Do you have any crafting abality or the ability to work with you hands well? If so go to local woodshops, metalshops, sewing shops and look for a job there. Also manual labor is always indemand, it may not pay the best but it should pay the bills. As for the guys in turn fraternity try to ignore them the best you can and it's a hobby. Nothing is wrong with you, you don't have a problem because you are a furry, it's just something you like to do. Plus school should be over in a few weeks right? (My school year ends next week that's why I'm asking.) OH and for the weed problem try, I know this is easier said than done, to say I need to save money so I can pay bills rather than buy some weed. Might help out on some your expenses. *gives Vick a MONSTROUS hug* it will be all OK and work out in the end, and your fraternity brothers chances are will never see you again after college even if you weren't a furry. So don't get too caught up in their image of you.