So (relatively) recently I drew up a pic using ink and color pencils of Nori and I's fursonas (Nori and Calun) as a sort of gift/fun thingy since she's been my absolute no. 1 BFF ever. (FBFFs)
I'm going to be working on more, and naturally getting my skills and everything up as best I can with practice. My biggest concern was Calun's snout and some of his face, where the colors darkened a bit more than planned, so it's a little run together, but I AM proud of the gold/tan and blues there. As for Nori, I'm particularly proud of how I drew her head.
Anyway, just kind of wanted to share my first attempt at a 'true' furry/anthro art! I'm happy to get tips or advice if you want to share anything you think will be useful for me as I keep practicing.