Hey all, furs and furettes (if that's a word)!
This is the first time I'm actually trying to do something "bigger" about sticking with this fandom so please excuse me if I don't know all the jargon and whatever else
I'm Vuurniac from Hungary! A black cat with a little bit of a black heart. That is because I have some pretty unpopular views but that's not going to mess things up too much if I can help it. Now you might be asking how the hell do you even pronounce that name? Pretty simple, if you have seen phonetic transcriptions before (if not then the text-to-speech function of google translate should do), the "vuur" part (which comes from Dutch and means "fire") would be written as "vy:r".
I don't think I need to explaim the -niac part
The surname comes from my biggest hobby, which is a peculiar type of music called "chiptune". This is not strictly a genre, but rather a weird choice of instruments: The music is made using the sound chips of old computers and video game consoles. I have learned music through these because video games and their music tracks were there with me when I had basically zero friends. The challenge imposed by the limitations is something I love tackling. This has eventually led me to pursue programming as a hobby (even though I'm more of a humanities person in general) so now I am developing my own furtastic little game for the Nintendo Entertainment System.
A little bit about the cat...
Vuurniac is a strange case... sadly I can not truly show him to you because unlike with music (as mentioned above), I am terribly sucky with all the kinds of visual art there is. Basically he's a black cat dude. I decided to go with this because cats... they aren't kept around for the reasons livestock is, or dogs are... se they are just kinda there doing their own things. I as a gay dude feel like I am not too far off from this considering me not contributing to the persistence of the human species. His fur is black because black cats used to be (and in some places still are) heavily discriminated against and hunted because of superstition and fear. This seems to be fitting quite well too
His special ability, which is more like a curse, is that whenever he feels intense negative emotions his body bursts into a flame. It doesn't hurt him in the least, but makes it very difficult for others to even just touch him unless he can control his fears. One time he got so angry about this that he tried putting the flames out by jumping in a lake, but bubbles started coming up and he didn't want to cook the poor fish in there, so that was considered as a pretty bad attempt...
So as not to make this even lengthier, I'm going to call it a day and let you guys tell me whatever you feel like you need to tell me
It's 4 AM here (haha Americans I'm writing to you from da future!) so I better go!