with that - follow me." She lead Fayam toward a vacant table just shy of a booth occupied by a lone Worgen, and sat the menu down with a roll of eating utensils. "And what would you like to drink, sir?"
"Unless you wanna get knocked into next week, don't get the Reman Ale - it's strong," warned the Worgen at the nearby booth.
*** Outer Space ***
Some ways from New Romulus, a group of Hirogen Ships approached the convoy:
https://pre04.deviantart.net/1f6d/th/pre/f/2013/331/c/e/hirogen_hunter_ortho_by_unusualsuspex-d6vi03t.jpgThey went shields-up and weapons-hot the second they arrived, where it became clear they'd been outfitted with Romulan Disruptor banks. They fired on one of the freighters.
*** Sangheilios Refugee Encampment ***
The black-clad man remained silent, but finally asked in a voice that bore a burning malice as well as being modulated by the breath mask, "Where is the nearest spaceport?"
*** Armored Cruiser
Ardent, Reach Orbit ***
"As I said, Kaidon 'Vadam uncovered the Prophets' treachery before we could finish them," Ado explained. "When we broke away from the Covenant, we sided with the humans and helped them stop the Covenant. Oh, there were voices among the Sangheili that were against our alliance with the UNSC, for sure. But we all eventually saw the humans as allies... and it's been that way ever since, thick and thin, through Insurrectionists and Covenant Remnant alike... and that resurgence of the Covenant under the Prophet of Revenge."
*** Nirn, Alpha Base, Administration Area ***
"Well, come on - we're already late," Andru said as he resumed course for the Admiral's office. He would lead them across twisting and turning halls until they came to their destination. "A piece of advice, Polaris - be honest, be direct. Admiral Lokahviing likes that," Andru told Polaris. They would be ushered into the office, where a Khajiit wearing an elaborate uniform was standing with his back turned to them, staring out the window. As soon as the others would be assembled, Andru and Inorra snapped to attention. "Reporting as ordered, Admiral!"