Razuel opened a door and it showed a BioDome, made to look like the mountain regions with normal and tall trees amongst beautiful foliage, "Several years ago, was the last day he felt happy in this facility,", he then pointed to a younger Izura, playing with Raz, ", Day-in and Day-out he'd play with Izura,",A scientist then walked over and spoke in a mumbled voice, then dragged Izura off through a pair of doors, "But, this was also the last day he saw his true friend.", Raz then led Alice though another door, "2 years passed, and still no sign from Izura, he didn't eat or sleep willingly, for 2 years, then one day, a scientist came up to Raz and told him that if he abided by their rules, he'd be able to see his friend again. He accepted, and for the next few weeks he'd endure tons of painful procedures. Moving on.", Raz led her through another door, which showed a curled up anthro of Raz, and a more sad looking Biodome, "3 weeks later, after Izura's rampage, he sat in his BioDome, depressed that he never saw his friend, and slightly angry that Izura didn't keep his promise, to take Raz with him, but this was also the day when they found out about Raz's ability to conduct fire, and his immunity...", a platoon of heavily armed guards came walking in towards Razuel, "They wanted to use him against Izura, to kill their mistake, but everytime they refused, so as punishment, they sent him to the Quarantine Ward, to use him as the power for their Experiment and Garbage Incinerator...", Raz opened a hatch on the ground to reveal screams, "Millions upon millions of anthro lives were on his hands because of his power, but he never blamed Izura, he simply forgot... until recently, that is... and I can't change his past, however..." The little dragon that looked like Raz, then turned into a very large Dragoness, and the voice turned to a gentle motherly tone, "...I've been pushing him to not give up, I told him not to lose faith in his friend, that all of his sins would be forgiven.", The large dragoness then closed the hatch, and the surroundings turned to clouds of happiness from Raz's childhood, including one of the large dragoness and Razuel in a cave inside the Biodome, "And I knew that he would be the strongest, and just to wait for when the facility would mess up, and I knew because I am his Mother."