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Author Topic: Could use a little help?  (Read 1504 times)

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Offline John "Alpha" Fox

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Could use a little help?
« on: July 11, 2016, 06:21:12 AM »
I just need a little help so I can draw something I wanted to for awhile but I'm at a art block cause I have no clue how to draw it.

Can anyone help me figure how to draw a gas mask for myself. I'm a red fox, and I can't figure out how to make a gas mask good proper on myself. I've tried a good amount of times but it don't looks right.

The gas I'm looking for is a full face mask, has a filter off to the side, and is a 1 lens. So. It a two eye hold but a one giant lens. I've looked at pictures but can't seem to figure how to convert it to a fur.

If it's not possible to help me, then maybe I'll spend tomorrow trying to sketch one out.

Thanks anyway!
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Offline Ori

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Re: Could use a little help?
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2016, 02:59:38 PM »
It's all about drawing the face underneath it and adding cylinders.  I drew out where the things would go on a basic gas mask (I used a picture for reference.)

Link of reference (Since I'm not sure if it works for an image):

(My image is a a bit bad looking but I think you kind of get the point)

In my drawins you can see that I put down the face. Right after I put down the basic layout for a face I drew a cylinder over it. (since that's the basic shape of the thing that filters the air. ) And then add the other stuff. The eye pieces are basically triangles.  The  mask itself isn't too hard to do. And the nose can be done in a few ways. (Put a filter over it, put a shadow where it should be to show that the nose is there, or finally make it become part of the cylinder.) The straps are basically rectangles. Once you have this laid out you should be able to sketch in the details as you please. 

Does that help?
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I am totally not trying to impersonate Edward Scissorhands. Who is that anyway?
Also I am humming this is Halloween.
Also John Cena Memes don't die. (John Cena theme blares in background)

Offline John "Alpha" Fox

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Re: Could use a little help?
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2016, 04:28:12 PM »
This helps a good bit, I tried last night and did a few concepts for my next drawing, I think I may have figured somethin out but there's always more room for improvement, I will use your idea of making it look like the mask is over the face, I suppose my problem so far is placing it directly in place of the face. I just need to lift it up a little. Make it stand out more.

Maybe I could change the filter location up a bit. Masks aren't my specialty hehe.

Thanks again!
  • Avatar by: Me(FlaminFox) & my girlfriend(PsychoCyclone)
One lost soul in a little fish bowl


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