Oh, god, doing necks seem like a pain
I've finished cutting all the duct tape off my foam head into pieces and I'm ready to fur.
I missed my train today and they closed when I got there
Going to go tomorrow then
excited af
Do you sow the pieces of fur together into one 'cover' to cover the head as much as possible or do you just glue it directly on?
I would glue it directly on but I'm worried that the edges might not come out smoothly.
Post Merge: June 27, 2016, 03:26:58 PM
P.S. I've got the nose covered, havent forgotten about it lol
Post Merge: June 27, 2016, 03:38:02 PM
I'm not going to use a wig, turns out that the one my local store sells is plain crap and off colour
I'm going to comb out yarn. I've done it before, its actually pretty good.
Something like this.
http://sols-crew.tumblr.com/post/43975156663/tutorial-making-a-brushed-yarn-wigPlus, I have quite a lot of blue yarn from my previous attempts at knitting.
Sad lief.