Hello everyone! I made it, I made the Furry Forums Discord. Now all of you furs can get together in one are and chat away, voice and text! If you don't know what Discord is, Discord is a free voice and text chat website/application that let's you talk and text with other users.
LINK 2-https://discord.gg/HXWYE
1.Please don't spam
2.Treat each member with respect. Do not personally attack other users
3.Profanity is allowed only in All Chat Room, Gaming Rooms, and Private Rooms
4.Please contact a moderator if you see someone breaking the rules or have question
5.If you wish to be a moderator please contact MetalGearStowe
6.Only one RP session is allowed per RP chat room, to start a new RP please end the current one and start a new one
DO NOT POST IN RULES. It will be deleted and I won't be happy.
7.Religious and political topics are allowed as long as they remain clean. Public bashing will not be tolerated.
8.Please contact a moderator if you see someone breaking the rules or have a question.
9.If someone is harassing you please contact an moderator we will have them banned instantly
10.Private Room is for small groups of people wanting to chat with themselves. If any one joins them and you want them out contact an moderator and we will have them moved to another room
11.Listen to the moderators, if we tell you to do something. Please do it.
12.English is the main language for this server, if you want to chat with your friends in another language go to the Private Rooms.
13.Music is not allowed in any room, music is for the Music and Arts room.
14.Don't complain if a moderator warns, or kicks you. If the warn of kick was unfair please contact an moderator and we'll sort it out.
15.Gaming Rooms are used for groups of people who want to play games together.
16.Safe For Work Room is used for SFW topics, no profanity, no mature topics, etc
17.All Chat Room is used for everything. You can talk about anything in this room.
Alright guys I will see you in the Discord!