I love the grunts there so funny throwing plasma nades i got lucky quite a few times sticking there allies and my fav allie has to be sgt jonnsen
It always feels amazing when you can get those plasma grenades to stick to enemies, no?

And I agree with Sgt. Johnson
The suicide grunts in Reach were kind of annoying, but still pretty funny.
The first time I saw them in Reach, they scared me

Luckily -even thought I was caught off-guard- I haven't died from a suiciding-Grunt yet!
ventus, you need to set up a day for are team to play halo! question is what are we gonna play?
Perhaps I should o3o
But how to arrange this with everyone in different timezones? HMM.
I guess... later today or Friday some time, dunno if that will work, but I can always see if I can set something up via the clan like a schedule or something?
Maybe that might work?