The first game was for PC and the Xbox console. It's how I got into Halo in the first place

A friend of mine had an Xbox console on which we could play Halo 2 (original version on his, I play the remastered edition on mine now).
Besides the console, Halo 2 was also made for on Windows Vista as well. I remember I was a bit sad, because at the time we just had a PC with Windows 7 and one with

still (if I remember correctly).
I knew I really wanted to play Halo 2 and I couldn't. I was really curious how the sequel looked like (this was before I met the friend I spoke of). I also was not planning on getting an Xbox console. My GameCube was fine for me

After Windows Vista was scrapped, so were the console games specifically made for the PC. I would never play Halo 2 ever (or so I thought). Now, basically more than 10 years later, I am finally playing the game myself, fully.
Playing at my friend's place was nice, but he chose which level to play, sporadically. That, and... let's just say we wouldn't get far, because he kept throwing grenades at mah face ingame. Or even when we would be in an elevator, he would constantly drop a grenade, killing the both of us, thus restarting the part every time we had to go into the elevator.
Yeah, that's why I don't really consider that time period as me having actually played Halo 2 ^^;
It's kind of 'funny', because I've played the Halo games in the following order so far:
Halo (1) CE, (played Halo 2 sporadically,) Halo: Reach, (a bit of) Halo 3, Halo 4, (the rest of) Halo 3, Halo 2.
Now with Halo 5, I have played it a bit... before even having started on Halo 2, but then I decided I just had to finish 2 before rushing in with 5. So yeah, that's the timeline of which Halo games I played when