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Author Topic: Halo  (Read 10818 times)

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Re: Halo
« Reply #135 on: January 13, 2017, 06:23:12 AM »
Yeah I did beat Halo 1 on legendary in Single player but it was a hard task that took me ages! I was also unable to beat Halo 2 on legendary in coop but I did in single player (but that took me even longer!), the reason we couldn't in coop is in halo 2 (and only halo 2) when one person died on legendary it counted as both people dying, making the game twice as difficult! In halo 3, legendary was comparatively easier and I never actually owned a copy of halo 4 so never beat it on legendary as I only played it once on heroic.

  I haven't played halo 5, it looks like a cool game but I can't be bothered getting an xbox one for a game that I would only be able to play by myself.

  Also my brother used to obsessed with halo 2 and 3, even won a few comps in halo 3. But he beat the game on Mythic in halo 2 and halo 3 (Mythic is when you play Legendary but have certain skulls on like the Mythic skull to make the game much harder)
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Re: Halo
« Reply #136 on: January 13, 2017, 07:04:27 AM »
some skulls make it easyer though! XD but i love grunt birthday party! :3 halo 1 coop on master chief collection also had the one dies we all die thing, which really sucked...

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Re: Halo
« Reply #137 on: January 14, 2017, 04:12:07 AM »
Can ppl add me to your friends
DHG sume0ne
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 04:13:38 AM by 0nefang »

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Re: Halo
« Reply #138 on: January 14, 2017, 04:45:31 AM »
have i added you yet? Nlght188' although, ive been playing a lot of destiny sence i got it...

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Re: Halo
« Reply #139 on: January 14, 2017, 04:42:08 PM »
Yeah I did beat Halo 1 on legendary in Single player but it was a hard task that took me ages! I was also unable to beat Halo 2 on legendary in coop but I did in single player (but that took me even longer!), the reason we couldn't in coop is in halo 2 (and only halo 2) when one person died on legendary it counted as both people dying, making the game twice as difficult! In halo 3, legendary was comparatively easier and I never actually owned a copy of halo 4 so never beat it on legendary as I only played it once on heroic.

  I haven't played halo 5, it looks like a cool game but I can't be bothered getting an xbox one for a game that I would only be able to play by myself.

  Also my brother used to obsessed with halo 2 and 3, even won a few comps in halo 3. But he beat the game on Mythic in halo 2 and halo 3 (Mythic is when you play Legendary but have certain skulls on like the Mythic skull to make the game much harder)
you must've accidentally used iron skull

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Re: Halo
« Reply #140 on: January 18, 2017, 02:22:59 PM »
on the other hand, I have Ventus to thank for showing me to this awesome series. Really need to get an xbox to play halo 4-5!

You're welcome o3o
I finally managed to finish Halo 3's campaign because you were pushing me to XD Played Halo 3 together with Razot when I was visiting him a while back.

It's odd. I played the first Halo game a few times (on the PC). Only played a bit of Halo 2 when visiting Lyskal (close friend) as he had an Xbox (I didn't for a long time). Halo 3 never happened for even longer.
Then along came the Xbox360, Halo: Reach. These were both on sale (together with Fable III) so I finally decided to get an Xbox.
From that point on my interest flaired up immensely for the franchise. I was able to play Halo 3 too (was also on sale).

Then a while later Halo 4 came up, but I waited and avoided spoilers successfully until the price went down. Then I bought that one and loved it. Although I did think it was a bit more confusing story-wise than the other game so far. It felt like they wanted to cram in too much plot in one go.

So far Halo 5 seems a lot calmer plot-wise and it makes more sense as I go along.

Spoiler for Hidden:
I'm at the cutscene/part Locke is now helping Master Chief :3

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Re: Halo
« Reply #141 on: January 20, 2017, 05:13:33 AM »
I've been a halo fan since they came out, been playing them my entire life and I was only 7 when I first played Halo 1. Until after halo 4 I've played every single halo game that has ever been released. So here's my experience/thoughts about each halo game

  Halo 1: This is, IMO, my favourite halo game. It might just be nostalgia that makes me say this, but I know I've had and still have the most fun playing Coop with friends on this game. The amount of craziness you can get into, the amount of things you can do and the easter eggs you can have, it's fantastic. The only part of this game that is lacking is the multiplayer, while the multiplayer is very good on the PC (especially if you get the modded out Custom Edition) the multiplayer overall (on Xbox and what-not) has been improved in later titles.

  Halo 2: When this came out I remember my friends and I thinking it was, overall, a disappointment. But when I revisited it, it actually is the most content filled halo game in the entire series. It has more enemies, levels and weapons than any other halo game, it's campaign is very long but it's overall story was a tad confusing and convoluted. Halo 2 introduced the halo franchise to the great wide world of multiplayer and with fantastic levels like Lockout it was edging to a great success.

  Halo 3: While Halo 1 is my favourite, I can't argue that Halo 3 is by far the best halo game in the entire series and no game has ever scratched it's amazingness. With a thrilling campaign, fully fleshed out multiplayer, Forge mode, theater mode, arcade mode and a level of customizability never seen before in a halo game, halo 3 was quite simply a masterpiece and was the magnum opus of Bungie. It was a fantastic wrap up, the amount of secrets and hidden easter eggs in it, the amount of fun you could have developing your own levels and the competitiveness of the matchmaking, it's no surprise people still play halo 3 today.

  Halo ODST: Perhaps jarringly, halo ODST is probably the second worst halo game ever made. It tried something new so that's commendable, but it overall failed in it's execution. Expanding halo into a more convoluted story you play as an ODST rather than a spartan, while this game promised radically different gameplay, with more of an emphasis on stealth and tactics, what results was basically a standard halo game but you die quicker and can't jump as high. Not really ideal, though Buck (played by the guy in Firefly) is fantastic and that first scene when you drop into new mombasa is fantastic. The multiplayer is basically Halo 3's multiplayer with only trivial additions.

  Halo wars: Perhaps the worst halo game ever made, not to say that it was necessarily BAD, the actual game was good and it was made by the developers of Age of Empires. The problem with the game wasn't that it was bad, it was just that it was an RTS, on an xbox. Building an RTS for a console is one of the worst ideas I can think of, controllers are just not built for level of accuracy and quick swiping you need for an RTS. Maybe if they made it turn based, but overall halo wars was just not very fun, even if it did everything it could right.

  Halo Reach: Halo reach was better than ODST and 2 but not as good as 1 or 3. It offered something new and was a good send off with bungie, adding some new additions to multiplayer and what-not, it was fun. Overall though, tbph, it was rather forgettable. It didn't really revolutionize the game in any significant way, it didn't advance the story and didn't really advance the game mechanics much. It was just basically tuning what was already there and while it does do a successful job in it, it doesn't stop it from being simply forgettable.

  Halo 4: Halo 4 was... confusing. I didn't know if it was a great new start to the fantastic series, or whether it was a disappointing divergence that relied too much on current trending tropes in games like quick-time events. The game was good, and was pretty fun to play the campaign, multiplayer was ok but I didn't play much of it. I would probably put it right around halo 2, it was less forgettable than reach as it did change a bunch of things, but I think they've jumped the shark a bit with the story and the prometheams could have been funner to verse against. Also the scope and scale of the series seems dimmed, the Didact doesn't seem like as much of a threat as the flood, so it's just sort of a game that's there. I liked it but not as much as I wanted to like it.
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Re: Halo
« Reply #142 on: January 31, 2017, 05:14:24 PM »
I realised we all never celebrated or mentioned Halo's 'birthday' mid November, nahw man XD
So happy late birthday, Halo :P
15 years is quite a long time.

I still haven't tried Halo ODST or Halo Wars (there is now a Wars 2 Beta, I think it's a free demo on Xbox One now), but I have indeed heard bad things about it.
With Halo: Reach *spoilers* I would argue it's actually one of my favourite Halo games. Although I did miss the whole Master Chief thing. It was showing more of the story from a different side. Not only was it a prequel, but it also used a lot of information and references to other things we already knew about (that is, having played the other Halo games already). I liked how it ended with Captain Keyes and the Pillar Of Autumn, how your last level was to survive as long as you could while/after you tried to protect the ship from leaving Reach from enemy fire.

I did think it was ridiculous most died in stupid ways. Either self-sacrificing (except for the first death, but still :/) or being killed in the most stupid way. Like Kat. Yeah, I wanna bet everyone knows what I'm talking about there if they played Reach.
Although it took a while for me to figure out. The theory proposed by someone was that her armour was malfunctioning (as I think others had this issue too) due to some EMP blast that happened straight before?
I can't recall, I'd have to play it again (for like the third or fourth time :P) to double-check this.
But then that death would make 'sense'. Ehhh.
Just those deaths. It felt like they wanted too badly to get rid of all the characters before the planet's inevitable glassing would appear, as these are Spartans, meaning to die fighting. I suppose ._.
That doesn't excuse some silly self-sacrificing bull, though, in my opinion.
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Re: Halo
« Reply #143 on: January 31, 2017, 10:14:06 PM »
I remember playing Halo:CE back when it first came out. When I lived in Florida, there was this place where you would pay like 25$ a head and you could play any game they had as much as you wanted. They had computers for CS:Source LAN games and an Xbox with controllers. I went with my brother and we played the coop campaign. It was one of the greatest moments of my childhood and I will cherish it forever.

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Re: Halo
« Reply #144 on: February 15, 2017, 08:54:14 PM »
That's pretty cool, Arthur Ravarius :D

As of which, MrRazot informed me of something pretty cool!
There is a script released for Halo 6. You heard it right!

There is a catch, however, which is that it is a joke-script.
All I could find on it was just two pages. Are there more pages? It seems like there is more, judging by the photographs.
Anyways, here it is, figured it might give some a chuckle or laugh.

Front page:
Joke script:

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Re: Halo
« Reply #145 on: February 16, 2017, 12:41:44 PM »
I remember playing Halo:CE back when it first came out. When I lived in Florida, there was this place where you would pay like 25$ a head and you could play any game they had as much as you wanted. They had computers for CS:Source LAN games and an Xbox with controllers. I went with my brother and we played the coop campaign. It was one of the greatest moments of my childhood and I will cherish it forever.

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were the heck is that??? i live in florida so id like to know!  XD


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Re: Halo
« Reply #146 on: March 15, 2017, 04:53:39 AM »
Who els thinks that with 343 taking hold of the halo franchise was a bad choice by microsoft?

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Re: Halo
« Reply #147 on: March 15, 2017, 05:38:25 AM »
Who els thinks that with 343 taking hold of the halo franchise was a bad choice by microsoft?

i do, honestly i think it lost a certain life after they took over...

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Re: Halo
« Reply #148 on: June 04, 2017, 08:53:01 AM »
I played Halo 5 co-op. Unfortunately it is indeed only via online multiplayer, but the two of us still had a blast ^^
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Re: Halo
« Reply #149 on: June 04, 2017, 12:53:44 PM »
awesome!  X3 im glad you enjoyed it!!


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