The young feline Jedi Jack spoke to responded, "If you mean the Tiger lady, you missed her; she was knighted by Master Skywalker and she's headed for the spaceport. The way she had that pack, I don't think she's coming back. She left about five minutes ago - if you hurry, you might catch up to her."
*** Jedi Temple, Council Chambers ***
"I don't understand what this has anything to do with me," Raymus protested. "I am well aware of the Dragon'taan Crusader Corps' code and charter."
"Several other masters have overheard you calling them a variation of the Dark Side," Luke told Raymus. "They are no such thing. The DCC are our allies against the Sith and the Dark Side."
"I don't consider them our enemies, if that's what you think," Raymus responded.
"Yet you vehemently protest against students who express any desire to transfer there," Luke stated. "You have been warned about that before."
"Am I being demoted?" Raymus asked.
"No, but you are here because father and I feel we must explain to you how your refusal to embrace the ways of Modern Jedi is causing our students and some of our fellow instructors to doubt your teaching methods," Luke answered.
"Yes, speaking of Vader, where is he?" Raymus inquired.
Luke glanced at the time. "I don't know - can't imagine what's keeping him."
*** Jedi Temple, Ground Floor ***
The Jedi Fixel spoke to scratched her head and said, "Uh, I'm not the one to talk to about that, you'd have to speak to one of the masters - but I can show you to the Holocron. This way." The young Jedi lead Fixel to the area where the holocron was kept, where a master was conversing with another student.