My first RP.
Earth has been hit with an infection that is causing people to turn into furries. This is the aftermath of the whole thing.
Day 1: Infection found growing near Paris
Day 3: Infection starts spreading
Day 4: First syptioms start to occur
Day 7: Infection spreads through Paris
Day 12: Virus learns how to become airborn.
Day 27: More then half the citizens are furries.
Week 8: Infection becomes international
Week 10: All of Paris becomes furries.
Week 16: Infections spreads through all of Europe
Week 29: Infection hits the Americas
Week 41: Almost all of the Earth's population are furries.
Week 43: No humans can be found on Earth.
Year 1: Rehabitation occurs
Year 2: Rebuilding occurs
Year 4: Rebuilding completed
Year 5: Normal everyday life goes onRules:There are little or no survivors around. If there are more then 5 people roleplaying as survivors, you
cannot be a survivor.
This only regards to the survivors: Infection doesn't spread by eating people [furries, not zombies] it is spread by a furry making contact to a human.
This is the aftermath of the infection, set 5 years after the infection came up. You may have flashbacks but you are
NOT in any other time period.
Please use RP names, not Usernames. On your first post include your RP Name.
OOC is aloud at anytime. OOC without any RPing in your post is to be kept at a minimum.
Don't forget to have fun.