I know why I like and dislike Locke, talking about liking him more than Master Chief

See, the point I disliked him (and still do), is that... MC (Master Chief) was from a group of kidnapped kids, tortured, integrated, their childhood taken away, etc. They haven't learned to deal with emotions properly or social interraction. (Etc. etc.)
Locke volunteerd for the army, Locke could choose and do these things when he was 'ready' for it.
I'm not saying it's bad he had that choice. But there is more emotional attachment and backstory as to how MC grew up (as in he didn't get the chance to). It's also a character we've been with for yeeeaaars.
I like how Halo was also self-aware of this.
Halo 4 has the intro-scene (and was also I believe used as a trailer) that Halsey asked the ONI interrogator: "You want to replace him."
And in Halo 5 she also says she wants Locke to bring MC back alive (with -if I saw that correctly- a sad expression on her face).