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Author Topic: Stand Tall RP Thread  (Read 6084 times)

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Offline Kromas Ndorai

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Re: Stand Tall RP Thread
« Reply #30 on: April 23, 2016, 07:11:02 PM »
Durundal keep walking. All the other people around him talked into their little talk devices of plastic, which agitated him.  Quietly, he could feel the blade lusting for any kind of excitement, moaning and screaming at him. It had been like this often, and over time, he had learned to control these impulses. Unfortunately, he couldn't control his mouth quite as much. As he walked up to a bench, he sat down, and watched the people go by. They all seemed so different, yet the same.

A wolf. A lion. A bear. A dog. More of the same, except with less bears.

It had dawned on him that he was becoming very bored. An impulse would come again, and he would have another 'accident'. He could feel it coming, waiting.

"Their sameness. Be shunned upon the light. The sun screams dreamer. Venison."
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Re: Stand Tall RP Thread
« Reply #31 on: April 23, 2016, 07:43:31 PM »
Geoff relaxed against the wall of a shop near the sword-wielding lion. As an attempt to not look suspicious, he shuffled through his jacket pockets and fished out a cherry lolipop he'd forgotten about. The thought of consuming it seemed unappealing given how thirsty he was, but, regardless, he unwrapped it and stuck it in his mouth while he listened to the lion's words. 
Was the ghost, Anim, saying the lion was possessed? Or was it warning him of the guy's insanity? The latter would be most likely... if he didn't consider the fact that he'd been communicating with a ghost. Anything could happen at this point. Maybe he should leave...

"Sword," Anim whispered as it hovered beside Geoff, refusing to take its eyes off the weapon.
Geoff hummed a quiet agreement before pulling out the pop from his mouth and licking his dry lips with a furrowed brow. It took a moment to realize the ghost was gradually floating toward the lion.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2016, 07:48:54 PM by Evnamishko »

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Re: Stand Tall RP Thread
« Reply #32 on: April 23, 2016, 08:22:24 PM »
Raz tried to get out some words, but was too short of breath, and only got out a few words, "I'd... prefer... not to say... my name... but I arrived... here... after the explosion."
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Re: Stand Tall RP Thread
« Reply #33 on: April 24, 2016, 12:41:31 AM »
Tempest looked up at the panther and her ears laid back as she smiled and held her small paw out, standing a little taller. "Hello, I'm Tempest. I was not here when it happened and I'm just as lost as you are on the topic. I came through and saw that this man was in need of help, after that, I saw the wolf. You should go help him, I can take care of the dragon." She shuffled around in her bag and turned her back to the panther, pulling out some bread and cheese and offering it to the dragon. "Here," she said softly. She sat cross legged on the ground with him and ran a paw through the fur on her head. "So, as you heard, my name's Tempest." She smiled and adjusted her glasses. "Nice to meet you."
In case you don't know what red pandas are like, watch this video :3

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Re: Stand Tall RP Thread
« Reply #34 on: April 24, 2016, 07:18:18 AM »
The Grphyon hovered above the scene, setcho watching it all unfold. Looking concerned not forgetting about the stand he just saw run right upto him. The Grphyon screeched, looking over his shoulder at him. "Stand users? are you sure?" Setcho said, looking increasingly worried landing just a few meters away, still invisible. "This isnt good, buddy... theres too many people here" Wishing the police would corner off the incident or at least control the situation.

Offline Angder

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Re: Stand Tall RP Thread
« Reply #35 on: April 24, 2016, 10:10:41 AM »
The Dragon flies back to the boardroom, perching itself on the window on the outside.

Inside the boardroom, the discussion was starting to get a little heated. Angder had noticed the shape, and could sense something was up. Taking the initiative he steps forward. "Perhaps it would be best for us to take a break Mr Griffin. It is clear nothing is being accomplished right now. Angder looked at Wallace with a straight face, but kept his eyes on him just a little too long. making it quite clear what Angder was actually saying. 'something is up. we should back up until we know what.'
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Please note that I have very little free time on Fridays.

Offline Razuel

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Re: Stand Tall RP Thread
« Reply #36 on: April 24, 2016, 03:44:09 PM »
Raz took the bread and cheese and smiled at Tempest, "Thank you, Tempest.", Raz ate about half of the bread and cheese and gave it back to Tempest, "I'm sure that you'll... need this more than me.", looking at how small Tempest was, Raz then looked back over to Arcizo, "I believe that you were caught in an explosion from this wall, But with that aside...", Raz gently pushed on the wolf's chest his tail, "You did take a huge blow to the head, so you may want to relax, but... don't fall asleep."
« Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 09:27:44 PM by Razuel »
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Re: Stand Tall RP Thread
« Reply #37 on: April 26, 2016, 10:50:23 AM »
Xander clenched his fists as he noticed the cops finally getting into action, pouring out of the building, hands on their firearms and more than ready to shoot if need be. They shouted for people to disperse from the area and let the proper authorities handle the situation. At that, all but a few of the people around Arcizo suddenly decided they didn't care enough to stick around any longer and acted as if they were going to go back about their day, Xander was grateful for this, the crowd of moving people made him stick out less. He felt like he should start relaxing but for some reason he was still on edge. Big Green returned to his side then stood in front of him, forcing Xander to have to peer around his Stand. 'What's the big deal here?' It was at that moment he noticed someone confidentially striding towards him and the others. They didn't look like someone who was coming to check out some accident, there was something about his footfalls which betrayed a cocky sense of purpose. As soon as the figure was within ear shot he shouted to the group.
"You five! The ones with the Stands! I got a teeny tiny, massively important proposition for ya!"
Xander already hated the guys voice, if his step betrayed any sense of confidence then the way he talked reeked of it. He was gonna punch this guy right into Sunday. But first, what in the hell is a Sta- Before Xander could finish his thought he noticed Big Green pointing at himself. 'Well, that clears up that then...'
The white thing Angder noticed was almost certainly a Stand. There was no doubt about that, no one else had seemed to notice it at all, despite the fact it easily was within the view of more than a few of the people at the table. Angder spotted it again. This time it was touching the leg of the suspicious businessman! It looked sort of like one of the many arms of an octopus, right down to the strange little suckers. There was no way of telling if the fidgety man was the user or it's target. There were a few moments of silence in the board room as Wallace had taken notice of the man's nervous disposition and stared him down as the man fidgeted more and more. There was a beat, during which the tension could be sliced with a knife. Wallace had assumed Angder may have noticed the guy had something on him, and was potentially a threat. He then tore his eyes away to nod to Angder.
"I suppose you're right. The blasted heat isn't doing us any favours either. If everyone else agrees, I'd say a break is more than overdue."
Everyone else in the room nodded and as everyone stood up the white cephalopodic arm shot up straight for it's prey's head, wrapping around the nervous man forehead. He went still as the suckers made contact with the skin and his eyes went completely white.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 02:52:22 PM by Grovygrunge »
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Re: Stand Tall RP Thread
« Reply #38 on: April 26, 2016, 01:48:30 PM »
Raz simply looked at the officer, "Why should I, huh? And more importantly, where the hell were you all when the goddamn jail wall blew and hit this kid!?", at this point, Razuel was standing, only barely, with legs shaking slightly, but a firm stance, just a few feet from an officer that was in front of him, "Where the hell were all of you!?", gesturing to the officers on the scene. The air around Raz seemed to become slightly blue and wavy, as if there was a gas leak resonating from him.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 02:06:31 PM by Razuel »
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Re: Stand Tall RP Thread
« Reply #39 on: April 26, 2016, 04:08:17 PM »
Angder knew he could not act, to move towards the guy would both put him in danger, and make him look crazy because there was nothing there to act on. His priority was getting Wallace out of there. He opens the door with some haste, and looks back at Wallace with a panicked expression on his face.

The dragon watches the nervous man with interest, looking at the stand... then it flies inside, crawls over along the ceiling, and sends a brief, but boiling stream of fire right past the other stand, allowing its flames to dance, just touching the body of the octopus.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2016, 05:12:28 PM by Angder »
  • Avatar by: A friend of mine IRL.
Angders weapons: Blizz - Burning Frost
Retired weapons: Blizz Tempest

All weapons were drawn by Zarc.

Please note that I have very little free time on Fridays.

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Re: Stand Tall RP Thread
« Reply #40 on: April 26, 2016, 04:34:31 PM »
Arcizo sat up again, still in intense pain, holding his head. He looked over to the guy who asked a proposition, "Wh-what? What do you mean stand?" The figure from earlier was still nearby, listening in, in an alleyway about 30 meters away.
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Offline Kromas Ndorai

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Re: Stand Tall RP Thread
« Reply #41 on: April 26, 2016, 06:19:33 PM »
Durundal looked around. Everything seemed so bland. So nor-

Nope. His eye caught a blue... Thing. It was faint, roughly bear shaped and edged closer slowly. Behind was the same bear from literally moments before. Not that that mattered to Durundal. His sense of time was about as accurate as a bowman who was constantly being punched in the face.

"Ghost. Bear... WHAT? Pfff?"

He stood up and slowly stepped towards it. Another strange part was that noone else was reacting to it. Not even the slightest bit of panic. While most people would want to get away, it seemed that Mr Crazy was intently fascinated by whatever it was. And, for a change, he was not incessantly screaming about it, either.
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Re: Stand Tall RP Thread
« Reply #42 on: April 27, 2016, 03:48:42 PM »
She stood up and put the bread and cheese back in her bag, glancing at Balthasar as she did. He was hiding in a tree nearby and he often did that when she was socializing. She looked a bit worried and reached up to gently touch his hand with the back of hers. "Hey, it's ok. They didn't know." She said in a soft tone, trying to calm him down. She softly tugged on his pant leg. "We should go, I know of a place nearby where we could talk. Whadda ya say?" She smiled at him and motioned him to follow her with a small tilt of her head.
In case you don't know what red pandas are like, watch this video :3

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Re: Stand Tall RP Thread
« Reply #43 on: April 27, 2016, 04:18:21 PM »
Raz looked down at Tempest, then at the police officers who looked ready to shoot then back at Tempest, and did a heavy sigh and the air around Raz returned to normal, "Alright, lead the way...", Raz said as he picked up the panda and put Tempest on his broad shoulder, so that Tempest could lead the way.
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