yea I am learning ,and am already pretty good at, purring like a cat.I also can mimic cat meows and use them on a daily basis to try to communicate with my orange and white ,smallish cat Kinky.We call him Kinky because of his tail being a hook and it looks like a kink in a chain . I do parkour in the woods because I live in a mainly wooded area of Toronto Ohio ,it is Jefferson county, and I do wall runs , vaults and am learning the aerodynamic part ,flipping etc., part now. Also if you want to begin parkour I recommend looking up on YouTube the Tapp Bros. because they do a really good job at explaining how to do most of the stuff you need to know.This pretty much sums up my response .
P.S message me whenever cause I love talking
Ahw, that sounds sweet and odd at the same time x3 Interesting story to add with the name though, that's for sure ^^
The only woods near me is a park, which consists out of 2/3 of water. How can even someone call that a park?
Anyways, glad to hear you can do so many things and stuff and that you live near the woods. must be nice.
And sounds like a plan, I'll surely check them out
PS: Will do, same goes for you, feel free to always message me, that's what PM's are for x3