Evening Everyone! This is my gallery, for stuff that's not a request. ^.^ Did ya know I also have a hobby of water painting outside of my digital skills
BTW this is not exactly watercolor, but I use watercolor color pencils, which if you add water after ussing the pencils, they dilute and look like water color. It's very neat. (In more ways than one. They're more portable then regular watercolor. And even cooler, I use a brush that you can put water in. When you do, as you paint, the water flows out. It's very, very 'neat'. When you need to change the color, I just make a few strokes on another paper and the color goes away quickly.)
(In the first picture you can see part of my water color colored color pencils. ) Best thing? The whole set, about 12 small colored pencils, a sharpener, and s small version of the brush that I use for about 12 bucks. And they sell two other packs with slightly different colors. (In the bottom left of the image of the set (Link beneath this paragraph.) you can see it says two. I own the one that says one.) And if you like it, but run out of colors, or want more, crayola sells a pack of 24 wonderful watercolor color pencils for twelvr dollars on amazon. (The colors can also be mixed, so it's not just '12' colors you get
https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B001GJ4TLA/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1467892829&sr=8-5&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=uni+watercolor+pencils&dpPl=1&dpID=51fwWiDZ6%2BL&ref=plSrch (Above) This is my new fursona. I'm going to put him up later... He's still in the making. He isn't supposed to be this red, but it does add some flare