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Author Topic: Pokémon Go  (Read 4397 times)

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Re: Pokémon Go
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2016, 07:34:27 PM »
Yes, how awful that a large group of people flocked to an area to achieve a similar goal despite competition between teams and whatnot. Not like that doesn't happen with concerts or other social events. How awful it must be that at the very least more people are going outside, even if it is due to motivation from an app. I'm sure nobody is gaining valuable social experiences based on this phenomenon.

If it was sarcasm, I did not understand it. Language barrier + unability of the screen to transfer intonation.
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Re: Pokémon Go
« Reply #16 on: August 04, 2016, 11:58:52 PM »
It was clearly sarcasm.

Pokemon GO at least makes an effort to tell people to not do stupid crap while playing the game -- something it shouldn't need to do because it should be common sense. If people are too distracted by a silly game to make sure they're not trespassing or walking into traffic or off a friggen cliff, that's their problem. People make mistakes, sometimes leading to injury or death, sometimes people like to invade people's property for trivial stuff without regard.

It's foolish to blame the game for that. This sort of crap happened long before the app came out.
Years ago, some teenagers trespassed my yard one night. They jumped on our trampoline (and possibly did other unmentionable things) and left a used condom on it. Should I blame the trampoline for that? Of course not! It's the kids being morons, having a personal excuse (which could be anything) to trespass and having no care what the property owners think.

Anyway, I've yet to play Pokemon Go. I don't have a smartphone with service and my tablet doesn't have a back camera. I'd like to give it a try if I ever get the chance, but I doubt I'll get super into it. I've been a Pokemon fan since I was a little kid and I would have loved it if it came at an earlier time, but I've had very little interest in gaming in general as of late.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 12:59:03 AM by Evnamishko »

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Re: Pokémon Go
« Reply #17 on: August 05, 2016, 07:59:13 AM »
There is one difference between children trespassing the yard and leaving a condom there (Seriously? How did they even get one before 18?). This is a fault of their parents, who did not tell them that there is such a thing as a private property, and that it should not be approached/touched/used/etc. People who do run for pokemons, trespass areas, leave their cars on the roads are adults, not children. President of Israel is one of the players, by the way.

There is a difference between crowds on the concerts and on the streets. Because people gathering for concert paid their money, they are located on a special territory, and they basically are not an obstacle for anyone. Things like this are organised, with high levels of security. With such pokemon obsession, thing how easy a suicide bomber can perform his job by shouting "PIKACHU" in a park?

Overvaluing a bunch of pixels is another state of consern to me. Entire region of South Korea had been invaded with tourists when it came out that Pokemon GO works only there. Central park - no comments. - A guy in Russia hits two TVs worth 300 000 roubles (approx. 4 500$) while trying to catch pokemons.

You can always say that it is their fault they do not pay attention to what is happening around them. I know this may sound too offencive and - hopefully - I may be wrong, but we overestimate the amount of control most people have over their wishes and thoughts. Call me Jack Tompson fanboy with all this "games are bad" stuff, but hey - this time it is actually not far from reality.

And remember, kids: Don't pokemon and drive.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 08:01:42 AM by Raymond Volkogonov »
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Re: Pokémon Go
« Reply #18 on: August 05, 2016, 03:13:49 PM »
With such pokemon obsession, thing how easy a suicide bomber can perform his job by shouting "PIKACHU" in a park?
I don't mean to be offensive but...

I'm sorry but do you realise that's not how people play Pokemon Go and that would raise some eyebrows? I mean come on. That's just ridiculous.
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Re: Pokémon Go
« Reply #19 on: August 05, 2016, 03:43:17 PM »
Does not seem ridiculus to me after this one:
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Re: Pokémon Go
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2016, 05:13:42 PM »
And yet the video only shows about ten people run across of those 2000. It's not ridiculous someone would get excited playing a game, even if their excitement is in error.

To explain, the screen capture reads as follows:

Panel 1: "Remember to be alert at all times. Stay aware of your surroundings."

Panel 2: "Do not play Pokemon Go while driving."

Panel 3: "Do not trespass while playing Pokemon Go."

Panel 4: "Do not enter dangerous areas while playing Pokemon Go."

So the people you're listing did not follow the damn warnings.

So sorry to prove you wrong, but I must say that the game has taken absolutely ever precaution it possibly can to prevent people from being stupid. To give you another example of this, there are instructions for using a car, and for that you have to take a test at an officially licensed location to acquire your driver's license. Yet people still crash and die driving. So tell me, do you think cars are bad for the erroneous usage by drivers?

As for your terrorist example, that's a hell of a stretch. First of all, the terrorist has to be a Go player and call out something actually visible in the area, which is server wide and visible to everyone. So not only does this guy have to sit around all day with a bomb strapped to his chest waiting for something people give a shit about to show up, but he also has to be sure there's a crowd of people to blow up to begin with.

Estimated daily visits range from 40,000 on a weekday in the winter to 220,000 on a summer Sunday.

Central park is 33,889,680 square feet, which is roughly 3,148,454 square meters. About one square mile with some extra, which is three square kilometers with a bit extra. So basically, even if all of the Pokemon Go players are gathered in one spot when he exclaims what he's found, he's not going to net much more than ten or so people just like that Logan Paul dude did. By that standard the terrorist would likely get far more of a ruckus stirred by blowing himself up in a crowded Walmart full of people not playing Pokemon.

And to show you that South Korea was hardly complaining about the extra tourist traffic in Seoul, go ahead and read the article.

It was a **censor** field day for the companies in the area that the game worked. It never said people flocked in from other countries - because how would they even know that a Pokemon appeared there fast enough to even respond? Plus, if the game works where they live, I highly doubt anyone would bother. Seoul just had a good day for tourism in the area.

And people are fully in control of their own thoughts, feelings and actions - if they're dumb enough to ignore the warnings, everything they were taught as a kid, every safety course they ever received and defy common sense... well, there's nobody to blame but the individual. No inanimate object, game or application can be put to blame simply because the individual happened to choose to do something stupid. Texting and driving is another example of an instance where one cannot blame the item, and it is purely the person's fault for their poor choices.

The game isn't bad. If someone's willpower is so weak that they do something dumb just to satisfy a game, they are the problem.

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Re: Pokémon Go
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2016, 05:28:52 PM »
One of my sisters found a cat while playing pokemon go and she named her evee! X3 But i dislike the game because it's a very odd concept but if nobody's getting hurt i guess it's ok. It looks like a game that i would play for a while and forget about it and never pick it up again.
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Re: Pokémon Go
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2016, 11:53:21 AM »
I quickly read through all the responses, and this is my personal opinion after having seen people play the game (in real life) and also having played a bit myself (borrowing someone's phone to play it while walking with them):

I find it a bit silly that people only want to go out for Pokémon Go. Even to go as far as to avoid common sense. Besides not trespassing and other rules and laws that are already in place, there are some other issues as well. For example: Some places are dangerous at night, and I heard from a friend she actually had to go out with her friend, to make sure she was safe, as she wouldn't stay inside late at night because there was a Pokémon nearby that she hadn't caught yet(the area is dangerous at night).
On one hand I am happy people are walking more and going out more, because of this game. On the other hand, that's the same reason I'm a bit 'sad' about. If people can regulate when playing the game and when not, then it's awesome. However, most people only go out to play the game.

This is where my good experience came in. I went out together with someone who has this game. Now we already agreed and discussed before going out every time: Let's not focus on the game, but just have fun walking outside. During the walk we can actually turn the game on and now and again pay attention if any Pokémon are around, stops or gyms. And since it was regulated, we both had a very fun time.
Thanks to this, we also were able to catch some Pokémon he never caught before or came across (e.g. a Snorlax at a crossing).

So while I think the game is a cool idea, I think people in general are poor at taking responsibility and regulate when they play and don't play (obvious rules, warnings and laws aside).
Summarised: Game seems fun, but people should help each other to regulate how and when to play.
Just my opinion :P
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Re: Pokémon Go
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2016, 02:56:41 PM »
I'm curious, do you think the format will be adapted to other franchises?

I think there are hoards of potential players who just simply don't like Pokémon.

And what do you think might suit it?

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Re: Pokémon Go
« Reply #24 on: August 13, 2016, 03:02:12 PM »
Oh probably. You see this happening with every type of game out there. As soon as a style of game has been created, other games will follow with the same style :)
I heard many people who never even played/seen Pokémon before even enjoy the App. I simply can't play, because I don't have a smartphone. I only use my phone for the rare call, and few texts xD

Digimon for sure :P
What about a furry-type based game?
Loads of various options.
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Re: Pokémon Go
« Reply #25 on: August 13, 2016, 04:02:46 PM »

I'm fine with Pokémon GO, It's just- ah-
The rip-offs are coming in.

Anyone remember that kid's game? AnimalJam?

Yeah this was confirmed I think.

There's a freaking Pokémon GO with animaljam animals.
It sucks.

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Re: Pokémon Go
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2016, 07:43:59 PM »
I've never played pokemon before, Yet I like pokemon.

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Re: Pokémon Go
« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2016, 08:24:27 PM »
I play it pretty casually. I am on it pretty religiously when I am out doing errands and other stuff, but I don't often go out just to hunt pokemon since I am generally too busy to venture out just for that. Level 12 right now with a smattering of random pokemon. I haven't really trained up a whole lot since I am saving my dust for pokemon with high IVs.

Oh, and Team Mystic for life yo.
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Re: Pokémon Go
« Reply #28 on: August 19, 2016, 05:39:16 PM »
im a group admin for my towns community  XD  its great fun turns out there's this thing called outside and its not as bad as it looks  ;)
I'm a gambling man, let's have a little wager

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Re: Pokémon Go
« Reply #29 on: August 19, 2016, 09:02:08 PM »
turns out there's this thing called outside and its not as bad as it looks  ;)

So the rumors are true!
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