For the most part a lot of people know what I do, but
Current job I work at Hampton Inn and Suites as a front desk supervisor. In my spare time, I'm working hard at getting book two completed and out for purchase. Of Earth and Of Life are a single story, so I want people to have the entire thing available to them. Then I'll just have ten more to write. Eventually I hope I make enough off that to make it my career, as I have the entire Hearts series, a separate series based around Crystal, and a follow up series to Hearts in planning.
I am opening a tattoo parlor with my artist, Destiny, and will be handling the money side of the whole thing so she can focus on her work. Hopefully it will get big enough that we can have multiple artists in the studio. I'm also working on a script to turn in to Disney, as well as recording voice overs for auditions to Disney movies. Wish me luck there! I've also started drawing the first set of web comics for my friend and my idea to turn Monster Hunter into one.
That's all I have going for me right now.