The Doctor smiled and spoke, "Now we are going to do a little test... The test is, we are going to put you all in a room. For a few days. Together. Food will be limited so you have to split it evenly." Bailey looked at the Doctor with a shocked expression. The Doctor kept speaking, "How many days will it be you might be asking? Well, over three days. You will be monitored. Remember you're doing this for the betterment of the world!" He clapped his hands together and looked at Bailey, "Captain, please take them to the Test area."
Bailey sighed, "Will do." He knew this would end badly and he didn't want it. But he whistled, "Line up behind me!"He watched them all but waited for Al, he sat. And waited. And Waited. Until he stormed over towards Al's bunk and ripped him off the bed, "GET IN F***ING LINE!" He yelled. The doctor looked shocked.