Sorry to bring up something from two weeks ago, but I feel I have something legitimately unique to add on the death subject. 'Cause I'm morbid, I guess. As I've grown up, I've become fully aware of my utterly strange relationship with mortality, and, as is usual for me, I'll disseminate my opinion in a jumbled mess.
I've run a gamut of emotions with death; I used to be DEATH-ly afraid of it.

Lately I've transitioned from complete fear to complete acceptance, because I don't slowly shift, I go all in or don't go at all, for some odd reason.
In short: I don't believe in souls, or an afterlife, or reincarnation,Though reincarnation is a wonderful concept. I want to actually be a bear) the reason being I see no particular evidence for any of them. The tricky part of that is they're all unfalsifiable hypotheses.
So from my point of view: Death is the end of our being. But I see no reason to fear it. Death isn't goos, it isn't bad, it just is.
While it is the end of being, death doesn't necessarily destroy everything. Hell, people still know the name of Khufu just 'cause he built a giant tomb 4500 years ago. I think in a way we always live in, be it through our descendants or our works.
Edit: I made typos. Now they're gone, maybe.
Post Merge: June 29, 2016, 06:44:21 PM
Crazy should be allow to be as crazy as it wants, until it hurts someone else against their consent.
Or hurts an animal. Because they can't give proper consent.
If someone wants to go thinking that they're George III, King of Great Britain. Fine. You go do that, George.
If someone wants to make a painting out of their blood and scream about how they're a living god. Fine.
Just so long as they don't physically hurt anyone.