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Author Topic: the flying city of meggido (steampunk roleplay)  (Read 2914 times)

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the flying city of meggido (steampunk roleplay)
« on: July 11, 2016, 08:38:32 AM »

if you want to join please shoot me PM unless you participated in the thread the lead to this role-play and then you can just join.
also im sorry if this lacks info and things becuase im really tierd this is the 4th time im doing this because the other versions were deleted when i tryd to post them .story
welcome to a world of steam punk where everyone are dressed like in the victorian times ships fly in the air with balloons, everything is powerd by steam and the most popular metal is bronze.
and where are we in this wonderful world you might ask? in the worlds most scientifically advanched place: the flying city: meggido! ruled by the great baron virsenshnaft from the palace in the center of the city the city features evrything from the docks to the the slums to the market place and the royal district with the palace itself!
attached is a top down view of the districts of the city that i quickly sketchd.
there are large engines all around the city and in the center of the palace there is a controll tower thatcontrolls everything and pilots the city.
-no godmodding
-no power playing
-do not spam post
-there will be blood and romance is allowed but dont go all mature if you know what i mean
-use " at the beggining and end of sentences your characters says and ' at the begining and end of thoughts
-you may have multiple characters with your multiple fursonas but make sure it is knowen when you switch bitween them
-Vampyrum is also an admin
-pm me if you want me to open an ooc
-rest of the forum rules
character sheet
Appearance: (reffrence sheet in here)
Occupation: (like real life you can have more then one job)
Name: shoon vysrnshtern
Age: 29
Gender: male
Species: dragon
Appearance: see profile picture but the hair is longer and gelled, combed back.
Clothing: see photo i attached of an old cosplay of mine
Occupation: freelance weapon designer

[attachment deleted by admin]
« Last Edit: July 18, 2016, 08:09:36 AM by shoon »
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Re: the flying city of meggido (steampunk roleplay)
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2016, 09:08:41 AM »
Name: Bailey Stowe
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Species: Bearded Vulture
Appearance: This
Clothing: This
Occupation: Theif

Offline coolcoyote

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Re: the flying city of meggido (steampunk roleplay)
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2016, 02:11:30 PM »
Ill post here later today after work

Post Merge: July 11, 2016, 03:38:49 PM
Name: Vrasku
Age: 27
Gender: male
Species:  Cross fox
Appearance: Vrasku stood out in a crowd even before his 'accident'. As a cross fox his fur coloration is a bit backwards, mostly black fur with orange fur around his chest and sides. There is also the fact that he has an elongated body with an extra pair of arms, giving him the shape of a fox-taur or very tall four armed fox monster depending on how many legs he chooses to walk on today. The bi product of an accident involving the sell of poorly made devices of mad science.

Vrasku also has the build of a merchant, leaning into the overweight side of the fitness scale. His fur has a layer of meat and flesh under it, accumulating mostly on his lower gut.

Clothing:  he wears a black silk vest with a red trim on his chest. A leather belt wraps around his upper waist, just bellow his middle set of arms. He wears a fancy merchant cap and adorns himself with cheap but flashy jewlery, wearing leather bracers on all limps and adorning his tail in three copper bracelets.

Occupation:  Street merchant
« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 03:38:49 PM by coolcoyote, Reason: Merged DoublePost »

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Re: the flying city of meggido (steampunk roleplay)
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2016, 07:04:46 PM »

Name: Zaida Valdis
Age: 28 (however looks a little younger)
Sex: Female
Species: Vexū (closed monster species)
Appearance: Check out my Profile if you need to.
Clothing: short sleeved white corset with a black, grey and brown belt corset similar to...This black pants with a dark brown belt, no shoes as she has strong paw pads and claws. An optional, a steam gasmask, a dark leather battlecoat (from FO4)
Occupation: A veteran. She's currently a freelance artist, although she's committed a few crimes..

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Re: the flying city of meggido (steampunk roleplay)
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2016, 05:44:13 PM »
shoon woke-up and it was light outside  "shit" he told himself loudly and tryd to get out of bed but faild miserbly and crashed face first into the wooden floor.
"im gonna be late im gonna be late!" he kept telling himself as he made breakfast ate it and got dressed and ready for the day, finally with his keys in his small backpack with everything else he needs for the day he ran out of the building down the stairs and into the street below.
only walking a few meters before he got to the bike and motorcycle stands, remmbering where he left it he found his scooter got it, unlocked it and started up the engine "come on come on come on! start up aready im gonna be late!" he mumbled to himself as the bike took its time heating the water to generate steam.
finally after a copule of minutes he finally heard a familier "tshoooo" sound for the back of the scooter, and without hesitation and a smile on his face he drove in reverse into the road, and on the way to the studio.
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Re: the flying city of meggido (steampunk roleplay)
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2016, 10:42:08 PM »

"Like I of a kind. You wont find another watch of this quality anywhere on the island." the gopher gives Vrasku an uneasy stare. The fox can already tell the man is off put by his...alpearence. Alas there wasn't much to do about that but give him a warm friendly smile, remembering not to use too much teeth this time.

"But it looks" the gopher begins.

"Exactly! So magnificant! So elegant! So...uh...what did you do for a living again?"

"I'm a pig farmer..."

"It would go great with that! Just think of how business like you would look with /this/ on your wrist!"

In truth Vrasku towered over the gopher, it was why he tended to find himself laying his lower half down on a rug during business hours, it helped him see 'eye to eye' with his costomers. Literally!" he spins the gopher around with his middle paws while his fore paws work to slap a large metalic back pack onto his customer. The pack, full of winding gizomoes and fans connected to a large bulky watch by a series of cables.

He pulls a rip cord...twice...and the pack begins to vibrate, letting out small puffs of steam.  "There! Nothing to it."

"H-ho-how d-d-o you s-s-e-set th-the time?" the customer askes between vibrations.

"Uh? Oh, that is easy. Just wait until the time of day matches with that little dial there, then turn on the watch and...sir? Where are you going? Sir?"

Just another day in the city.

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Re: the flying city of meggido (steampunk roleplay)
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2016, 08:09:52 PM »
Name: Razuel Dracon
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Species: Western Dragon
Appearance: with a series of pumps and tubes on his back that grant him normal intelligence to think like a normal anthro, and a blue glowing canister that powers it, and a small brass cage protecting it.
Clothing: None really
Occupation: Body guard

(FYI, for this RP, I have been given the okay to play my dragon as a feral one, but some conditions have been met to make it realistic-ish)


Raz sat infront of a gilded ship on the docks, whilst growling at whoever got too close to him and/or the ship, 'I hate having to act this way, but no one else would hire me for any other job...', he thought to himself.

Across the street, Raz saw a girl getting robbed, 'I should help her... but I can't... the boss will fire me again if I do... ahhh, **censor** it!', Raz lunged forward, pinned the theif down, "Gah! Let go of me... you overgrown newt.", Raz growled, "I will once you give back what you stole.", the theif struggled more, and Raz did a small push on the theif's chest and knocked the air out of their body, Raz then gave the purse back to the lady and he went back to his post, and just as people were getting roudy.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2016, 05:19:42 AM by Razuel »
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the flying city of meggido (steampunk roleplay)
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2016, 08:15:06 AM »
Zaida laid in bed, she woke up pretty early and had been relaxing in her room for quite some time. She sat up looking out the window to see the bright sun, she huffed blocking it with her hand before allowing them to adjust to the light. "Ugh." She groaned softly, while stretching her body.
She eventually got out of bed, and dressed before she went outside in the city. The monster decided to make her way towards the cafe to grab some coffee, possibly something small for breakfast as well. She felt a few stares and heard very few whispers, as many weren't familiar with a monster anthro before.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2016, 08:26:02 AM by Zaida »

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Re: the flying city of meggido (steampunk roleplay)
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2016, 08:24:53 AM »
shoon rode in the roads in immense speeds that are nearly illigal, making sharp turns. very tampted not to stop at redlight but dosent want to mess with the law.
he got to the large 4 story building where his studio was, drove the to the garage, got of the scooter and went to open the door, got back to his scooter and drove to his parking bike locking it and got off it.
he ran from his bike to the stairs and up them to his studio on the top floor, only breifly saying hi to the people he passes by.
he finally got to the door unlocking it getting inside and locking it, put down his backpack and opening it and and filling it with blueprints for sale and got his large briefcase open and filled it with working bottels he actully working models also for sale.
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  • Weight: 217
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Re: the flying city of meggido (steampunk roleplay)
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2016, 03:44:50 AM »
Raz had finished his temp bodyguard job and went back to his employer in the high end of town, right across from Shoon's business and walked through the loading bay doors of Raz's work and laid down in the area that was out of the way, "Hey, Boss? I'm back!", a rather fat crow walked out of a brass bolted door and looked at Raz whilst walking towards him, "Raz Raz Raz, how many times must I tell you, be fierce, be angry, and be none of this innocent bullshit.", "But, Boss, I just can't help it, okay?", "No, it's not okay, Raz. Do you know how bad of an image it gives this buisness when you act all nice and stuff.", "Bad?", "Bad! Yes, that's right... or rather wrong, er uh, my point is, is that despite what you may be, I'll treat you like a son, but I can't have your attitude jeopardizing my company... anyway, how much did they give you?", Raz then pulled a large sack of gold off his machine and set it down, "Enough...", the crow then hugged Raz, "Oh, Razzy, my boy, you've made me a happy crow!", Raz's face was filled with uneasy and he then stood up, "Sorry, Boss... I need to go for a walk...", the crow ran after Raz as he walked out, "W-wait, Raz... your refill just came in... says it should last you for much longer then your current one... bend down, I'll get the new one on you.", the crow then went away and came back with a glistening gold and brass plated tube that shone with a slight cyan hue, and the crow hit a red button that then shot out an empty-rusted-tube and he quickly replaced the tube and then stepped off Raz's back, "Be safe, Raz.", a final click was sounded and the cage went over the tube, "I will.", and Raz got up and made his way out the shipping doors and went for a walk, going around to the front, stopping for a few seconds, and then going off down the street.
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Re: the flying city of meggido (steampunk roleplay)
« Reply #10 on: July 19, 2016, 03:29:55 PM »
(Typing a quick ooc post be heading to work. Sorry gor idlbess. Pose around me until i can get a post up today)


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